SEAL @623 (100.0%) on 10-aug-2012 [ 1 ] using demeter
CPL @1103 (68.4%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "Greek equivalent was _" "_ was the ancient Greek goddess" "_ became goddess" "Goddesses such as _" "_ persuaded Zeus" "wooden image of _" "womb of _" "virgin called _" "Greek worship of _" "_ is the patron goddess" "mythus of _" "temple of goddess _" "goddesses such as _" "Homeric Hymn to _" "_ was so heart-broken" "_ 's daughter Persephone" "Hades abducted _" "WOMEN by _" "goddesses , like _" "_ was the Mother" "_ was the daughter" "_ was the Greek Goddess" "wooden statue of _" "_ 's motherhood" "goddess such as _" "first priestess of _" "_ 's priestesses" "_ gets very sad" "he was born of _" "honor of goddess _" "_ was the greek goddess" "_ is an earth goddess" "_ was patroness" "Wreathed head of _" "cave sacred to _" "book Mysteries of _" "_ is not a goddess" "Zeus married _" "_ was the sister" "Goddesses like _" "_ 's Delicacies" "_ is the Greek Goddess" "_ was the only goddess" "_ 's Story Return" "mystery cult of _" "sanctuaries dedicated to _" ] using demeter
MBL @336 (100.0%) on 07-jul-2011 [ Promotion of female:demeter motherofperson female:dionysus ]
CMC @1109 (99.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=er 2.18733 LASTPREFIX=demet 2.08159 PREFIX=demet 2.08019 LASTSUFFIX=meter 1.85502 SUFFIX=meter 1.76913 LASTSUFFIX=eter 1.46563 LASTPREFIX=deme 1.42497 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -1.11568 WORDS -2.77999 FULL_POS=NN -3.82367 ] using demeter