CPL @1115 (85.6%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "Drama starring _" "show also stars _" "fotos including for _" "documentary is narrated by _" "_ was a great actress" "_ plays the President" "voice talents of _" "celebrities including _" "role was given to _" "actress like _" "love story starring _" "_ played Dr." "Movie stills of _" "such actors as _" "popular nude celebrities like _" "physical compatibility with _" "additional fotos including for _" "version starring _" "_ 's Fan Pages" "film starring _" "stars include _" "celebrity clientele includes _" "war drama starring _" "Interesting Question regarding _" "Guest stars include _" "cast , including _" "classic starring _" "celebrities such as _" "actress played by _" "girlfriend played by _" "Bond babe _" "_ Do a love match" "U.S. named _" "_ have no fans" "Hollywood celebrities such as _" "such stars as _" "such celebrities as _" "gown created for _" "actress called _" "cast including _" "Heart starring _" "_ ' photos click" "interest played by _" "_ 's birth name" "Woman starring _" "comedy also stars _" "rare images of _" "Drama , starring _" "novel , starring _" "movie starred _" "_ is a fabulous actress" "producers went with _" "_ currently has no TV shows" "celebrity clients like _" "Celebrities such as _" "celebrities , such as _" "movie stars _" "TV miniseries starring _" "films starring _" "Actresses such as _" "drama starring _" "series starring _" "series starred _" "Time , starring _" "Thriller , starring _" "_ 's gossips" "VHS films starring _" "spokesperson like _" "Ebay items for _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "Time starring _" "movie , starring _" "coach , played by _" "actresses such as _" "celebrities like _" "short marriage to _" "great actress like _" "He co-starred with _" "movie starring _" "character , played by _" "movie version with _" "he co-starred with _" "_ links offered by" "_ plays the girl" "other persons named _" "nude celebrities like _" "_ is a wonderful actress" "_ is the only cast member" "_ ' photos Click" "Stranger , starring _" "She was played by _" "_ 's birth chart" "celebrity moms like _" "drama , starring _" "_ Find rare images" "movies starring _" "love match with _" "_ 's Charity Work" "comedy starring _" "story , starring _" "character played by _" "actress , see _" "film narrated by _" "persons named _" "cast includes _" "title character , played by _" "television series starring _" "Woman , starring _" "love interest played by _" "classic film starring _" "he co-stars with _" "available photos of _" "VHS featuring _" "wife was played by _" "View quotes by _" "lady played by _" "well-known artists such as _" "role opposite _" "small role opposite _" "film also stars _" "_ played Jane" "_ stars as" "miniseries starring _" ] using jane_seymour
SEAL @175 (99.6%) on 09-dec-2010 [ 12345678 ] using jane_seymour
CPL @1116 (85.0%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "Drama starring _" "show also stars _" "fotos including for _" "documentary is narrated by _" "popular television series starring _" "_ was a great actress" "_ plays the President" "voice talents of _" "celebrities including _" "role was given to _" "actress like _" "love story starring _" "_ played Dr." "Movie stills of _" "_ 's Breasts" "such actors as _" "_ quotes at" "popular nude celebrities like _" "physical compatibility with _" "additional fotos including for _" "version starring _" "program , narrated by _" "_ 's Fan Pages" "film starring _" "stars include _" "celebrity clientele includes _" "war drama starring _" "Interesting Question regarding _" "Guest stars include _" "cast , including _" "_ 's recent appearances" "classic starring _" "celebrities such as _" "actress played by _" "girlfriend played by _" "Bond babe _" "_ Do a love match" "U.S. named _" "_ have no fans" "Hollywood celebrities such as _" "such stars as _" "such celebrities as _" "gown created for _" "actress called _" "cast including _" "Heart starring _" "_ ' photos click" "interest played by _" "_ 's birth name" "Woman starring _" "comedy also stars _" "rare images of _" "Drama , starring _" "novel , starring _" "movie starred _" "_ is a fabulous actress" "_ currently has no TV shows" "celebrity clients like _" "Celebrities such as _" "celebrities , such as _" "movie stars _" "TV miniseries starring _" "films starring _" "Actresses such as _" "drama starring _" "series starring _" "series starred _" "Time , starring _" "she 's played by _" "Thriller , starring _" "_ 's gossips" "screen debut of _" "VHS films starring _" "Ebay items for _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "(voice of _" "movie , starring _" "_ won a Golden Globe" "stars including _" "coach , played by _" "actresses such as _" "celebrities like _" "short marriage to _" "great actress like _" "He co-starred with _" "movie starring _" "character , played by _" "movie version with _" "he co-starred with _" "_ links offered by" "_ plays the girl" "other persons named _" "_ was offered the role" "Way starring _" "nude celebrities like _" "_ is a wonderful actress" "_ ' photos Click" "Stranger , starring _" "She was played by _" "made-for-TV movie starring _" "_ 's birth chart" "_ starred in" "celebrity moms like _" "drama , starring _" "_ Find rare images" "movies starring _" "love match with _" "_ 's Charity Work" "comedy starring _" "story , starring _" "character played by _" "actress , see _" "actors , including _" "Question regarding _" "film narrated by _" "persons named _" "characters played by _" "cast includes _" "stars such as _" "self , played by _" "title character , played by _" "television series starring _" "Woman , starring _" "love interest played by _" "classic film starring _" "he co-stars with _" "available photos of _" "VHS featuring _" "wife was played by _" "View quotes by _" "lady played by _" "well-known artists such as _" "role opposite _" "small role opposite _" "film also stars _" "documentary film narrated by _" "_ played Jane" "_ stars as" "miniseries starring _" ] using jane_seymour
SEAL @196 (98.4%) on 02-feb-2011 [ 123456 ] using jane_seymour
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 wooed arg2" "arg1 then married arg2" "arg1 and his mother was arg2" "arg1 was married to arg2" "arg1 could marry arg2" "arg1 and his wife arg2" ] using (henry_viii, jane_seymour)