SEAL @221 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2011 [ 12 ] using walleye
CPL @1095 (92.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "freshwater fishing for _" "limits of nice _" "catchability of _" "world class fishing for _" "anglers are taking _" "_ are being caught with" "_ are a schooling fish" "year fishing for _" "fish species including _" "warm water fish like _" "predator fish like _" "river fishing for _" "Fish , including _" "cold water species such as _" "Commercial fishing for _" "sportfish such as _" "spawning conditions for _" "freshwater species , such as _" "fish related to _" "fish species include _" "night fishing for _" "large predatory fish such as _" "_ have been hitting on" "larger fish such as _" "local fish such as _" "_ is a freshwater fish" "fine catches of _" "_ have completed spawning" "round fishing for _" "Fly fishing for _" "_ bite slow" "Lake fishing for _" "nice school of _" "larger fish , such as _" "nice catch of _" "excellent numbers of _" "_ are regularly caught in" "_ have been biting on" "_ are biting fair" "anglers are targeting _" "anglers targeting _" "artificial lures for _" "easy limits of _" "fishing opportunity for _" "fantastic fishing for _" "Fishing opportunities for _" "other fish like _" "schools of huge _" "excellent catches of _" "_ is a native fish" "wilderness fishing for _" "aquatic species including _" "fish recipes grilling _" "fishing charters for _" "creel limit for _" "wildlife species , including _" "fishing is excellent for _" "fish stocks , such as _" "fishermen fishing for _" "fishing opportunities for _" "_ is a great fish" "good catches of _" "fishing is for _" "predators like _" "world-class fishing for _" "consistent catches of _" "_ are the only species" "year classes of _" "winter fishing for _" "daily creel limit for _" "charter boat fishing for _" "decent numbers of _" "drift fishing for _" "_ are still being caught at" "_ are being caught at" "Limit catches of _" "Lake Erie fishing for _" "Available species include _" "Good numbers of _" "Fish species include _" "warm-water species such as _" "_ 's predatory instincts" "wintering area for _" "We were fishing for _" "good fishery for _" "such fish as _" "artificial baits for _" "water fish including _" "anglers are still catching _" "anglers are fishing for _" "_ ever caught in" "_ fishing events" "_ are still hitting in" "_ are being caught by" "Erie fishing for _" "overlimit of _" "bait fishing for _" "annual run of _" "anglers after _" "fishing excursions for _" "_ were caught near" "Shore fishing for _" "lakes have been stocked with _" "outstanding fishing for _" "gamefish , such as _" "game fish , such as _" "potato crusted _" "_ also spawn in" "_ caught per" "spawning populations of _" "many species including _" "_ are common catches" "_ caught each year" "gillnet fishery for _" "class fishing for _" "lakes abundant with _" "Bait fishing for _" "lake stocked with _" "_ is a fresh water fish" "_ have been caught near" "catches of large _" "charter fishing for _" "mixed catches of _" "_ tagging program" "fishing has been good for _" "fall fishing for _" "excellent fishing opportunities for _" "native fish such as _" "large fish , such as _" "water fish , such as _" "I have fished for _" "cold water fish such as _" "jigging for _" "nice stringers of _" "lean fish such as _" "catch rate for _" "predatory species such as _" "predatory fish , such as _" "record catches of _" "anglers catch _" "breed of _" "vulnerable species such as _" "Species such as _" "Anglers have been catching _" "Fish such as _" "Lake is stocked with _" "_ are popular catches" "days fishing for _" "pod of _" "many fish , including _" "Game fish such as _" "Fishing is fair for _" "_ are also being caught on" "_ ever caught by" "pelagic fish , such as _" "year round fishing for _" "ice fishing for _" "minimum length limit for _" "abundance of juvenile _" "angling opportunities for _" "exceptional fishing for _" "fishing for northern _" "area for migrating _" "waters abound with _" "lake is stocked with _" "strong population of _" "anglers trolling for _" "catch of blue _" "great catches of _" "inland lakes for _" "_ have been biting in" "_ are being caught while" "fishing experience for _" "Ice fishing for _" "pursuit of giant _" "week fishing for _" "you’re fishing for _" "reef fishing for _" "state fish is _" "sport fish such as _" "sportfishing charters for _" "_ is a beautiful fish" "cold water fish , such as _" "large fish such as _" "charters for _" "catches include _" "Night fishing for _" "catches including _" "fly fishing for _" "game fish , like _" "good fishing opportunities for _" "fish for big _" "water species such as _" "vertebrates , including _" "spawning habitat for _" "pickerel , yellow _" "predatory fish such as _" "season fishing for _" "_ are also occasional visitors" "minimum length limit on _" "they were fishing for _" "top predators such as _" "predator fish , such as _" "superb fishing for _" "water fishing for _" "good fishing for _" "feeding ground for _" "Species covered include _" "We fished for _" "Anglers are also catching _" "we trolled for _" "larger predators like _" "fishing trips for _" "excellent fishing for _" "pike , yellow _" "_ are being caught in" "_ are being caught below" "_ are still being caught in" "huge schools of _" "fishing is good for _" "great bait for _" "predator fish such as _" "_ rearing program" "Lake Erie fishing charters for _" "Fishing is for _" "_ have been caught from" "Drift fishing for _" "_ were spawning in" "gamefish such as _" "other fish , like _" "sport fishing charters for _" "decent catches of _" "Year round fishing for _" "charters fishing for _" "_ caught this week" "_ are not the only fish" "fish included _" "_ are being caught on" "sport fish including _" "Freshwater fish include _" "Good catches of _" "We caught many _" "_ are caught each year" "_ inhabit the waters" "_ are done spawning" "_ caught aboard" "spawning site for _" "sport fish like _" "Fishing charters for _" "finesse fishing for _" "good bait for _" "spring migration of _" "toothy fish like _" "water species including _" "top predators , such as _" "_ are schooling in" "_ are sight feeders" "luck fishing for _" "trophy sized _" "warm water species such as _" "warm water fish such as _" "_ are biting better" "line fishing for _" "_ were biting on" "angler caught _" "great fishing for _" "_ is the state fish" "chews for _" "annual runs of _" "fishing waters for _" "larger fish like _" "animals , like _" "anglers fish for _" "spring run of _" "I do n't fish for _" "_ are biting well on" "carnivorous fish such as _" "crankbaits for _" "_ are being caught along" "Many species , including _" "Lake is producing _" "annual stocking of _" "excellent angling for _" "reservoir is stocked with _" "rivers teeming with _" "spawning beds for _" "important wintering area for _" "fair fishing for _" "anglers fishing for _" "big fish such as _" "game fish such as _" "Fishing is good for _" "fish species such as _" "fish species like _" "many fish species including _" "parasites common to _" "people fish for _" "fishes such as _" "fine fishing for _" "bigger fish like _" "_ are the primary species" "cedar planked _" "effective bait for _" "_ 's natural food" "species , including _" "shore fishing for _" "live baits for _" "anglers have caught _" "_ swimming about" "_ have been caught on" "larger predatory fish such as _" "nice stringer of _" "_ are the primary predators" "_ being caught from" "fishing charter for _" "freshwater species like _" "fly-in fishing for _" "I have never fished for _" "predator species such as _" "trout , northern _" "radio tagged _" "_ bite good" "sport fish include _" "_ are biting on" "baiting for _" "_ are being caught around" "_ follow the bait" "night crawlers for _" "nice catches of _" "anglers have been catching _" "_ are the main species" "predators such as _" "_ are being caught near" "game fish including _" "gamefish including _" "ice fish for _" "great fishery for _" "cold-water species such as _" "day fishing for _" "large game fish such as _" "fish , in particular _" "favorite fish is _" "live baiting for _" "commercial fisheries for _" "_ have finished spawning" "_ are biting good" "quality fishing for _" "service fishing for _" "limit catches of _" "nice population of _" "horseradish crusted _" "excellent fishery for _" "catch rates for _" "lake has been stocked with _" "_ have been stocked into" "larger species such as _" "_ are the main fish" "inhabitants such as _" "hatchery raised _" "fishing for huge _" "intensive rearing of _" "year-round fishing for _" "fishable populations of _" "water fish such as _" "main catch is _" "_ spawning sites" "we fished for _" "Erie fishing charters for _" "commercial fishery for _" "fly-fishing for _" "large catches of _" "jig fishing for _" "fish such as _" "fishing for _" "fish including _" "incidental catches of _" "game fish like _" "_ are hitting jigs" "we were fishing for _" "game species such as _" "exotic creatures such as _" "fresh fish like _" "spring fishing for _" "summer fishing for _" "_ are the main catches" "small pod of _" "Other fish like _" "Fish species such as _" "Anglers fishing for _" "Fishing is fair to good for _" "fish sold as _" "spectacular fishing for _" "survival of stocked _" "pistachio encrusted _" "fish , such as _" "good catch of _" "you have never caught _" "winter run of _" "you 're fishing for _" "water species like _" "spawning run of _" "I were fishing for _" "River fishing for _" "trout , golden _" "limit catch of _" "Excellent fishing for _" "Other fish include _" "lakes are stocked with _" "boat fishing for _" "freshwater fish such as _" "fish for giant _" "fish , including _" "important fish species such as _" "gamefish like _" "_ are also being caught in" "other species including _" "fine catch of _" "_ stocked lake" "attention of hungry _" "smallmouth bass to _" "you troll for _" "_ cruising the shallows" "_ " ] using walleye
SEAL @211 (100.0%) on 17-feb-2011 [ 1 ] using walleye
CPL @1094 (93.3%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "freshwater fishing for _" "intensive culture of _" "great fishing of _" "limits of nice _" "catchability of _" "_ were caught around" "boats are targeting _" "total allowable catch of _" "world class fishing for _" "_ are caught during" "_ are being caught with" "trolling trips for _" "_ has a long slender body" "_ are a schooling fish" "eating sized _" "crank baits for _" "year fishing for _" "honey hole for _" "_ fishing hot spots" "fish species including _" "walleye , blue _" "warm water fish like _" "predator fish like _" "_ were stocked in" "aggressive fish like _" "river fishing for _" "_ rearing ponds" "Fish , including _" "cold water species such as _" "I 've never caught _" "Commercial fishing for _" "tail fin from _" "trout , large _" "sport fishing for _" "sportfish such as _" "spawning conditions for _" "_ landed per" "_ is the official state fish" "angler holding _" "you enjoy catching _" "freshwater species , such as _" "fish related to _" "fish species include _" "night fishing for _" "nice schools of _" "_ are being taken on" "_ are still being taken on" "large predatory fish such as _" "_ have been hitting on" "larger fish such as _" "local fish such as _" "_ is a freshwater fish" "fine catches of _" "slot limit for _" "_ have completed spawning" "_ hit the bait" "streams teem with _" "round fishing for _" "Fly fishing for _" "_ fishing quality" "_ are being caught as" "_ bite slow" "Lake fishing for _" "We caught several _" "nice school of _" "larger fish , such as _" "anglers have reported catching _" "_ hits the lure" "_ were caught off of" "_ fishing success" "_ are still being caught from" "_ fishing ban" "nice catch of _" "he fished for _" "great time fishing for _" "_ are regularly caught in" "_ have been biting on" "panfish than _" "_ are biting fair" "_ have been caught while" "_ have been caught through" "anglers are targeting _" "anglers targeting _" "artificial lures for _" "_ are caught out of" "they fished for _" "easy limits of _" "we troll for _" "good angling for _" "fishing opportunity for _" "fantastic fishing for _" "Fishing opportunities for _" "other fish like _" "mouth bass to _" "schools of huge _" "first cast for _" "good numbers of _" "fishermen target _" "excellent catches of _" "_ is a native fish" "_ sized lures" "wilderness fishing for _" "bouncing for _" "boats fishing for _" "_ spawning cycle" "aquatic species including _" "fish recipes grilling _" "fishing charters for _" "we caught were _" "creel limit for _" "fishing spot for _" "fishing , catching _" "you like catching _" "_ were caught over" "_ were also caught in" "good numbers of large _" "fillet of fresh _" "fishing is excellent for _" "good baits for _" "fishing spots for _" "fish stocks , such as _" "fishermen fishing for _" "fishing opportunities for _" "fish species are _" "We are also catching _" "_ is a great fish" "better fish than _" "anglers target _" "_ were also caught on" "lakes teaming with _" "decent action for _" "water trolling for _" "good catches of _" "fishing is for _" "fishing guide services for _" "fishers catch _" "common fish are _" "excellent population of _" "good counts of _" "world-class fishing for _" "fish bait for _" "Large fish like _" "Natural reproduction of _" "consistent catches of _" "year class of _" "_ enter the river" "year classes of _" "winter fishing for _" "dock fishing for _" "daily creel limit for _" "_ fishing techniques" "charter boat fishing for _" "decent numbers of _" "drift fishing for _" "anglers were fishing for _" "_ wounding rates" "_ are still being caught at" "_ are being caught at" "Limit catches of _" "Lake , known for _" "Lake Erie fishing for _" "Available species include _" "night fish for _" "Good numbers of _" "I ever caught was _" "He had never caught _" "Fish species include _" "_ pitching jigs" "water temperatures than _" "warm-water species such as _" "_ are commonly caught in" "_ caught that morning" "_ were caught from" "We were fishing for _" "Fishing is slow for _" "Pier anglers caught _" "Offers fishing for _" "good fishery for _" "such fish as _" "target species is _" "artificial baits for _" "water fish including _" "anglers are still catching _" "anglers are fishing for _" "_ fishing waters" "_ being caught around" "Species available include _" "_ ever caught in" "_ are also being taken from" "We trolled for _" "State fish is _" "_ are still hitting in" "_ are being caught by" "Anglers are taking _" "Erie fishing for _" "They are also catching _" "trophy fishing for _" "spawning area for _" "sportfish like _" "he fishes for _" "overlimit of _" "_ were hitting on" "bait fishing for _" "creel limit on _" "fishing quota for _" "annual run of _" "anglers after _" "folks are catching _" "fishing excursions for _" "fishing service for _" "slot limit on _" "someone hooks _" "seasonal run of _" "nice numbers of _" "_ were biting in" "_ were caught near" "Shore fishing for _" "lakes have been stocked with _" "outstanding fishing for _" "gamefish , such as _" "game fish , such as _" "fisheries such as _" "_ also spawn in" "_ caught per" "spawning populations of _" "_ are common catches" "_ caught each year" "year-classes of _" "fishing opportunities , including _" "fishing possibilities for _" "fishing year for _" "fishing pressure for _" "good populations of _" "gillnet fishery for _" "class fishing for _" "tremendous populations of _" "lakes abundant with _" "live bait fishing for _" "lakes teem with _" "large catch of _" "Bait fishing for _" "lake stocked with _" "_ hit lures" "bait fish for _" "_ was caught last week" "_ is a fresh water fish" "_ have been caught near" "_ were being caught on" "_ were caught last week" "angling for _" "catches of large _" "I fishing for _" "Spring fishing for _" "charter fishing for _" "_ caught incidentally in" "other lures for _" "I have caught numerous _" "_ 's lateral line" "mixed catches of _" "_ tagging program" "reports of nice _" "self-sustaining populations of _" "commercial landings of _" "_ being caught along with" "fishing has been good for _" "fall fishing for _" "excellent fishing opportunities for _" "native fish such as _" "large fish , such as _" "you are angling for _" "water fish , such as _" "spawning behavior of _" "I have fished for _" "cold water fish such as _" "anglers go after _" "fishermen were catching _" "he caught several _" "spawning ground for _" "schools of hungry _" "various fish such as _" "jigging for _" "non-native species like _" "pan sized _" "nice stringers of _" "lean fish such as _" "catch rate for _" "spawning runs of _" "predatory species such as _" "predatory fish , such as _" "record catches of _" "_ were being caught in" "anglers catch _" "vulnerable species such as _" "Anglers have been catching _" "Fish such as _" "Lake is stocked with _" "_ are biting during" "_ 's strike zone" "_ are somewhat active" "_ 's spawning season" "_ are popular catches" "days fishing for _" "many fish , including _" "Game fish such as _" "Fishing is fair for _" "_ feels the hook" "_ are also being caught on" "_ ever caught by" "Common species are _" "pan fish to _" "pelagic fish , such as _" "_ are voracious predators" "nice mess of _" "sport fisheries for _" "smaller species such as _" "tournament limit of _" "year round fishing for _" "many fish including _" "ice fishing for _" "many fish like _" "live release of _" "minimum length limit for _" "abundance of juvenile _" "anglers seek _" "angling opportunities for _" "fishing such as _" "exceptional fishing for _" "fishing for northern _" "fishing opportunities await _" "anglers seeking _" "waters abound with _" "lake is stocked with _" "spawning stocks of _" "anglers trolling for _" "bream to _" "active , feeding _" "_ were stocked into" "catch of blue _" "_ was caught here in" "I fished for _" "jig heads for _" "great catches of _" "inland lakes for _" "_ caught off of" "_ have been biting in" "live bait for _" "_ are being caught while" "_ fishing off of" "_ catching techniques" "perch , giant _" "harvest restrictions on _" "fishing vacations for _" "outstanding catches of _" "He fishes for _" "Ice fishing for _" "pursuit of giant _" "week fishing for _" "you’re fishing for _" "anglers are catching _" "reef fishing for _" "state fish is _" "sport fish such as _" "sportfishing charters for _" "_ is a beautiful fish" "_ is a popular fish" "decent fishing for _" "cold water fish , such as _" "catch including _" "catch limit for _" "large fish such as _" "shore lunch of fresh _" "_ often feed at" "charters for _" "catches include _" "Night fishing for _" "cold smoked _" "catches big _" "catches including _" "_ were caught during" "fly fishing for _" "_ hold deeper" "_ are biting at" "lake is well stocked with _" "game fish , like _" "good fishing opportunities for _" "fish for big _" "water species such as _" "spawning areas for _" "sport fishing charter for _" "_ is a popular species" "_ are foraging on" "spawning habitat for _" "possession limits for _" "pickerel , yellow _" "smaller species like _" "predatory fish such as _" "season fishing for _" "lake is loaded with _" "minimum length limit on _" "DD-inch minimum size limit for _" "they were fishing for _" "trout , big _" "top predators such as _" "predator fish , such as _" "superb fishing for _" "water fishing for _" "good fishing for _" "Species covered include _" "We fished for _" "Anglers are also catching _" "Other species include _" "we trolled for _" "tip-ups for _" "fin , like _" "larger predators like _" "main target species are _" "fishing trips for _" "excellent fishing for _" "fish hatchery for _" "pike , yellow _" "active schools of _" "large numbers of juvenile _" "spawning period for _" "_ are being caught in" "_ had lockjaw" "_ are being caught below" "_ are n't the only fish" "_ are still being caught in" "huge schools of _" "hatchery production of _" "fishing is good for _" "great bait for" ] using walleye
MBL @644 (96.9%) on 10-oct-2012 [ Promotion of animal:walleye fishservedwithfood fruit:sauce ]
CMC @1109 (100.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ SUFFIX=ye 2.31395 SUFFIX=eye 2.30376 LASTSUFFIX=eye 1.53775 PREFIX=walle 1.51280 LASTPREFIX=walle 1.48486 LASTPREFIX=wa 1.24685 LASTSUFFIX=ye 1.22116 POS=NN -0.72094 FULL_POS=NN -2.08198 WORDS -3.80971 ] using walleye
CPL @1097 (86.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "_ swimming around" "_ are a schooling fish" "warm water fish like _" "predator fish like _" "aggressive fish like _" "cold water species such as _" "sportfish such as _" "spawning conditions for _" "freshwater species , such as _" "fish related to _" "fish species include _" "night fishing for _" "large predatory fish such as _" "larger fish such as _" "_ is a freshwater fish" "fine catches of _" "_ have completed spawning" "Lake fishing for _" "larger fish , such as _" "other fish like _" "predators , such as _" "excellent catches of _" "fish recipes grilling _" "fishing charters for _" "fish stocks , such as _" "fishermen fishing for _" "good catches of _" "predators like _" "consistent catches of _" "winter fishing for _" "_ are being caught at" "Limit catches of _" "Available species include _" "Good numbers of _" "Fish species include _" "warm-water species such as _" "water fish including _" "_ are still hitting in" "sea food such as _" "_ were caught near" "Shore fishing for _" "lakes have been stocked with _" "game fish , such as _" "potato crusted _" "many species including _" "gillnet fishery for _" "tremendous populations of _" "live bait fishing for _" "Bait fishing for _" "_ is a fresh water fish" "_ have been caught near" "mixed catches of _" "_ tagging program" "almond crusted _" "native fish such as _" "large fish , such as _" "water fish , such as _" "cold water fish such as _" "nice stringers of _" "lean fish such as _" "predatory species such as _" "predatory fish , such as _" "Fish such as _" "_ are popular catches" "nutritional requirements of _" "many fish , including _" "Game fish such as _" "Fishing is fair for _" "_ are also being caught on" "pan fish to _" "pelagic fish , such as _" "abundance of juvenile _" "fishing for northern _" "area for migrating _" "anglers trolling for _" "_ have been biting in" "_ are being caught while" "Ice fishing for _" "predation from _" "sport fish such as _" "_ prefer cool water" "creatures such as _" "cold water fish , such as _" "dishes like seared _" "large fish such as _" "_ often feed at" "Night fishing for _" "fly fishing for _" "game fish , like _" "water species such as _" "spawning habitat for _" "pickerel , yellow _" "predatory fish such as _" "_ are also occasional visitors" "minimum length limit on _" "top predators such as _" "predator fish , such as _" "Species covered include _" "larger predators like _" "excellent fishing for _" "pike , yellow _" "_ find the bait" "huge schools of _" "Lake Erie fishing charters for _" "_ have been caught from" "diets for _" "_ were spawning in" "gamefish such as _" "other fish , like _" "decent catches of _" "_ caught this week" "sport fish including _" "Good catches of _" "_ are done spawning" "_ are hatched from" "sport fish like _" "_ do not hibernate during" "fishes like _" "water species including _" "luck fishing for _" "warm water species such as _" "warm water fish such as _" "_ are biting better" "_ is the state fish" "animals , like _" "_ 's diet" "species such as _" "spring run of _" "_ are biting well on" "carnivorous fish such as _" "big fish such as _" "game fish such as _" "fish species such as _" "fish species like _" "fishes such as _" "bigger fish like _" "cedar planked _" "nice stringer of _" "_ are the primary predators" "_ being caught from" "freshwater species like _" "fly-in fishing for _" "I have never fished for _" "predator species such as _" "trout , northern _" "_ bite good" "sport fish include _" "_ follow the bait" "prey include _" "nice catches of _" "predators such as _" "game fish including _" "cold-water species such as _" "large game fish such as _" "live baiting for _" "service fishing for _" "limit catches of _" "nice population of _" "horseradish crusted _" "larger species such as _" "_ are the main fish" "_ are being caught throughout" "intensive rearing of _" "water fish such as _" "Erie fishing charters for _" "fish such as _" "fish including _" "game fish like _" "we were fishing for _" "game species such as _" "exotic creatures such as _" "fresh fish like _" "_ are the main catches" "small pod of _" "Fish species such as _" "Anglers fishing for _" "Fishing is fair to good for _" "pistachio encrusted _" "ambush points for _" "fish , such as _" "you have never caught _" "winter run of _" "water species like _" "species including _" "spawning run of _" "River fishing for _" "trout , golden _" "freshwater fish such as _" "fish , including _" "gamefish like _" "_ stocked lake" "possession of undersized _" "Predators , like _" "_ rearing projects" "popular fish is _" "other fish , such as _" "_ have been caught at" "Game fish include _" "Enjoy fishing for _" "game fish include _" "_ is a favorite fish" "massive schools of _" "popular species include _" "predatory fish like _" "years fishing for _" "vertical jigging for _" "fair catches of _" "food source for _" "excellent fly fishing for _" "water fish like _" "_ are being caught from" "abundant schools of _" "_ inhabit the lake" "large fish like _" "spring runs of _" "predation by _" "other fish species such as _" "nice limit of _" "other fish such as _" "huge catches of _" "game fish , including _" "favorite fish are _" "success fishing for _" "excellent action for _" "fish species , such as _" "intestinal tracts of _" "forage for _" "fish like _" "big schools of _" "white fish , such as _" "grilled fish recipes grilling _" "good numbers of big _" "_ is an excellent food fish" "catches of _" "Large schools of _" ] using walleye
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 caught in state arg1" "arg2 and pike from arg1" "arg2 being caught from arg1" "arg2 is by trolling arg1" "arg2 were caught in shallow arg1" "arg2 fishing in area arg1" "arg2 fishing in nearby arg1" ] using (waters, walleye)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 fishing occurs in arg1" "arg2 fishing is best during arg1" "arg2 and trout fishing in arg1" "arg2 are stocked arg1" ] using (spring, walleye)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 have been biting on arg1" "arg2 are being caught on arg1" "arg2 are being caught using arg1" "arg2 are hitting on arg1" ] using (leeches, walleye)
CPL @1100 (93.8%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are being caught on arg1" "arg2 have been caught using arg1" "arg2 have been caught on arg1" "arg2 are good on arg1" ] using (live_bait, walleye)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey