CPL @1095 (98.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "age , was treated with _" "patient was treated with _" "Male patient was treated with _" "Female patient was treated with _" "same period patient was treated with _" "period patient was treated with _" "full prescribing information for _" ] using lovenox
CMC @977 (98.3%) on 09-feb-2016 [ SUFFIX=ox 4.06968 LASTSUFFIX=ox 2.48084 LASTPREFIX=lo 1.78714 CHARS 1.78027 SUFFIX=nox 1.50225 LASTSUFFIX=nox 1.43803 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=A 0.46970 FULL_POS=NN -0.70100 POS=NN -0.76461 WORDS -6.48025 ] using lovenox
CPL @1094 (98.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "age , was treated with _" "patient was treated with _" "Male patient was treated with _" "Female patient was treated with _" "same period patient was treated with _" "period patient was treated with _" "full prescribing information for _" ] using lovenox
SEAL @175 (65.1%) on 09-dec-2010 [ 1234567 ] using lovenox
MBL @632 (93.8%) on 12-sep-2012 [ Promotion of drug:lovenox drughassideeffect disease:side_effects ]
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1113 (85.6%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "dosage of _" "higher dose of _" "long term use of _" "doses of _" "coumadin without _" "injections of _" "medication , such as _" "dose of _" ] using lovenox