CPL @1113 (61.6%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "species , including _" "water animals like _" "wildlife , from _" "captive born _" "fish related to _" "wildlife ranging from _" "sea creatures including _" "_ became a protected species" "fish including _" "fish such as _" "fishing for _" "_ have many predators" "_ lay the eggs" "wildlife like _" "_ are ambush predators" "breed of _" "marine life like _" "necropsies on _" "fish like _" "_ frolicking in" "fish , such as _" "other wildlife such as _" "imports of live _" "sea life like _" "wild population of _" "saltwater fish like _" "_ ' natural habitat" "_ are messy eaters" "_ are not mammals" "animals , like _" "_ swim free" "poaching of wild _" "sea animals like _" "_ ' diet" "acid requirements of _" "_ swimming about" "exotic creatures such as _" "_ form monogamous pairs" "_ are ovoviviparous" "live food for _" "_ are sensitive animals" "_ are strict carnivores" "critters , including _" "marine creatures like _" "_ mating rituals" "_ swimming among" "marine life including _" "nature show about _" "marine animals like _" "_ swimming overhead" "major breeds of _" "critters such as _" "fish species , including _" "animals including _" "turtles , large _" "feeding habits of _" "larger breeds of _" "sea creatures like _" "sea life such as _" "herd of _" "fish , such as wild _" "_ do not make good pets" "incidental capture of _" "fish , including _" "_ swim among" "marine species , such as _" "marine life such as _" "_ breed in" "adult wild _" "other animals , such as _" "captive raised _" "turtles , giant _" "sea creatures such as _" "marine wildlife like _" "tropical fish such as _" "threatened species such as _" "small animals like _" "_ use camouflage" "_ reared for" "animals other than _" "animals such as _" "important populations of _" "delicate fish like _" "population of wild _" "_ are wonderful creatures" "herd of red _" "exotic fish like _" "fishes including _" "colony of wild _" "critters like _" "incidental catch of _" "_ have no teeth" "plight of wild _" "marine species like _" "fish closely related to _" "number of pregnant _" "marine life , including _" "_ swim around" "predators like _" "_ swam past" "survival of juvenile _" "_ are caught each year" "hatchery reared _" "bycatch of _" "warm-water species such as _" "favourite animals are _" "Irish bred _" "captive bred _" "marine creatures including _" "minimum size limit for _" "marine species including _" "chariot drawn by _" "captive care of _" "_ are slow swimmers" "rare species like _" "Captive bred _" "amazing animals like _" "_ doing cute things" "wildlife such as _" "critters , from _" "creatures , such as _" "captive reared _" "capture of wild _" "fishes such as _" "Fish , including _" "Marine life includes _" "pair of hungry _" "_ is called a herd" "export of live _" "breeding of _" "aquatic life like _" "eaters , such as _" "resident school of _" "_ are the only fish" "animals like _" "breeds of _" "hitching posts for _" "commercial breeding of _" "sea life including _" "herds of _" "_ ’ necks" "other species including _" "_ have binocular vision" ] using seahorses
SEAL @2 (98.4%) on 12-jan-2010 [ 123456 ] using seahorses
CPL @1098 (66.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "_ do n't have eyelids" "water animals like _" "fish related to _" "wildlife ranging from _" "animals , such as _" "sea creatures including _" "_ became a protected species" "fish including _" "fish such as _" "wildlife like _" "_ are ambush predators" "fish , pink _" "fishes like _" "marine life like _" "fish like _" "fish , such as _" "other wildlife such as _" "imports of live _" "many rare species including _" "marine creatures , such as _" "_ ' natural habitat" "_ are messy eaters" "_ are not mammals" "animals , like _" "sea animals like _" "shipments of live _" "exotic creatures such as _" "live food for _" "_ are sensitive animals" "critters , including _" "marine creatures like _" "marine life including _" "good tankmates for _" "marine animals like _" "species such as _" "_ swimming overhead" "major breeds of _" "animals including _" "turtles , large _" "fauna such as _" "larger breeds of _" "sea creatures like _" "_ are not good swimmers" "other species , such as _" "other sea creatures such as _" "fish , such as wild _" "_ do not make good pets" "incidental capture of _" "fish , including _" "_ swim among" "marine species , such as _" "marine life such as _" "_ breed in" "sharks , spiny _" "species including _" "turtles , giant _" "sea creatures such as _" "marine wildlife like _" "tropical fish such as _" "small animals like _" "beasties like _" "_ reared for" "animals other than _" "animals such as _" "sea creatures , from _" "invertebrates like _" "delicate fish like _" "rate of newborn _" "many wild caught _" "_ are wonderful creatures" "herd of red _" "exotic fish like _" "aquatic creatures like _" "fishes including _" "creatures including _" "colony of wild _" "seahorses , giant _" "critters like _" "incidental catch of _" "plight of wild _" "marine species like _" "fish closely related to _" "marine life , including _" "predators like _" "survival of juvenile _" "_ are poor swimmers" "creatures such as _" "warm-water species such as _" "favourite animals are _" "chariot drawn by _" "many species of _" "_ are slow swimmers" "chariot pulled by _" "rare species like _" "amazing animals like _" "wildlife such as _" "_ swimming around" "fishes such as _" "Marine life includes _" "breeding of _" "aquatic life like _" "eaters , such as _" "nutritional requirements of _" "creatures ranging from _" "animals like _" "breeds of _" "animals , including _" "small fishes like _" "livestock except _" "herds of _" ] using seahorses
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other marine arg2" "arg1 and other sea arg2" "arg1 and many more fascinating arg2" "arg1 are highly evolved arg2" "arg1 and other exotic arg2" ] using (seahorses, creatures)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey