CPL @1107 (52.6%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ speaking residents" "_ speaking youth" "someone speaking _" "India speaking _" "_ is the usual language" "translation services from _" "_ are widely spoken in" "_ Speaking Bride Seeks Groom" "regional languages including _" "grammar of modern _" "_ speaking members" "_ Do n't hesitate in" "She speaks fluent _" "_ speaking persons" "novelists writing in _" "lawyers are fluent in _" "Other languages include _" "more people speak _" "_ speaking owners" "_ is the official language" "parents spoke _" "regional languages such as _" "_ is a mother tongue" "anyone here speak _" "_ speaking areas" "conversational proficiency in _" "_ speaking part" "_ speaking solicitors" "_ be the official language" "tongue is not _" "they also speak _" "people speak _" "other language than _" "mother language is _" "everyone spoke _" "literature translated into _" "translation service between _" "_ was made the official language" "_ speaking province" "_ speaking guy" "She speaks good _" "short stories translated into _" "common languages are _" "_ is widely spoken in" "_ is the only language" "_ speaking staff members" "she is fluent in _" "strong local churches among _" "He spoke fluent _" "they speak only _" "Indian languages including _" "She is fluent in _" "He is also fluent in _" "English documents to _" "I do n't speak _" "_ is the main language" "_ is also widely spoken in" "Translations are available in _" "English books into _" "_ speaking audience" "Lyrics are in _" "They do speak _" "_ is mainly spoken in" "_ expatriates in" "publications , available in _" "he is fluent in _" "ethnic groups such as _" "other languages other than _" "_ speaking area" "I do not speak _" "fluent speaker of _" "_ speaking world" "language groups are _" "language spoken is _" "languages besides _" "mother tongue was _" "family did n't speak _" "They do n't speak _" "_ is the first language" "It was also translated into _" "He does not speak _" "Indian languages like _" "I speak fluent _" "several languages besides _" "they spoke only _" "primary languages are _" "_ is the dominant language" "native languages such as _" "first language is not _" "Other languages spoken are _" "_ speaking home" "friend speaks _" "mother-tongue is _" "language , next to _" "writers writing in _" "we always speak _" "video is also available in _" "work has been translated into _" "world speak _" "we only spoke _" "He was fluent in _" "_ speaking staff" "native language is _" "many speak _" "mother tongue is _" "wife spoke _" "translation into _" "she 's fluent in _" "_ is the common language" "you do not speak _" "many languages including _" "languages spoken include _" "standard written _" "quality translations from into _" "you do n't speak _" "translators working from _" "_ is a phonetic language" "high quality translations from into _" "He speaks fluent _" "They do not speak _" "_ speaking priests" "red blooded _" "_ is an ethnicity" "tracks are sung in _" "_ speaking customers" "_ speaking people" "_ Speaking guide" "I am not fluent in _" "_ has a long past history" "_ speaking territories" "_ speaking candidate" "_ speaking soldiers" "_ speaking lands" "_ speaking families" "poems were translated into _" "majority speaks _" "lectures are delivered in _" "many different languages including _" "primary language is _" "main language is _" "You probably do n't speak _" "area speak _" "_ speaking schools" "I also speak _" "author writing in _" "_ speaking friends" "first language was _" "them speak _" "mom speaks _" "language distinct from _" "people also speak _" "poetry written in _" "_ ruling class" "many people speak _" "main languages spoken are _" "instructor fluent in _" "such languages as _" "population speaks _" "technical translations from _" "non-speakers of _" "I am fluent in _" "language is _" "_ is the principal language" "minority languages include _" "major languages are _" "_ speaking Groom" "_ speaking peoples" "instructions were in _" "different languages , including _" "language spoken here is _" "multiple languages , including _" "literary works into _" "_ are the main languages" "different languages including _" "course is taught in _" "official language is _" "_ is not the mother tongue" "_ is not an official language" "_ expatriates living in" "_ expatriates around" "_ speaking city" "regional languages like _" "regional languages , such as _" "friends spoke _" "She does n’t speak _" "native command of _" "parents did not speak _" "_ is the spoken language" "experience working with highly-technical _" "site is also in _" "she also speaks _" "immigrants speak _" "stories translated into _" "literary writing in _" "different languages like _" "_ speaking parents" "many people spoke _" "card written in _" "parents speak _" "main language spoken is _" "_ is the major language" "various languages , including _" "lyrics were in _" "fluent in _" "other such events organized in _" "play written in _" "husband speaks _" "_ speaking majority" "_ speaking person" "courses taught in _" "comfortable speaking _" "document is available in _" "_ is the mother language" "_ was the only language" "_ is the primary language" "_ speaking market" "population spoke _" "first language is _" "mother tongue is not _" "India speak _" "Language instruction in _" "_ speaking parts" "_ was the common language" "oral skills in _" "language besides _" "_ was not the language" "full sentence in _" "_ is a dominant language" "_ was the mother tongue" "languages other than _" "Indian languages such as _" "other languages into _" "dominant language is _" "area spoke _" "_ speaking Muslims" "_ speaking region" "several languages , including _" "_ is also spoken by" "_ speaking community" "_ speaking migrants" "_ is a second language" "_ is a complete fun" "_ speaking crew" "_ is the sole language" "poems translated into _" "It has been translated into _" "children do n't speak _" "he translated into _" "majority speak _" "translations into _" "_ is the local language" "main languages are _" "native language is not _" "we translate into _" "Malaysian born _" "lyrics are mostly in _" "pamphlet is available in _" "languages spoken here are _" "_ speaking states" "_ is really rusty" "_ speaking clients" "good command over _" "_ translated version" "_ speaking countries" "bilingual , speaking _" "He is fluent in _" "Services are available in _" "European languages such as _" "Canada speak _" "Asian languages including _" "Other minority languages include _" "father speaks _" "mother-tongue was _" "officers speak _" "_ born actress" "_ speaking students" "_ is the majority language" "_ speaking teacher" "staff fluent in _" "_ speaking state" "_ speaking actors" "_ speaking jobs" "_ speaking branch" "generation speaks _" "native speaker of _" "many dialects of _" "_ speaking portion" "_ speaking prisoners" "_ speaking regions" "leaflets written in _" "dont speak _" "_ speaking Bride" "I translated into _" "family speaks _" "Indian languages , such as _" "You speak _" "intermediate level of _" "_ speaking women" "_ remained the language" "_ is not the official language" "he spoke only _" "non-native speakers of _" "lyrics are sung in _" "language other than _" "survey is available in _" "language except _" "_ is spoken throughout" "_ speaking population" "_ is the preferred language" "Asian languages like _" "_ born father" "_ being the first language" "native language was _" "We speak _" "poems translated from _" "multiple languages including _" "_ is also spoken as" "We also work from _" "documents translated from _" "_ swear word" "bilingual in _" "family speak _" "common translations are from _" "contemporary poetry in _" "many languages , including _" "_ speaking immigrants" "_ speaking belt" "important languages are _" "everything is translated into _" "other language besides _" "multilingual , speaking _" "languages spoken are _" "different languages , like _" "_ speaking public" "_ speaking officers" "family spoke _" "Many people also speak _" "She also speaks fluent _" "_ believers boldness" "web source files to _" "simultaneous translation in _" "_ is the second most-spoken language" "_ speaking communities" "_ speaking theatre" "_ speaking nations" "_ speaking children" "guy speaks _" "driver spoke _" "native fluency in _" "other languages like _" "_ are the major languages" "extensive experience working with highly-technical _" "_ is a cool language" "official language , while _" "they dont speak _" "translations from into _" "several languages including _" "speaker , fluent in _" "multi-lingual , speaking _" "subtitles in _" "such events organized in _" "_ speaking populations" "good command of _" "_ are the other languages" "_ is the second official language" "_ speaking Christians" "_ speaking readers" "Ltd. work translating _" "document translated from _" "numerous languages including _" "principal language is _" "_ is a key language" "ethnic groups like _" "staff speak _" "modern languages , such as _" "language is not _" "other languages such as _" ] using punjabi
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey