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MBL @1075 (100.0%) on 04-sep-2017 [ Promotion of chemical:tamoxifen drughassideeffect disease:side_effects ]
CMC @1081 (100.0%) on 02-dec-2017 [ SUFFIX=fen 2.02499 LASTSUFFIX=fen 1.80573 PREFIX=tamo 1.35748 LASTPREFIX=tamo 1.35726 PREFIX=tam 1.31964 LASTSUFFIX=ifen 1.28101 SUFFIX=ifen 1.27962 FULL_POS=NNS -2.04031 POS=NNS -2.46351 WORDS -4.54959 ] using tamoxifen
SEAL @215 (100.0%) on 26-feb-2011 [ 123456789101112 ] using tamoxifen
CMC @1082 (100.0%) on 04-dec-2017 [ SUFFIX=fen 2.41430 LASTSUFFIX=fen 2.17823 CHARS 1.63651 SUFFIX=ifen 1.44059 LASTSUFFIX=ifen 1.41305 PREFIX=tamo 1.25541 LASTPREFIX=tamo 1.23763 POS=NNS -0.46459 WORDS -1.59805 FULL_POS=NNS -2.65222 ] using tamoxifen
CPL @1100 (88.8%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "anti-estrogens such as _" "_ is generally well tolerated" "_ has similar side effects" "certain medications , such as _" "_ is the only drug" "possible warnings with _" "Hormone therapy with _" "joke about generic _" "cancer drug called _" "_ was the only drug" "chemotherapies such as _" "Cuts on _" "cancer drugs like _" "chemoprevention with _" "_ is a SERM" "receptor modulators such as _" "_ trusted pharmacy reviews" "effects Return to top _" "Overdose of _" "Buy discount generic _" "prescription drug , such as _" "_ is an oral medication" "_ Cause Weight Gain" "Drugs , such as _" "_ is a generic drug" "pills such as _" "manufacturer-sponsored prescription assistance program for _" "people save on _" "partial course of _" "pill called _" "cancer drugs such as _" "therapeutic/adverse effects of _" "herbal alternative to _" "chemotherapeutic agents such as _" "_ is a targeted therapy" "tips were selected for _" "_ was given a pregnancy Category D rating" "cost of generic _" "medicine generic _" "economies , cheap _" "Side Effect Of _" "_ has a generic alternative" "Medicines such as _" "treatment drugs like _" "day delivery , buy _" "online pharmacy for _" "_ is an FDA-approved medication" "Prescription drugs like _" "drugs like _" "_ intended purpose uses" "active metabolites of _" "_ undergoes extensive metabolism" "_ sold online as against" "active metabolite of _" "_ is not a controlled substance" "continued treatment with _" "drugs such as _" "_ try eating several toast" "_ sold online on" "_ is Dispatched from outside" "requirement generic _" "world side effects of _" "_ is not a steroid" "such drugs as _" "you are taking Generic _" "Side effects Return to top _" "_ is taken orally as" "you see generic _" "Certain drugs , such as _" "l'azienda tranne l'inventore originale di _" "due it you find _" "real world side effects of _" "_ is a safer drug" "_ is the standard drug" "drug used is _" "Certain drugs such as _" "next day delivery , buy _" "great Price Cuts on _" "medications such as _" "Warnings With _" "_ is the only compound" "_ is an effective drug" "_ is the active drug" "_ is currently the only drug" "pharmacy for cheap generic _" "delivery , buy _" "medication called _" "discount pharmacy for cheap generic _" "common drug interactions for _" "_ is active substance" "_ is the first drug" "order cheap _" "_ is a unique drug" "discount generic _" "_ is an anti-estrogen drug" "better drug than _" "_ is a non-steroidal drug" "blocker called _" "blockers , such as _" "_ has some common side effects" "level quantity of _" "Online Buy discount generic _" "_ is a pro-drug" "certain medications like _" "similar economies , cheap _" "_ is a miracle drug" "prescription drugs like _" "_ is an anti-estrogen" "prescription assistance program for _" "quality prescription drugs , such as _" "prescription medications such as _" "generic medicines like _" "slight cosmetic differences in _" "tranne l'inventore originale di _" "_ is a good drug" "medications like _" "bad side effects of _" "_ is a prescription drug" "_ is an antiestrogen" "originale di _" "drug interactions between _" "such medications as _" "Price Cuts on _" "retail cost of generic _" "other drugs like _" "_ is an oral drug" "_ is considered a pregnancy Category D medication" "_ is extensively metabolized in" "_ discounted price PS Card members" "_ is the only medication" "Certain medications such as _" "_ is an important drug" "drugs , such as _" "_ is a complex drug" "Drug interactions of _" "l'inventore originale di _" ] using tamoxifen
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 may I notice from arg1" "arg2 or problems from using arg1" "arg2 reported with arg1" ] using (tamoxifen, side_effects)
OE @809 (98.2%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (tamoxifen, side_effects)
SEAL @521 (96.9%) on 28-feb-2012 [ 12345 ] using (tamoxifen, side_effects)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 patients treated with arg1" "arg2 treatment called arg1" "arg2 patients taking arg1" "arg2 drugs such as arg1" "arg2 patients who need arg1" "arg2 treatment drug arg1" "arg2 treatment drugs like arg1" "arg2 drug called arg1" "arg2 who will be treated with arg1" ] using (tamoxifen, breast_cancer)
OE @809 (99.6%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (tamoxifen, cancer)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 for prevention of breast arg2" "arg1 is used to treat advanced arg2" "arg1 reduced the incidence of breast arg2" "arg1 include endometrial arg2" "arg1 for the prevention of breast arg2" "arg1 is widely used to treat arg2" ] using (tamoxifen, cancer)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 for prevention of breast arg1" "arg2 will prevent breast arg1" "arg2 reduced the risk of breast arg1" "arg2 in women with early breast arg1" "arg2 reduces risk of breast arg1" "arg2 prevents breast arg1" "arg2 reduces the incidence of breast arg1" "arg2 is used for treating breast arg1" "arg2 reduced the incidence of breast arg1" "arg2 can cause uterine arg1" "arg2 is used to treat breast arg1" "arg2 in women with metastatic breast arg1" "arg2 increases the risk of endometrial arg1" "arg2 causes uterine arg1" "arg2 after treatment for breast arg1" "arg2 may prevent breast arg1" "arg2 Women with breast arg1" "arg2 to prevent breast arg1" "arg2 for early breast arg1" "arg2 for the prevention of breast arg1" "arg2 in reducing breast arg1" "arg2 can help prevent breast arg1" "arg2 could help prevent breast arg1" "arg2 helps prevent breast arg1" "arg2 works against breast arg1" "arg2 inhibits the growth of breast arg1" "arg2 may cause uterine arg1" "arg2 reduces the risk of breast arg1" "arg2 therapy for breast arg1" "arg2 lowers the risk of breast arg1" "arg2 Treating breast arg1" "arg2 increases the risk of uterine arg1" "arg2 can prevent breast arg1" "arg2 resistance in breast arg1" "arg2 in preventing breast arg1" "arg2 may help prevent breast arg1" ] using (cancer, tamoxifen)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 may I notice from arg1" "arg2 or problems from using arg1" "arg2 reported with arg1" ] using (tamoxifen, side_effects)
OE @809 (98.2%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (tamoxifen, side_effects)
SEAL @521 (96.9%) on 28-feb-2012 [ 12345 ] using (tamoxifen, side_effects)
OE @809 (99.6%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (tamoxifen, cancer)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 for prevention of breast arg2" "arg1 is used to treat advanced arg2" "arg1 reduced the incidence of breast arg2" "arg1 include endometrial arg2" "arg1 for the prevention of breast arg2" "arg1 is widely used to treat arg2" ] using (tamoxifen, cancer)