CMC @703 (99.1%) on 25-feb-2013 [ LASTSUFFIX=fish 3.32178 SUFFIX=fish 2.64820 LASTSUFFIX=ish 2.21488 LASTSUFFIX=sh 1.61058 SUFFIX=ish 1.51010 SUFFIX=sh 0.45000 LASTSUFFIX=rfish 0.35595 POS=NN -0.77454 WORDS -1.49342 FULL_POS=NN -2.77176 ] using garfish
CPL @1100 (89.7%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "smaller fish such as _" "fish resembling _" "_ are oviparous" "fish including _" "fishes , such as _" "fish , including _" "few animals like _" "fishermen fishing for _" "fish such as _" "fishing for _" "_ are still being caught in" "_ were schooling in" "catches of _" "_ are common catches" "small fish like _" "good catches of _" "animals like _" "minimum size limit for _" "water species like _" "_ swimming about" "good bait for _" "pelagic fish such as _" "freshwater fish including _" "large fish like _" "Species such as _" "fly-fishing for _" "fish like _" ] using garfish
SEAL @107 (54.3%) on 23-may-2010 [ 1 ] using garfish
CPL @1095 (94.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "smaller fish such as _" "species including _" "_ are oviparous" "fish including _" "fishes , such as _" "fish , including _" "few animals like _" "fishermen fishing for _" "fish such as _" "_ were schooling in" "catches of _" "Baits such as _" "good catches of _" "animals like _" "species such as _" "water species like _" "pelagic fish such as _" "freshwater fish including _" "large fish like _" "fish like _" ] using garfish
SEAL @335 (62.4%) on 05-jul-2011 [ 12 ] using garfish
CPL @1096 (88.1%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "angling for _" "fish bait for _" "roe of _" "smaller fish such as _" "fish resembling _" "fish including _" "_ dominate the catch" "good numbers of _" "good bags of _" "fishes , such as _" "fish , including _" "shoals of _" "fishermen fishing for _" "fishing spots for _" "fish I caught was _" "_ cruising the surface" "colorful fish like _" "trolling for _" "fish such as _" "fishing for _" "_ are still being caught in" "_ were schooling in" "fishers targeting _" "tube flies for _" "catches of _" "_ were caught as well as" "_ are common catches" "tropical fish including _" "small fish like _" "_ being caught on" "good catches of _" "minimum size limit for _" "large shoal of _" "water species like _" "lure caught _" "large schools of _" "good bait for _" "pelagic fish such as _" "freshwater fish including _" "large fish like _" "large school of _" "fly-fishing for _" "fish like _" ] using garfish
CMC @538 (100.0%) on 24-mar-2012 [ LASTSUFFIX=fish 3.40109 SUFFIX=fish 3.25744 LASTSUFFIX=ish 3.16401 LASTSUFFIX=sh 2.13763 SUFFIX=ish 1.69022 SUFFIX=sh 1.48369 LASTSUFFIX=rfish 0.45885 CHARS -0.54209 FULL_POS=NN -1.62879 WORDS -2.92367 ] using garfish