CPL @1109 (70.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "Huge schools of _" "fish including _" "game fish like _" "oily fish , such as _" "fish related to _" "fish varieties like _" "huge shoals of _" "night fishing for _" "marine animals , including _" "_ swim around" "_ ' foreheads" "water fish such as _" "whole fish like _" "fish like _" "water fish , such as _" "fatty fish such as _" "year classes of _" "wild fish such as _" "pelagic fish including _" "baitfish such as _" "abundant schools of _" "turn preyed upon by _" "wild stocks of _" "lions prey on _" "_ caught each year" "Cold water fish such as _" "larger animals such as _" "marine fish such as _" "oily fish such as _" "vertebrates , such as _" "Large shoals of _" "_ are a protected species" "such fish as _" "animals such as _" "massive schools of _" "people fishing for _" "pelagic fish like _" "_ are the main species" "commercial catch of _" "species , including _" "fishes such as _" "fishes , such as _" "local fish such as _" "fish stocks , such as _" "fatty fish like _" "certain fish , such as _" "schooling fish such as _" "huge schools of _" "warm-water species such as _" "_ swimming near" "eels , small _" "fishes including _" "small fish , such as _" "Small fish like _" "schooling fish like _" "such fishes as _" "small fish such as _" "fillets of fresh _" "_ are the main catch" "migratory fish , such as _" "pelagic fish such as _" "oily fish like _" "fishing excursions for _" "smaller animals such as _" "good catch of _" "fish , such as _" "cold water fish such as _" "smaller fish such as _" "bait fish such as _" "big schools of _" "schools of small _" "creatures , such as _" "pelagic fishes like _" "cold-water fish like _" "other fish such as _" "fresh fish such as _" "pelagic species such as _" "fish , in particular _" "fatty fish , such as _" "baitfish like _" "fishing for _" "fish such as _" "_ have large eyes" "bony fishes such as _" "many fish such as _" "cold-water fish such as _" "fish such as blue _" "bony fishes including _" "_ are schooling in" "ocean fish like _" "ocean species such as _" "marine animals such as _" "reports of dead _" "marine species such as _" "Fish such as _" "_ ' food supply" "_ swimming among" "prey species such as _" "smaller species , such as _" "_ are the main fish" "fish species , such as _" "fish , including _" "marine species , including _" "huge school of _" "tuna , smoked _" "Fish species such as _" "fish , see _" "small fish , like _" "small schooling fish such as _" "small fish like _" "fillets such as _" "catches of _" "commercial fisheries for _" "Fatty fish , such as _" "pelagic species like _" "animals , like _" "ocean fish such as _" "Other fish include _" "smaller fish like _" "cold water fish , such as _" "_ swimming along" "fish species such as _" "fish , striped _" "bait ball of _" "sea fish such as _" ] using anchovies
CPL @1097 (81.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "Huge schools of _" "fish including _" "game fish like _" "oily fish , such as _" "lines baited with _" "canned fish like _" "thousands of silvery _" "fish related to _" "fishing with live _" "vast schools of _" "fish varieties like _" "fish on live _" "shoals of _" "huge shoals of _" "water species , including _" "night fishing for _" "many fish including _" "small fish called _" "Fillets of _" "small fishes like _" "water fish such as _" "whole fish like _" "smaller species such as _" "smaller fish , like _" "fish like _" "water fish , such as _" "fatty fish such as _" "forage fish like _" "year classes of _" "wild fish such as _" "buckets of live _" "pelagic fish including _" "baitfish such as _" "schools of silvery _" "punchy with _" "abundant schools of _" "tuna , white _" "mackerel , fresh _" "wild stocks of _" "We were using live _" "small fishes such as _" "cut bait such as _" "moray eel to _" "Fishing for _" "_ caught each year" "Cold water fish such as _" "marine fish such as _" "oily fish such as _" "Large shoals of _" "giant school of _" "live baits like _" "live baits such as _" "such fish as _" "school of tiny _" "Small fish , such as _" "massive schools of _" "tuna chasing _" "marine creatures , such as _" "people fishing for _" "pelagic fish like _" "seine fishery for _" "bait balls of _" "schooling fish , such as _" "oily fish include _" "spawning area of _" "_ were stocked in" "small species such as _" "crustaceans such as _" "citrus cured _" "small fish , including _" "_ are the main species" "commercial catch of _" "fishes such as _" "fishes , such as _" "local fish such as _" "bait fish are _" "live bait such as _" "jigs , live _" "fish stocks , such as _" "hauls of _" "fishermen chasing _" "annual catches of _" "fatty fish like _" "fishery for _" "fish dishes , including _" "bottom with live _" "certain fish , such as _" "schooling fish such as _" "huge schools of _" "fisheries for _" "warm-water species such as _" "eels , small _" "fishes including _" "massive school of _" "spawning area for _" "fishes like _" "forage fish such as _" "bucket of live _" "good action with _" "small fish , such as _" "Small fish like _" "schooling fish like _" "spawning season of _" "such fishes as _" "smaller fish , such as _" "small fish such as _" "fillets of fresh _" "enormous schools of _" "_ fishing ban" "_ are the main catch" "migratory fish , such as _" "pelagic fish such as _" "seafood , such as _" "oily fish like _" "fish oils from _" "fishermen catch _" "fishing excursions for _" "fresh seafood such as _" "fish , like _" "good catch of _" "fish , such as _" "cold water fish such as _" "smaller fish such as _" "bait fish such as _" "big schools of _" "salt packed _" "schools of small _" "_ eat the plankton" "Large schools of _" "pelagic fishes like _" "cold-water fish like _" "fishes , in particular _" "other fish such as _" "live baits are _" "Huge shoals of _" "_ are an easy catch" "small fish including _" "big school of _" "Schools of small _" "fresh fish such as _" "pelagic species such as _" "fish , in particular _" "seafood like _" "bait is live _" "deep-sea fish such as _" "smaller species like _" "Seafood , including _" "night fish for _" "fatty fish , such as _" "baitfish like _" "fishing for _" "fish such as _" "bony fishes such as _" "many fish such as _" "cold-water fish such as _" "fish such as blue _" "bony fishes including _" "food chain , like _" "_ are schooling in" "ocean fish like _" "ocean species such as _" "sardines , fresh _" "Small fish such as _" "marine animals such as _" "seafood such as _" "marine species such as _" "Fish such as _" "anglers are catching _" "bony fish such as _" "seafoods including _" "_ are the main fish" "_ caught today" "fish species , such as _" "fish called _" "fish , including _" "fish , except _" "overfishing of _" "huge school of _" "_ are important food fishes" "fish known as _" "fresh caught _" "schooling fishes such as _" "bait fish like _" "tuna , smoked _" "fishes , including _" "Fish species such as _" "many marine species such as _" "small fish , like _" "small schooling fish such as _" "small fish like _" "restaurants selling sustainable _" "ambush points for _" "fillets such as _" "catches of _" "large school of _" "oil packed _" "commercial fisheries for _" "Fatty fish , such as _" "important fish such as _" "bait fishing with _" "fish include _" "fish similar to _" "pelagic species like _" "survival of larval _" "fish stocks like _" "large schools of _" "ocean fish such as _" "Other fish include _" "seafood including _" "smaller fish like _" "cold water fish , such as _" "local fishermen catch _" "anglers using live _" "spawning biomass of _" "fish species such as _" "fish , striped _" "bait ball of _" "sea fish such as _" "major spawning area for _" "large shoals of _" ] using anchovies
SEAL @144 (50.0%) on 04-sep-2010 [ 1 ] using anchovies
CPL @1100 (86.7%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "Huge schools of _" "fish including _" "game fish like _" "oily fish , such as _" "fish related to _" "fishing with live _" "prey , such as _" "prey such as _" "huge shoals of _" "night fishing for _" "marine animals , including _" "small fishes like _" "water fish such as _" "whole fish like _" "fish like _" "water fish , such as _" "fatty fish such as _" "baitfish such as _" "zooplankton such as _" "abundant schools of _" "turn preyed upon by _" "mackerel , fresh _" "wild stocks of _" "Cold water fish such as _" "larger animals such as _" "marine fish such as _" "oily fish such as _" "Large shoals of _" "live baits such as _" "animals such as _" "massive schools of _" "food source for _" "marine creatures , such as _" "pelagic fish like _" "bait balls of _" "_ are important prey" "schooling fish , such as _" "animals , such as _" "_ ' intestines" "small species such as _" "different kettle of _" "crustaceans such as _" "small fish , including _" "fishes such as _" "fishes , such as _" "live bait such as _" "jigs , live _" "fish stocks , such as _" "fatty fish like _" "schooling fish such as _" "huge schools of _" "warm-water species such as _" "eels , small _" "fishes including _" "_ swimming around" "fishes like _" "small fish , such as _" "Small fish like _" "schooling fish like _" "such fishes as _" "smaller fish , such as _" "small fish such as _" "fillets of fresh _" "migratory fish , such as _" "pelagic fish such as _" "oily fish like _" "smaller animals such as _" "fish , such as _" "cold water fish such as _" "smaller fish such as _" "bait fish such as _" "big schools of _" "schools of small _" "Large schools of _" "pelagic fishes like _" "cold-water fish like _" "other fish such as _" "prey like _" "species including _" "fresh fish such as _" "pelagic species such as _" "bait is live _" "invertebrates like _" "fatty fish , such as _" "fish such as _" "bony fishes such as _" "many fish such as _" "cold-water fish such as _" "fish such as blue _" "fishing live _" "bony fishes including _" "many species of _" "ocean fish like _" "ocean species such as _" "shellfish such as _" "species such as _" "Small fish such as _" "marine animals such as _" "marine species such as _" "Fish such as _" "prey species such as _" "smaller species , such as _" "seafoods including _" "_ are the main fish" "fish species , such as _" "fish , including _" "marine species , including _" "bait fish like _" "Fish species such as _" "small schooling fish such as _" "ambush points for _" "animals , including _" "fillets such as _" "catches of _" "Fatty fish , such as _" "pelagic species like _" "animals , like _" "ocean fish such as _" "smaller fish like _" "cold water fish , such as _" "local fishermen catch _" "fish species such as _" "fish , striped _" "bait ball of _" "sea fish such as _" ] using anchovies
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators" "Y~_X0~concept:animalpredators" "Y~_X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:animaltypehasanimal" ] using (small_fish, anchovies)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof,concept:agentcompeteswithagent,concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof,concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:agentcompeteswithagent,concept:animalpreyson" ] using (anchovies, small_fish)
PRA @652 (100.0%) on 24-oct-2012 [ "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~_X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:generalizationof,concept:agentcompeteswithagent" ]
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:generalizationof" "Y~X0~concept:agentcompeteswithagent" "Y~X0~concept:agentinteractswithagent" "Y~_X0~concept:generalizationof,concept:specializationof,concept:generalizationof" ] using (small_fish, anchovies)
SEAL @628 (57.7%) on 26-aug-2012 [ 12345678 ] using (small_fish, anchovies)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animalsuchasfish" "Y~X0~concept:agentcompeteswithagent,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animalsuchasfish" "Y~X0~concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:animalsuchasfish" "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:specializationof,concept:animalsuchasfish" "Y~X0~concept:animalpredators,concept:animalpreyson,concept:animalsuchasfish" ] using (small_fish, anchovies)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 such as sardines or arg2" "arg1 like sardines or arg2" "arg1 like mackerel and arg2" "arg1 like herring and arg2" "arg1 such as sardines and arg2" "arg1 like sardines and arg2" ] using (small_fish, anchovies)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 like herring and arg2" "arg1 like sardines or arg2" "arg1 like sardines and arg2" "arg1 such as sardines and arg2" ] using (smaller_fish, anchovies)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof,concept:agentcompeteswithagent,concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:specializationof,concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:animalpreyson" "Y~X0~concept:animalistypeofanimal,concept:agentcompeteswithagent,concept:animalpreyson" ] using (anchovies, small_fish)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or olive arg1" "arg2 and extra virgin olive arg1" "arg2 blended with olive arg1" "arg2 in some olive arg1" "arg2 in olive arg1" "arg2 marinated in olive arg1" "arg2 in a little olive arg1" "arg2 and garlic in olive arg1" "arg2 drizzled in olive arg1" "arg2 in the butter and olive arg1" "arg2 drizzled with olive arg1" "arg2 together with the olive arg1" "arg2 and half the olive arg1" "arg2 sauteed in olive arg1" "arg2 preserved in olive arg1" "arg2 marinated in extra virgin olive arg1" "arg2 packed in olive arg1" "arg2 and hot chili arg1" "arg2 sautd in olive arg1" ] using (oil, anchovies)
OE @809 (99.9%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pepper, anchovies)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and seasoned with salt and arg1" "arg2 and fresh ground arg1" "arg2 and freshly ground arg1" "arg2 and cayenne arg1" "arg2 and season with salt and arg1" "arg2 seasoned with black arg1" "arg2 and a touch of red arg1" "arg2 and a little salt and arg1" "arg2 and the salt and arg1" "arg2 and freshly grated black arg1" "arg2 and red bell arg1" ] using (pepper, anchovies)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and piquillo arg1" "arg2 and bell arg1" "arg2 and jalapeno arg1" "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and the chipotle arg1" "arg2 and crushed red arg1" ] using (peppers, anchovies)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 breasts and arg2" "arg1 stock and chopped arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" "arg1 breast or arg2" "arg1 livers and arg2" ] using (chicken, anchovies)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 breasts and arg2" "arg1 stock and chopped arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" "arg1 caesar salad with arg2" ] using (chicken, anchovies)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in a Caesar arg1" "arg2 on a Caesar arg1" "arg2 for the Caesar arg1" "arg2 for Caesar arg1" ] using (salad, anchovies)