CMC @1088 (99.7%) on 22-dec-2017 [ SUFFIX=ief 2.59623 SUFFIX=ef 2.25177 PREFIX=rel 2.15020 LASTSUFFIX=ief 1.49859 LASTSUFFIX=ef 1.17634 PREFIX=relie 1.02137 LASTPREFIX=rel 0.88822 FULL_POS=NN -0.60676 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.68675 WORDS -2.70825 ] using relief
MBL @1040 (93.8%) on 14-feb-2017 [ Promotion of emotion:relief emotionassociatedwithdisease disease:arthritis ]
CPL @1094 (88.0%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "immense feelings of _" "heart burst with _" "countries have expressed _" "emotional reasons such as _" "extreme feeling of _" "great source of personal _" "He feels great _" "We give _" "I have never felt so much _" "I felt slight _" "I find complete _" "I look back with _" "I was speechless with _" "more sorrow than _" "observers have expressed _" "other feelings than _" "note of sincere _" "little note of _" "_ was expressed over" "big tears of _" "board members expressed _" "little smile of _" "member , expressed _" "more tears of _" "parents are filled with _" "I nearly screamed with _" "Surprise turned to _" "emotion I felt was _" "he was so overwhelmed with _" "he expressed _" "hearts were filled with _" "heart sings with _" "media expressed _" "it was out of pure _" "accompanying feelings of _" "me cause for _" "only glimmer of _" "little shout of _" "motives , such as _" "pain turns into _" "I feel total _" "It was therefore with considerable _" "Fear turns to _" "expression changed to _" "face was radiant with _" "he wept with _" "face flushing with _" "he had given _" "small smile of _" "I am filled with _" "huge sigh of _" "emotions such as _" "emotions ranged from _" "certain atmosphere of _" "deep feeling of _" "drivers express _" "many people expressed _" "sense of unbearable _" "parents have expressed _" "feeling of inexplicable _" "He beamed with _" "I almost wept with _" "she sighed in _" "source of unspeakable _" "shiver with _" "share feelings of _" "She finds great _" "friends expressed _" "general sigh of _" "initial expressions of _" "he grinned with _" "she gasped in _" "pleasure mixed with _" "motion for preliminary _" "twinge of _" "unshed tears of _" "silent words of _" "squeal with _" "eyes in utter _" "acts of _" "same tears of _" "sources of financial _" "slight twinge of _" "public expressed _" "commentators expressed _" "dog much _" "quick smile of _" "large sigh of _" "mayor expressed _" "participants expressed _" "others voiced _" "part , expressed _" "politicians expressed _" "conflicting feelings of _" "deep sigh of _" "feeling of utter _" "heart sing with _" "families have expressed _" "eyes blazing with _" "deeper states of _" "giant sigh of _" "heart burning with _" "companies expressed _" "intense feelings of _" "officials voiced _" "brief pang of _" "cause for great _" "paroxysm of _" "lawyers expressed _" "anger was replaced by _" "audience expressed _" "little moan of _" "little gasp of _" "heart swell with _" "heart was filled with _" "girl expressed _" "feelings of absolute _" "_ reliever in" "We heard with _" "I felt enormous _" "We noted with _" "He watched in _" "I also note with _" "United States expressed _" "_ are all common feelings" "pride mixed with _" "position , much to _" "sense of euphoric _" "she expressed great _" "I almost cried with _" "I felt so overwhelmed with _" "I felt utter _" "He grinned with _" "Powell expressed _" "I was instantly filled with _" "others have expressed _" "odd pang of _" "huge sighs of _" "folks have expressed _" "eyes twinkled with _" "feeling of inexpressible _" "first reaction is usually _" "great sighs of _" "he felt enormous _" "gesture of _" "kind words of _" "heart pounding with _" "negotiators expressed _" "moment of terrible _" "me trembling with _" "leaders are expressing _" "heart is filled with _" "“It is such _" "I 'm giddy with _" "Gray expressed _" "France expressed _" "I felt immense _" "I experienced incredible _" "patients express _" "States expressed _" "Pelosi expressed _" "I was beaming with _" "I feel very little _" "he had never felt such _" "hands shook with _" "moments of sheer _" "members also expressed _" "major feelings of _" "manufacturers expressed _" "heart bursting with _" "information , emotional _" "producers expressed _" "secret feelings of _" "cartwheels of _" "confusion mixed with _" "emotions , including _" "emotions including _" "end , much to _" "intense sensation of _" "little squeals of _" "children smile with _" "emotions , like _" "We feel much _" "I experienced deep _" "I ever felt such _" "It gives immense _" "Tony Blair expressed _" "I 'm shaking with _" "Jones expressed _" "I felt tremendous _" "I feel so much _" "such feelings of _" "sincere expressions of _" "sense of sheer _" "source of fiscal _" "short laugh of _" "tears of pure _" "I am experiencing such _" "Ki-moon expressed _" "I never felt so much _" "we watched in _" "U.S. officials expressed _" "I get immense _" "I experienced real _" "He did so with great _" "profuse expressions of _" "day of utter _" "deal of mutual _" "author expresses _" "slight feeling of _" "short prayer of _" "sense of palpable _" "sense of slight _" "she also expressed _" "Committee expressed _" "...tears of _" "Kofi Annan expressed _" "Feelings of _" "I just feel so much _" "owners express _" "look of extreme _" "time I felt such _" "_ was the only emotion" "positive emotions like _" "big bouquet of _" "real wave of _" "post traumatic _" "others expressed _" "look of intense _" "leaders express _" "people expressed _" "occasional feelings of _" "patients have expressed _" "primary emotion is _" "me giddy with _" "apprehension turned to _" "them have expressed _" "sides expressed _" "heart tremble with _" "genuine tears of _" "look of incredible _" "heart felt _" "faces beaming with _" "feeling other than _" "She groaned in _" "we look forward with _" "mixture of profound _" "members have expressed _" "mixed expression of _" "news with much _" "_ suddenly came over" "efforts were met with _" "mingled feelings of _" "many emotions including _" "look of innocent _" "me expressing _" "family had expressed _" "feelings such as _" "face flushed with _" "me grinning with _" "look of utter _" "meeting , expressed _" "we give _" "heart leapt in _" "everyone is filled with _" "fans expressed _" "gasp with _" "officials also expressed _" "joy , inner _" "lead , much to _" "I nod in _" "I felt sudden _" "We watched in _" "looks of utter _" "me weep with _" "mingled feeling of _" "I received tremendous _" "I was received with great _" "I feel overwhelming _" "I feel incredible _" "I yelped with _" "It is with great _" "they feel tremendous _" "tears of deep _" "feelings of extreme _" "exultation , of _" "week expressed _" "voice was filled with _" "them expressed _" "we were filled with _" "people have expressed _" "big shout of _" "I feel profound _" "I exploded with _" "I felt true _" "Matthews expressed _" "community has expressed _" "nods of _" "look of naked _" "comments expressing _" "expression of desperate _" "inward feeling of _" "She felt such _" "We were giddy with _" "I was overcome with _" "She expressed great _" "they looked on in _" "we are overcome with _" "psychological effects , such as _" "relatives expressed _" "tears of _" "spontaneous outburst of _" "Ford expressed _" "Several people expressed _" "I feel huge _" "I was trembling with _" "Johnson expressed _" "I felt pure _" "Iraqis expressed _" "it brought so much _" "he beamed with _" "horror mixed with _" "industry have expressed _" "he sighed with _" "grin of pure _" "heart fill with _" "_ are common emotions" "I remember feeling great _" "I felt was pure _" "Annan expressed _" "contradictory feelings of _" "contentment , of _" "Board members expressed _" "Germany expressed _" "I was filled with _" "He hissed in _" "brief glimmer of _" "act of profound _" "business leaders have expressed _" "audience roared with _" "world watched with _" "we feel intense _" "much fear as _" "it was with profound _" "she felt so much _" "source of deep _" "surge of overwhelming _" "respondents expressed _" "she screamed with _" "parents expressing _" "visible show of _" "tremendous sigh of _" "many expressed _" "more complaints than _" "little shiver of _" "I also felt great _" "It was with deep _" "Africa , expressed _" "I felt absolute _" "I note with _" "I be filled with _" "Parker expressed _" "We take great _" "amount of parental _" "simultaneous feelings of _" "she did express _" "moments of sublime _" "joy tinged with _" "many had expressed _" "mixed feeling of _" "I am speechless with _" "I have found so much _" "feelings ranged from _" "family expresses _" "councilors expressed _" "animals much _" "he gazes with _" "inexpressible feeling of _" "subsequent feeling of _" "_ was the dominant emotion" "look of total _" "look of pure _" "speaker expressed _" "moment of silent _" "overwhelming feeling of _" "conference expressed _" "feeling of sexual _" "genuine feelings of _" "feelings of profound _" "entrepreneurs expressed _" "expression of ineffable _" "vague sense of _" "significant feelings of _" "unexplainable feeling of _" "us give _" "brief expression of _" "chest heaving with _" "delegates expressed _" "customers express _" "audience members expressed _" "paroxysms of _" "prime minister expressed _" "palpable wave of _" "pang of _" "administration expressed _" "long breath of _" "posters expressing _" "own tears of _" "yesterday expressed _" "twin emotions of _" "eyes were lit with _" "he felt true _" "fear was replaced by _" "leadership expressed _" "officials express _" "look of deep _" "I nearly cried with _" "They bring such _" "He expressed great _" "God Give _" "Hot tears of _" "emotions , such as _" "look of mild _" "leaders voiced _" "tokens of _" "temporary feelings of _" "It 's with great _" "I noticed with great _" "I cry out of _" "It is with genuine _" "we took great _" "it is with much _" "great joy , great _" "small pang of _" "state expressed _" "they expressed great _" "undeniable feeling of _" "sigh of _" "reaction was overwhelming _" "myself filled with _" "women expressed _" "I feel utter _" "Many patients express _" "I have ever felt such _" "It was with profound _" "she giggled with _" "donors expressed _" "they 've expressed _" "tears of genuine _" "voices filled with _" "th" ] using relief
SEAL @35 (59.6%) on 27-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using relief
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 from conditions like arg2" "arg1 from rheumatism and arg2" "arg1 from Rheumatoid arg2" "arg1 from chronic conditions such as arg2" ] using (relief, arthritis)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 from arthritis or arg2" "arg1 from sore muscles and arg2" "arg1 from such problems as arg2" ] using (relief, joint_pain)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is a commonly prescribed arg2" "arg1 is widely prescribed for arg2" "arg1 is most commonly prescribed for arg2" ] using (oxycodone, relief)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 natural immune arg1" "arg2 by calming the nervous arg1" "arg2 system and nervous arg1" "arg2 and strengthen your immune arg1" ] using (system, relief)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 natural immune arg1" "arg2 by calming the nervous arg1" "arg2 system and nervous arg1" "arg2 and strengthen your immune arg1" ] using (system, relief)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 York City is arg2" "arg1 Orleans and Gulf Coast arg2" "arg1 Zealand and arg2" "arg1 Delhi is arg2" "arg1 Mexico was arg2" ] using (new, relief)