SEAL @186 (100.0%) on 10-jan-2011 [ 12 ] using nicole_kidman
CMC @838 (100.0%) on 15-may-2014 [ SUFFIX=an 4.94734 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 3.75061 PREFIX=ni 3.02847 PREFIX=ki 2.91370 LASTSUFFIX=man 2.69719 POS=NN 2.19956 LASTPREFIX=ki 2.01489 FULL_POS=JJ_NN -4.22683 CHARS -5.39216 WORDS -8.11680 ] using nicole_kidman
CPL @1104 (94.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "powerhouse performance by _" "big stars such as _" "films starring _" "hit starring _" "A-listers like _" "Golden Compass , starring _" "actor like _" "famous stars as _" "film version starring _" "first official picture of _" "film stars including _" "ensemble cast led by _" "role was originally intended for _" "it is starring _" "_ has a baby bump" "starlets like _" "role essayed by _" "Such stars as _" "Smith , starring _" "A-listers , including _" "Stone , played by _" "acting by _" "actors including _" "herself , played by _" "celebs including _" "brilliant performance by _" "dubbing voice of _" "new movie , starring _" "_ turned the role" "_ continually updated from around" "_ gives a stellar performance" "_ Has Baby Girl" "central performance by _" "stars opposite _" "_ plays the lead" "black comedy starring _" "_ 's wax figure" "film , narrated by _" "several celebrities including _" "celebrity clients like _" "film stars _" "he played opposite _" "cast led by _" "_ Has a Baby Girl" "surgeon , played by _" "It also stars _" "She stars alongside _" "Illusions of _" "_ started acting at" "production starring _" "famous celebrities like _" "relationships do not interest _" "such actors as _" "Movie starring _" "_ gives an amazing performance" "_ gives another great performance" "_ has a creative mind" "protagonist , played by _" "star cast including _" "_ is a good actress" "A-list celebrities such as _" "Film starring _" "_ 's Baby Bump" "cast , headed by _" "celebs such as _" "Film stars like _" "Project , starring _" "Poster , Starring _" "_ feels that little" "acting lessons from _" "name stars like _" "author , played by _" "_ oops photos" "supporting performance by _" "overacting by _" "name starring _" "movie also stars _" "_ was originally cast as" "bombshells like _" "_ played Anna" "rare images of _" "it stars _" "_ has an intuitive awareness" "_ gives an Oscar-worthy performance" "you everything you want about _" "title character is played by _" "such famous stars as _" "_ 's dollpage" "celebs like _" "_ Find Celebrity Pictures" "_ seems miscast as" "ensemble cast , led by _" "screen starring _" "title starring _" "characters played by _" "doctor played by _" "_ has good psychological insight" "It was later covered by _" ",aslo include _" "Other stars include _" "It stars _" "Ahmed is Knowing _" "_ quit the film" "_ quotes at" "_ 's body double" "Actors such as _" "_ became the new face" "Hollywood actors such as _" "security are very important to _" "_ 's first major role" "ensemble cast including _" "me I resemble _" "life starring _" "Girl , starring _" "it starred _" "acting performance by _" "_ is seen rummaging in" "_ perfectly cast as" "amazing cast including _" "It is starring _" "Oscar winners like _" "_ is a brilliant actress" "_ has the title role" "screen debut of _" "movie stars such as _" "comedians such as _" "cast including _" "other interesting links of _" "_ was photographed arriving at" "_ spends the whole movie" "passionate is _" "collectibles connected with _" "character opposite _" "_ Find rare images" "_ has been offered the part" "Award-winning film starring _" "II , starring _" "_ 's gossips" "central character played by _" "Mountain starring _" "_ plays the mother" "web site starring _" "celebrities including _" "_ attend the world premiere" "_ is not always interested in" "_ plays the sister" "_ plays a woman" "cast includes _" "_ is well cast as" "_ plays Anna" "_ plays Grace" "movie version with _" "movie version starring _" "Hollywood heavyweights such as _" "Lady , starring _" "Rouge starring _" "Compass , starring _" "DVD starring _" "Hours , with _" "_ gives a good performance" "actresses , such as _" "title character played by _" "couple played by _" "saga starring _" "standout performance by _" "film was played by _" "Hollywood stars like _" "chilling suspense are also popular with _" "cameo by _" "characters , played by _" "he stars opposite _" "Rehab In Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "_ 's baby bump" "_ 's first starring role" "_ craves frequent change" "many celebrities , such as _" "_ 's Oscar acceptance speech" "actress like _" "it looks so natural _" "movie , starring _" "new movie with _" "_ is a versatile actress" "she costarred with _" "_ plays the heroine" "ad starring _" "_ quote Similar Quotes" "_ portray in" "tale also stars _" "high-profile marriage to _" "film , starring _" "profile celebrities such as _" "book , starring _" "version starring _" "major movie starring _" "Widescreen Edition)DDD reviews _" "popular nude celebrities like _" "Story starring _" "Cruise met _" "U.S. named _" "sirens such as _" "_ lead an all-star cast" "stars include _" "you 're really about with _" "writer played by _" "picturesPerfect People feature on _" "scene-stealer is _" "adaptation starring _" "_ plays an actress" "_ is overly responsible" "girlcrush on _" "fantasy film starring _" "_ won the part" "past winners such as _" "family drama starring _" "_ stars opposite" "_ stars as" "_ gives a fantastic performance" "role made famous by _" "red carpet , including _" "_ starred as" "terrific cast including _" "stars such as _" "suspense are also popular with _" "movie debut opposite _" "Cast List :Featuring _" "Australia starring _" "Girl starring _" "Moulin Rouge , starring _" "film adaptation starring _" "Hours , starring _" "_ is a wonderful actress" "_ plays a reporter" "_ 's new flick" "Search has selected _" "Costume worn by _" "_ winning an Oscar" "all-star cast led by _" "favorite actress is _" "physical compatibility with _" "performance opposite _" "year starring _" "wife played by _" "_ undergoes periodic emotional upheavals" "She appeared alongside _" "He also dated _" "In Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "version , starring _" "unknown actress named _" "_ lookalikes for" "wife , played by _" "relationship with co-star _" "famous faces , including _" "great actors including _" "young woman played by _" "movies starring _" "movie web site starring _" "she appeared alongside _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "Moulin Rouge starring _" "II starring _" "such actresses as _" "beautiful women , including _" "such notable actors as _" "_ play the following character" "actors , like _" "role went to _" "main character , played by _" "_ is a fabulous actress" "_ 's tour-de-force performance" "– starring _" "Oscar-nominated film starring _" "Anna , played by _" "A-list stars including _" "young actors such as _" "version stars _" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "comedy starred _" "role opposite _" "Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "Magic starring _" "forthcoming film starring _" "great acting by _" "feature film starring _" "Broadway starring _" "View quotes by _" "star-studded cast including _" "drama stars _" "couple , played by _" "Wives , starring _" "fashion icons such as _" "Hollywood stars including _" "_ 's Relationships" "big name stars like _" "love story starring _" "major film starring _" "sex scene with _" "epic starring _" "fine acting of _" "Hollywood celebrities including _" "international cast , including _" "_ is a better actress" "_ stars in" "star , played by _" "actor named _" "celebs included _" "Life , starring _" "Hollywood stars _" "Edition)DDD reviews _" "actors , including _" "heiress played by _" "_ co-starred in" "celebrity clients such as _" "_ belongs has tremendous opportunities" "celebrities like _" "children with ex-wife _" "actresses , including _" "popular celebrities such as _" "flick starring _" "look worn by _" "new movie starring _" "_ 's Russian accent" "A-Listers like _" "lady played by _" "Hollywood celebrities like _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "_ also needs a great deal" "Stars such as _" "A-list celebrities like _" "_ 's charcter" "celebrity following including _" "character , played by _" "voice cast led by _" "supporting cast includes _" "Trailer Starring _" "Sarah , played by _" "Films starring _" "A-listers such as _" "List :Featuring _" "thriller , starring _" "stars including _" "_ is actress" "several celebrities such as _" "role originated by _" "classmates included _" "_ is not only an actress" "he stars with _" "she 's played by _" "star turn by _" "thespians like _" "_ is credited alongside" "_ plays a psychiatrist" "Wedding starring _" "actors such as _" "video news clips of _" "star-studded cast includes _" "movie star like _" "movie starred _" "movie adaptation starring _" "comedy , starring _" "_ avoids opposition" "_ was not the only choice" "_ plays a doctor" "debut starring _" "lead performance by _" "hollywood stars like _" "_ 's wax statue" "_ gives a brilliant performance" "summer , starring _" "stellar cast including _" "_ gets the Oscar" "same title starring _" "Best Actress went to _" "Celebrities such as _" "_ 's screen debut" "A-list celebrities including _" "new film starring _" "actresses including _" "_ was originally cast in" "actors like _" "heroine played by _" "film version , starring _" "starlets such as _" "_ have no fans" "supporting role opposite _" "Mountain , starring _" "Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "_ played Grace" "married couple played by _" "upcoming movie starring _" "_ 's Oscar-winning performance" "Hollywood stars , including _" "great supporting cast includes _" "great cast with _" "favourite actress is _" "film are played by _" "he starred with _" "filmsshows featuring _" "live-action film starring _" "many stars , including _" "Hollywood celebrities , including _" "cast headed by _" "co-starring role with _" "he starred in with _" "popular film starring _" "picture stars _" "movie version by _" "intimate is _" "mother , played by _" "same name , starring _" "picture starring _" "_ was given a Lifetime Achievement Award" "_ has powerful magnetic relationships" "famous friends like _" "interest , played by _" "_ is woefully miscast as" "style icons like _" "Hollyw" ] using nicole_kidman
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of actor:nicole_kidman actorstarredinmovie movie:the_hours ]
SEAL @177 (99.9%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 12345678910 ] using nicole_kidman
CPL @1109 (91.1%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "big stars such as _" "films starring _" "hit starring _" "A-listers like _" "Golden Compass , starring _" "Love match with _" "famous stars as _" "film version starring _" "ensemble cast led by _" "role was originally intended for _" "starlets like _" "role essayed by _" "_ 's new movie" "Such stars as _" "Smith , starring _" "production company listed for _" "A-listers , including _" "actors including _" "_ does the voice" "celebs including _" "dubbing voice of _" "new movie , starring _" "_ gives a stellar performance" "_ Has Baby Girl" "central performance by _" "stars opposite _" "_ plays the lead" "black comedy starring _" "film , narrated by _" "several celebrities including _" "celebrity clients like _" "film stars _" "he played opposite _" "cast led by _" "_ Has a Baby Girl" "It also stars _" "Illusions of _" "Hollywood elite like _" "_ started acting at" "popular celebrities like _" "production starring _" "famous celebrities like _" "relationships do not interest _" "such actors as _" "Movie starring _" "famous stars such as _" "_ Provides news links" "_ gives an amazing performance" "_ gives another great performance" "protagonist , played by _" "star cast including _" "A-list celebrities such as _" "Film starring _" "_ 's Baby Bump" "cast , headed by _" "celebs such as _" "Project , starring _" "_ feels that little" "name stars like _" "_ oops photos" "supporting performance by _" "name starring _" "movie also stars _" "_ was originally cast as" "_ is reportedly pregnant" "_ played Anna" "rare images of _" "it stars _" "_ has an intuitive awareness" "you everything you want about _" "_ 's dollpage" "celebs like _" "_ Find Celebrity Pictures" "screen starring _" "title starring _" "campaign starring _" "doctor played by _" "_ has good psychological insight" "It was later covered by _" ",aslo include _" "Other stars include _" "It stars _" "Ahmed is Knowing _" "Actors such as _" "_ became the new face" "Hollywood actors such as _" "security are very important to _" "Hollywood blockbuster starring _" "ensemble cast including _" "me I resemble _" "life starring _" "Girl , starring _" "it starred _" "_ perfectly cast as" "It is starring _" "_ has the title role" "movie stars such as _" "comedians such as _" "cast including _" "other interesting links of _" "_ 's new thriller" "passionate is _" "collectibles connected with _" "_ Find rare images" "Award-winning film starring _" "II , starring _" "_ 's gossips" "Academy Award-winning film starring _" "central character played by _" "_ plays the mother" "web site starring _" "celebrities including _" "_ attend the world premiere" "_ is not always interested in" "_ plays a woman" "megastars like _" "cast includes _" "_ is well cast as" "_ plays Anna" "movie version with _" "movie version starring _" "_ 's plastic surgeon" "Hollywood heavyweights such as _" "Lady , starring _" "mega-stars such as _" "celebrities , including _" "Compass , starring _" "DVD starring _" "_ gives a good performance" "actresses , such as _" "title character played by _" "couple played by _" "standout performance by _" "Hollywood stars like _" "chilling suspense are also popular with _" "he stars opposite _" "_ 's baby bump" "_ craves frequent change" "many celebrities , such as _" "_ 's Oscar acceptance speech" "actress like _" "movie , starring _" "she costarred with _" "_ plays the heroine" "ad starring _" "_ portray in" "tale also stars _" "high-profile marriage to _" "film , starring _" "profile celebrities such as _" "book , starring _" "celebrity fans such as _" "version starring _" "Widescreen Edition)DDD reviews _" "popular nude celebrities like _" "Story starring _" "U.S. named _" "sirens such as _" "_ lead an all-star cast" "stars include _" "picturesPerfect People feature on _" "adaptation starring _" "_ plays an actress" "_ is overly responsible" "fantasy film starring _" "family drama starring _" "_ stars as" "_ 's baby photo" "_ gives a fantastic performance" "role made famous by _" "suspense are also popular with _" "movie debut opposite _" "Cast List :Featuring _" "Australia starring _" "Girl starring _" "film adaptation starring _" "Hours , starring _" "_ is a wonderful actress" "_ was spotted arriving at" "_ Shows Off" "_ 's new flick" "Search has selected _" "all-star cast led by _" "he was still married to _" "favorite actress is _" "physical compatibility with _" "performance opposite _" "year starring _" "wife played by _" "_ undergoes periodic emotional upheavals" "She appeared alongside _" "He also dated _" "version , starring _" "unknown actress named _" "_ lookalikes for" "wife , played by _" "relationship with co-star _" "famous faces , including _" "young woman played by _" "movies starring _" "movie web site starring _" "she appeared alongside _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "II starring _" "such actresses as _" "such notable actors as _" "_ play the following character" "role went to _" "main character , played by _" "_ is a fabulous actress" "_ 's tour-de-force performance" "Oscar-nominated film starring _" "Anna , played by _" "A-list stars including _" "recent film with _" "young actors such as _" "version stars _" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "comedy starred _" "role opposite _" "forthcoming film starring _" "great acting by _" "international stars including _" "feature film starring _" "Broadway starring _" "View quotes by _" "star-studded cast including _" "drama stars _" "couple , played by _" "fashion icons such as _" "Hollywood stars including _" "_ 's Relationships" "big name stars like _" "love story starring _" "major film starring _" "epic starring _" "Hollywood celebrities including _" "international cast , including _" "star , played by _" "actor named _" "celebs included _" "Life , starring _" "Hollywood stars _" "Edition)DDD reviews _" "_ 's upcoming movie" "_ co-starred in" "celebrity clients such as _" "_ was a recent guest" "_ belongs has tremendous opportunities" "celebrities like _" "children with ex-wife _" "actresses , including _" "popular celebrities such as _" "flick starring _" "new movie starring _" "Famous celebrities like _" "A-Listers like _" "lady played by _" "Hollywood celebrities like _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "_ also needs a great deal" "A-list celebrities like _" "celebrity following including _" "character , played by _" "voice cast led by _" "supporting cast includes _" "Trailer Starring _" "Sarah , played by _" "A-listers such as _" "List :Featuring _" "thriller , starring _" "_ is actress" "style icons including _" "role was initially offered to _" "several celebrities such as _" "role originated by _" "site is not directly affiliated with _" "he stars with _" "star turn by _" "_ is credited alongside" "_ plays a psychiatrist" "Wedding starring _" "video news clips of _" "star-studded cast includes _" "movie star like _" "movie starred _" "comedy , starring _" "_ avoids opposition" "_ was not the only choice" "_ plays a doctor" "lead performance by _" "hollywood stars like _" "_ gives a brilliant performance" "stellar cast including _" "Many celebrities such as _" "same title starring _" "Best Actress went to _" "Celebrities such as _" "A-list celebrities including _" "new film starring _" "actresses including _" "actors like _" "heroine played by _" "film version , starring _" "starlets such as _" "_ have no fans" "supporting role opposite _" "Mountain , starring _" "_ played Grace" "upcoming movie starring _" "_ 's Oscar-winning performance" "Hollywood stars , including _" "great supporting cast includes _" "great cast with _" "favourite actress is _" "he starred with _" "filmsshows featuring _" "many stars , including _" "Hollywood celebrities , including _" "cast headed by _" "co-starring role with _" "he starred in with _" "popular film starring _" "picture stars _" "intimate is _" "mother , played by _" "same name , starring _" "picture starring _" "_ has powerful magnetic relationships" "famous friends like _" "interest , played by _" "style icons like _" "Hollywood icons like _" "notable actors as _" "breakout performance by _" "_ play a married couple" "film starring _" "actress called _" "_ gives an incredible performance" "_ 's new film" "Alice , played by _" "big name actors like _" "major motion picture starring _" "belongings give _" "cast , including _" "_ want curls" "relationship with ex-wife _" "same name starring _" "_ has an inner poise" "_ 's first movie role" "famous actors such as _" "lead performance from _" "adventure stars _" "_ 's forthcoming film" "he co-starred with _" "He also appeared opposite _" "romance , starring _" "nude celebrities like _" "documentary is narrated by _" "he did n't cheat on _" "Apparel Search has selected _" "Australia , starring _" "name actors like _" "love interest , played by _" "_ is tremendously loyal" "comedy stars _" "Personal Relationship of _" "Room , starring _" "Room starring _" "woman played by _" "_ gives a magnificent performance" "he starred opposite _" "People feature on _" "_ 's Oscar-winning turn" "it also stars _" "_ is miscast as" "Grace , played by _" "Movie stills of _" "Hollywood superstars like _" "She also starred with _" "Hollywood icons such as _" "celebrity clients include _" "last year starring _" "debut opposite _" "cast also includes _" "he stars alongside _" "interesting links of _" "_ 's Age Group" "_ delivers a stunning performance" "castmates , including _" "actress named _" "many celebrities including _" "movie opposite _" "celebs , like _" "exclusive biography of _" "movie posters with _" "movie staring _" "movie starring _" "cast , led by _" "next year starring _" "series also stars _" "astrological interpretation of _" "superficial relationships do not interest _" "_ is an excellent actress" "A-list stars like _" "_ 's lead performance" "stand-out performance from _" "Hollywood A-listers such as _" "name , starring _" "_ also has an unusual capacity" "Hollywood" ] using nicole_kidman
CMC @736 (100.0%) on 30-may-2013 [ SUFFIX=an 5.26099 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 4.38151 LASTSUFFIX=man 3.57532 PREFIX=ni 2.96082 PREFIX=ki 2.65647 SUFFIX=man 2.07436 LASTPREFIX=ki 2.02121 FULL_POS=JJ_NN -2.39510 CHARS -4.09255 WORDS -4.62738 ] using nicole_kidman
CPL @1116 (78.3%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "big stars such as _" "films starring _" "hit starring _" "Golden Compass , starring _" "Love match with _" "famous stars as _" "film version starring _" "first official picture of _" "film stars including _" "ensemble cast led by _" "role was originally intended for _" "it is starring _" "_ has a baby bump" "_ was awarded the Academy Award" "Smith , starring _" "A-listers , including _" "Stone , played by _" "_ does the voice" "_ gives a fabulous performance" "herself , played by _" "celebs including _" "dubbing voice of _" "_ has n’t had a hit" "_ turned the role" "_ gives a stellar performance" "_ Has Baby Girl" "gossip mags say _" "central performance by _" "stars opposite _" "black comedy starring _" "film , narrated by _" "_ spent Easter Sunday" "several celebrities including _" "celebrity clients like _" "film stars _" "he played opposite _" "cast led by _" "_ Has a Baby Girl" "surgeon , played by _" "It also stars _" "She stars alongside _" "famous celebrities like _" "such actors as _" "Movie starring _" "famous stars such as _" "_ Provides news links" "_ gives an amazing performance" "_ gives another great performance" "protagonist , played by _" "star cast including _" "Film starring _" "cast , headed by _" "celebs such as _" "Film stars like _" "Project , starring _" "Poster , Starring _" "_ feels that little" "acting lessons from _" "name stars like _" "_ oops photos" "overacting by _" "name starring _" "movie also stars _" "_ was originally cast as" "_ has an uncredited cameo" "_ played Anna" "rare images of _" "_ has an intuitive awareness" "_ gives an Oscar-worthy performance" "you everything you want about _" "title character is played by _" "amazing acting from _" "_ Find Celebrity Pictures" "previous marriage to _" "ensemble cast , led by _" "screen starring _" "characters played by _" "doctor played by _" "_ has good psychological insight" "It was later covered by _" ",aslo include _" "Other stars include _" "It stars _" "Ahmed is Knowing _" "_ quit the film" "_ 's body double" "Actors such as _" "_ is apparently a big fan" "Hollywood actors such as _" "security are very important to _" "Hollywood blockbuster starring _" "ensemble cast including _" "me I resemble _" "life starring _" "Girl , starring _" "it starred _" "_ perfectly cast as" "amazing cast including _" "It is starring _" "_ has the title role" "movie stars such as _" "comedians such as _" "cast including _" "_ spends the whole movie" "_ 's new thriller" "passionate is _" "collectibles connected with _" "character opposite _" "_ Find rare images" "_ 's gossips" "central character played by _" "Mountain starring _" "web site starring _" "_ attend the world premiere" "first presenter is _" "_ is not always interested in" "_ plays the sister" "_ plays a woman" "megastars like _" "cast includes _" "_ played a doctor" "_ is well cast as" "movie version with _" "movie version starring _" "_ bring star power" "Lady , starring _" "Rouge starring _" "Compass , starring _" "DVD starring _" "Hours , with _" "_ gives a good performance" "actresses , such as _" "title character played by _" "couple played by _" "standout performance by _" "Hollywood stars like _" "chilling suspense are also popular with _" "he stars opposite _" "Rehab In Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "_ craves frequent change" "many celebrities , such as _" "_ 's Oscar acceptance speech" "Carol , played by _" "immediate ancestry of _" "movie , starring _" "_ is a versatile actress" "she costarred with _" "_ portray in" "tale also stars _" "film , starring _" "profile celebrities such as _" "book , starring _" "celebrity fans such as _" "version starring _" "Widescreen Edition)DDD reviews _" "popular nude celebrities like _" "Story starring _" "Cruise met _" "U.S. named _" "_ lead an all-star cast" "stars include _" "writer played by _" "picturesPerfect People feature on _" "scene-stealer is _" "adaptation starring _" "_ plays an actress" "_ is overly responsible" "girlcrush on _" "fantasy film starring _" "past winners such as _" "family drama starring _" "_ stars opposite" "_ stars as" "_ brings this character" "_ gives a fantastic performance" "role made famous by _" "terrific cast including _" "suspense are also popular with _" "Helen Posted in _" "Cast List :Featuring _" "Australia starring _" "Girl starring _" "Moulin Rouge , starring _" "entertainers such as _" "film adaptation starring _" "Hours , starring _" "_ is a wonderful actress" "_ 's new flick" "Search has selected _" "all-star cast led by _" "favorite actress is _" "physical compatibility with _" "performance opposite _" "year starring _" "wife played by _" "_ undergoes periodic emotional upheavals" "In Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "version , starring _" "wife , played by _" "relationship with co-star _" "famous faces , including _" "young woman played by _" "movie web site starring _" "she appeared alongside _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "Moulin Rouge starring _" "II starring _" "last film with _" "such actresses as _" "such notable actors as _" "_ play the following character" "role went to _" "main character , played by _" "_ is a fabulous actress" "_ 's tour-de-force performance" "Anna , played by _" "young actors such as _" "version stars _" "_ 's pictures ,videos" "comedy starred _" "role opposite _" "Love Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "Magic starring _" "forthcoming film starring _" "great acting by _" "international stars including _" "feature film starring _" "Broadway starring _" "View quotes by _" "star-studded cast including _" "drama stars _" "couple , played by _" "Wives , starring _" "Hollywood stars including _" "_ 's Relationships" "_ finally won an Oscar" "big name stars like _" "major film starring _" "epic starring _" "international cast , including _" "star , played by _" "actor named _" "Life , starring _" "Edition)DDD reviews _" "_ 's upcoming movie" "_ co-starred in" "celebrity clients such as _" "_ was a recent guest" "_ belongs has tremendous opportunities" "celebrities like _" "children with ex-wife _" "actresses , including _" "popular celebrities such as _" "new movie starring _" "_ 's Russian accent" "A-Listers like _" "lady played by _" "Hollywood celebrities like _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "character , played by _" "voice cast led by _" "supporting cast includes _" "Trailer Starring _" "Sarah , played by _" "Films starring _" "A-listers such as _" "List :Featuring _" "thriller , starring _" "stars including _" "_ is actress" "role was initially offered to _" "several celebrities such as _" "role originated by _" "he stars with _" "star turn by _" "_ is credited alongside" "_ sashays in" "_ plays a psychiatrist" "Wedding starring _" "video news clips of _" "star-studded cast includes _" "movie starred _" "comedy , starring _" "_ avoids opposition" "_ was not the only choice" "_ plays a doctor" "debut starring _" "lead performance by _" "_ gives a brilliant performance" "summer , starring _" "stellar cast including _" "_ gets the Oscar" "same title starring _" "Best Actress went to _" "_ 's screen debut" "new film starring _" "actresses including _" "_ was originally cast in" "actors like _" "heroine played by _" "starlets such as _" "_ have no fans" "supporting role opposite _" "Mountain , starring _" "Splitting Coming Soon Strange Behaviour _" "_ played Grace" "upcoming movie starring _" "Hollywood stars , including _" "great supporting cast includes _" "great cast with _" "film are played by _" "he starred with _" "filmsshows featuring _" "live-action film starring _" "many stars , including _" "Hollywood celebrities , including _" "cast headed by _" "co-starring role with _" "he starred in with _" "popular film starring _" "picture stars _" "mother , played by _" "same name , starring _" "picture starring _" "_ was given a Lifetime Achievement Award" "_ has powerful magnetic relationships" "interest , played by _" "_ is woefully miscast as" "style icons like _" "new flick with _" "notable actors as _" "breakout performance by _" "_ play a married couple" "_ 's first films" "film starring _" "_ was initially cast in" "actress called _" "_ gives an incredible performance" "Alice , played by _" "Pollack directs _" "big name actors like _" "major motion picture starring _" "belongings give _" "cast , including _" "_ want curls" "relationship with ex-wife _" "same name starring _" "_ has an inner poise" "famous actors such as _" "lead performance from _" "adventure stars _" "he co-starred with _" "romance , starring _" "nude celebrities like _" "documentary is narrated by _" "he did n't cheat on _" "Apparel Search has selected _" "Australia , starring _" "_ 's acting coach" "main stars are _" "name actors like _" "love interest , played by _" "_ is an Academy Award-winning actress" "_ has baby girl" "_ is tremendously loyal" "_ is starring as" "comedy stars _" "Personal Relationship of _" "Room , starring _" "Room starring _" "woman played by _" "_ gives a career performance" "_ gives a magnificent performance" "she stepped in for _" "he starred opposite _" "Scientology include _" "People feature on _" "She studied acting with _" "it also stars _" "_ is miscast as" "Rouge , starring _" "Grace , played by _" "Movie stills of _" "Celebrity presenters included _" "_ is PREGNANT" "celebrity clients include _" "last year starring _" "debut opposite _" "cast also includes _" "celebs include _" "he stars alongside _" "_ 's Age Group" "_ delivers a stunning performance" "castmates , including _" "actress named _" "celebs , like _" "exclusive biography of _" "movie posters with _" "movie staring _" "movie starring _" "next year starring _" "lead performances of _" "series also stars _" "astrological interpretation of _" "_ is an excellent actress" "A-list stars like _" "_ 's lead performance" "stand-out performance from _" "English , starring _" "(voices of _" "Hollywood A-list" ] using nicole_kidman
SEAL @214 (99.2%) on 22-feb-2011 [ 1234567 ] using nicole_kidman
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 won best actress for arg2" "arg1 and Julianne Moore in arg2" "arg1 and Meryl Streep in arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, the_hours)
SEAL @215 (96.9%) on 26-feb-2011 [ 12345 ] using (nicole_kidman, the_hours)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and hubby arg2" "arg1 was joined by her husband arg2" "arg1 and musician arg2" "arg1 arrived with her husband arg2" "arg1 and fiance arg2" "arg1 and singer arg2" "arg1 married country singer arg2" "arg1 married singer arg2" "arg1 and country singer arg2" "arg1 and country music star arg2" "arg1 is engaged to arg2" "arg1 got married to arg2" "arg1 and husband arg2" "arg1 and her husband arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, keith_urban)
OE @823 (99.3%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (keith_urban, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and hubby arg1" "arg2 was joined by her husband arg1" "arg2 and fiance arg1" "arg2 who is now married to arg1" "arg2 is pregnant by arg1" "arg2 married country singer arg1" "arg2 married singer arg1" "arg2 and country singer arg1" "arg2 engaged to arg1" "arg2 and country music star arg1" "arg2 is engaged to arg1" "arg2 finally married arg1" "arg2 and husband arg1" ] using (keith_urban, nicole_kidman)
SEAL @370 (100.0%) on 31-jul-2011 [ 1234567891011 ] using (nicole_kidman, keith_urban)
SEAL @370 (100.0%) on 31-jul-2011 [ 1234567891011 ] using (keith_urban, nicole_kidman)
OE @823 (99.3%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (nicole_kidman, keith_urban)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and hubby arg1" "arg2 was joined by her husband arg1" "arg2 and fiance arg1" "arg2 who is now married to arg1" "arg2 is pregnant by arg1" "arg2 married country singer arg1" "arg2 married singer arg1" "arg2 and country singer arg1" "arg2 engaged to arg1" "arg2 and country music star arg1" "arg2 is engaged to arg1" "arg2 finally married arg1" "arg2 and husband arg1" ] using (nicole_kidman, keith_urban)
OE @823 (99.3%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (keith_urban, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and hubby arg1" "arg2 was joined by her husband arg1" "arg2 and fiance arg1" "arg2 who is now married to arg1" "arg2 is pregnant by arg1" "arg2 married country singer arg1" "arg2 married singer arg1" "arg2 and country singer arg1" "arg2 engaged to arg1" "arg2 and country music star arg1" "arg2 is engaged to arg1" "arg2 finally married arg1" "arg2 and husband arg1" ] using (keith_urban, nicole_kidman)
SEAL @370 (100.0%) on 31-jul-2011 [ 1234567891011 ] using (nicole_kidman, keith_urban)
SEAL @370 (100.0%) on 31-jul-2011 [ 1234567891011 ] using (keith_urban, nicole_kidman)
OE @823 (99.3%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (nicole_kidman, keith_urban)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and hubby arg1" "arg2 was joined by her husband arg1" "arg2 and fiance arg1" "arg2 who is now married to arg1" "arg2 is pregnant by arg1" "arg2 married country singer arg1" "arg2 married singer arg1" "arg2 and country singer arg1" "arg2 engaged to arg1" "arg2 and country music star arg1" "arg2 is engaged to arg1" "arg2 finally married arg1" "arg2 and husband arg1" ] using (nicole_kidman, keith_urban)
SEAL @547 (96.9%) on 04-apr-2012 [ 12345 ] using (keith_urban, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and hubby arg1" "arg2 was joined by her husband arg1" "arg2 and fiance arg1" "arg2 who is now married to arg1" "arg2 is pregnant by arg1" "arg2 married country singer arg1" "arg2 married singer arg1" "arg2 and country singer arg1" "arg2 and country music star arg1" "arg2 is engaged to arg1" "arg2 got married to arg1" "arg2 and husband arg1" "arg2 and her husband arg1" ] using (keith_urban, nicole_kidman)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
SEAL @550 (87.5%) on 09-apr-2012 [ 123 ] using (tom_cruise, nicole_kidman)
SEAL @550 (87.5%) on 09-apr-2012 [ 123 ] using (nicole_kidman, tom_cruise)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and his then wife arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actress arg2" "arg1 was still married to arg2" "arg1 was dating arg2" "arg1 is married to actress arg2" "arg1 filed for divorce from arg2" "arg1 and then wife arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, tom_cruise)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and his then wife arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actress arg2" "arg1 was still married to arg2" "arg1 was dating arg2" "arg1 is married to actress arg2" "arg1 filed for divorce from arg2" "arg1 and then wife arg2" ] using (tom_cruise, nicole_kidman)
OE @803 (95.5%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (nicole_kidman, tom_cruise)
OE @803 (95.5%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (tom_cruise, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 won best actress for arg2" "arg1 and Julianne Moore in arg2" "arg1 and Meryl Streep in arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, the_hours)
SEAL @215 (96.9%) on 26-feb-2011 [ 12345 ] using (nicole_kidman, the_hours)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 won Best Actress for arg2" "arg1 and Julianne Moore in arg2" "arg1 and Meryl Streep in arg2" "arg1 won best actress for arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
SEAL @1 (50.0%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 won Best Actress for arg2" "arg1 and Julianne Moore in arg2" "arg1 and Meryl Streep in arg2" "arg1 won best actress for arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
SEAL @1 (50.0%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 won Best Actress for arg2" "arg1 and Julianne Moore in arg2" "arg1 and Meryl Streep in arg2" "arg1 won best actress for arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
SEAL @1 (50.0%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 won best actress for arg2" "arg1 and Julianne Moore in arg2" "arg1 and Meryl Streep in arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, the_hours)
SEAL @215 (96.9%) on 26-feb-2011 [ 12345 ] using (nicole_kidman, the_hours)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 won Best Actress for arg2" "arg1 and Julianne Moore in arg2" "arg1 and Meryl Streep in arg2" "arg1 won best actress for arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
SEAL @1 (50.0%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 won Best Actress for arg2" "arg1 and Julianne Moore in arg2" "arg1 and Meryl Streep in arg2" "arg1 won best actress for arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
SEAL @1 (50.0%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 won best actress for arg2" "arg1 and Julianne Moore in arg2" "arg1 and Meryl Streep in arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, the_hours)
SEAL @215 (96.9%) on 26-feb-2011 [ 12345 ] using (nicole_kidman, the_hours)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 won Best Actress for arg2" "arg1 and Julianne Moore in arg2" "arg1 and Meryl Streep in arg2" "arg1 won best actress for arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
SEAL @1 (50.0%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 won Best Actress for arg2" "arg1 and Julianne Moore in arg2" "arg1 and Meryl Streep in arg2" "arg1 won best actress for arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
SEAL @1 (50.0%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using (nicole_kidman, hours)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Lopez and arg2" "arg1 Garner and arg2" "arg1 Anniston and arg2" "arg1 Aniston and arg2" "arg1 Jason Leigh and arg2" "arg1 Aniston or arg2" "arg1 Lopez or arg2" ] using (jennifer, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Lopez and arg2" "arg1 Garner and arg2" "arg1 Anniston and arg2" "arg1 Aniston and arg2" "arg1 Jason Leigh and arg2" "arg1 Aniston or arg2" "arg1 Lopez or arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, jennifer)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Lopez and arg2" "arg1 Garner and arg2" "arg1 Anniston and arg2" "arg1 Aniston and arg2" "arg1 Jason Leigh and arg2" "arg1 Aniston or arg2" "arg1 Lopez or arg2" ] using (jennifer, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Lopez and arg2" "arg1 Garner and arg2" "arg1 Anniston and arg2" "arg1 Aniston and arg2" "arg1 Jason Leigh and arg2" "arg1 Aniston or arg2" "arg1 Lopez or arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, jennifer)
SEAL @550 (87.5%) on 09-apr-2012 [ 123 ] using (nicole_kidman, tom_cruise)
SEAL @550 (87.5%) on 09-apr-2012 [ 123 ] using (tom_cruise, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and his then wife arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actress arg2" "arg1 was still married to arg2" "arg1 was dating arg2" "arg1 is married to actress arg2" "arg1 filed for divorce from arg2" "arg1 and then wife arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, tom_cruise)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and his then wife arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actress arg2" "arg1 was still married to arg2" "arg1 was dating arg2" "arg1 is married to actress arg2" "arg1 filed for divorce from arg2" "arg1 and then wife arg2" ] using (tom_cruise, nicole_kidman)
OE @803 (95.5%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (nicole_kidman, tom_cruise)
OE @803 (95.5%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (tom_cruise, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Lopez and arg2" "arg1 Garner and arg2" "arg1 Anniston and arg2" "arg1 Aniston and arg2" "arg1 Jason Leigh and arg2" "arg1 Aniston or arg2" "arg1 Lopez or arg2" ] using (jennifer, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Lopez and arg2" "arg1 Garner and arg2" "arg1 Anniston and arg2" "arg1 Aniston and arg2" "arg1 Jason Leigh and arg2" "arg1 Aniston or arg2" "arg1 Lopez or arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, jennifer)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Lopez and arg2" "arg1 Garner and arg2" "arg1 Anniston and arg2" "arg1 Aniston and arg2" "arg1 Jason Leigh and arg2" "arg1 Aniston or arg2" "arg1 Lopez or arg2" ] using (jennifer, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Lopez and arg2" "arg1 Garner and arg2" "arg1 Anniston and arg2" "arg1 Aniston and arg2" "arg1 Jason Leigh and arg2" "arg1 Aniston or arg2" "arg1 Lopez or arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, jennifer)
SEAL @550 (87.5%) on 09-apr-2012 [ 123 ] using (nicole_kidman, tom_cruise)
SEAL @550 (87.5%) on 09-apr-2012 [ 123 ] using (tom_cruise, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and his then wife arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actress arg2" "arg1 was still married to arg2" "arg1 was dating arg2" "arg1 is married to actress arg2" "arg1 filed for divorce from arg2" "arg1 and then wife arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, tom_cruise)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and his then wife arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actress arg2" "arg1 was still married to arg2" "arg1 was dating arg2" "arg1 is married to actress arg2" "arg1 filed for divorce from arg2" "arg1 and then wife arg2" ] using (tom_cruise, nicole_kidman)
OE @803 (95.5%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (nicole_kidman, tom_cruise)
OE @803 (95.5%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (tom_cruise, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Lopez and arg2" "arg1 Garner and arg2" "arg1 Anniston and arg2" "arg1 Aniston and arg2" "arg1 Jason Leigh and arg2" "arg1 Aniston or arg2" "arg1 Lopez or arg2" ] using (jennifer, nicole_kidman)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Lopez and arg2" "arg1 Garner and arg2" "arg1 Anniston and arg2" "arg1 Aniston and arg2" "arg1 Jason Leigh and arg2" "arg1 Aniston or arg2" "arg1 Lopez or arg2" ] using (nicole_kidman, jennifer)