search_ads (economicsector)
literal strings: search Ads, search ads, Search Ads
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- economicsector(100.0%)
- CPL @1103 (90.3%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "Google dominates _" "share of online _" "online advertising , paid _" "ads , paid _" "PPC paid _" "website , paid _" "Google keyword _" "pay per click _" "local paid _" "mobile paid _" "keyword based _" "effective paid _" "engines , paid _" "sites , paid _" "email , paid _" "AdSense for _" "Yahoo paid _" "optimization , paid _" "networks for online _" "search engine optimization , paid _" "Google paid _" "advertising , paid _" "results , paid _" "link building , paid _" "result , paid _" "advertising , pay-per-click _" "search , paid _" "traditional paid _" "adsense for _" "search engines , paid _" "search optimization , paid _" "advertising is paid _" "Adsense for _" "online paid _" "SEO , paid _" "engines , contextual _" "search engines , contextual _" "Google’s paid _" "campaigns , paid _" "engine optimization , paid _" "use paid _" "banner ads , paid _" "AdWords paid _" ] using search_ads
- CMC @1104 (99.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ FIRST_WORD=search 2.49927 PREFIX=searc 2.40164 PREFIX=se 2.37145 PREFIX=sear 2.18162 SUFFIX=earch 1.80389 SUFFIX=arch 1.80244 CHARS 1.66605 WORDSHAPE=Aaaaaa -0.39149 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -1.07015 WORDS -8.33737 ] using search_ads
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
- agentcompeteswithagent
- _google_
- CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Adwords and Yahoo arg1" "arg2 Adwords or Yahoo arg1" ] using (search_ads, google)
- CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Adwords and Yahoo arg1" "arg2 Adwords or Yahoo arg1" ] using (google, search_ads)
- google_
- CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Adwords and Yahoo arg1" "arg2 Adwords or Yahoo arg1" ] using (search_ads, google)
- CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Adwords and Yahoo arg1" "arg2 Adwords or Yahoo arg1" ] using (google, search_ads)
- google
- CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Adwords and Yahoo arg1" "arg2 Adwords or Yahoo arg1" ] using (search_ads, google)
- CPL @1103 (75.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Adwords and Yahoo arg1" "arg2 Adwords or Yahoo arg1" ] using (google, search_ads)