bell_pepper (food)
literal strings: Bell-Pepper , bell pepper , Bell Pepper , bell_pepper , Bell pepper
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visualizableobject (100.0%)CPL @1094 (98.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "red pepper , green _" "peas , red _" "paste , red _" "potatoes , green _" "salsa , combine _" "pepper , red _" "squash , sweet _" "carrots , yellow _" "broccoli , roasted _" "parsley , green _" "Chicken cooked with _" "chicken sauteed with _" "cheese , green _" "dressing , green _" "eggplant , roasted _" "eggs , diced _" "tomatoes , orange _" "peaches , green _" "potato , green _" "spinach , red _" "medium saucepan , combine _" "handful of chopped _" "celery , green _" "Italian sausage with _" "chicken , sweet _" "corn , diced _" "capers , red _" "spices such as _" "chopped onion , chopped _" "cook , stirring occasionally until _" "greens , red _" "medium saucepan , cook _" "Simmer uncovered until _" "Serve garnished with _" "ham , sweet _" "pasta with red _" "mushroom , green _" "mayonnaise , green _" "mushrooms , green _" "mix , green _" "chicken breast , green _" "chocolate , green _" "beets , red _" "asparagus , green _" "_ are heated through" "cabbage , sweet _" "paste , diced _" "pork , sweet _" "cilantro , red _" "cabbage , green _" "veggies such as _" "onion , red _" "red cabbage , red _" "plastic bag , combine _" "beans , red _" "artichoke hearts , red _" "squash , fresh _" "tomato , shredded _" "chicken breast , red _" "shrimp , chopped _" "red bell pepper , green _" "potatoes , yellow _" "summer crops like _" "tomato , grilled _" "herbs , chopped _" "eggplant , red _" "finely chopped red _" "basil , red _" "carrots , orange _" "green onion , red _" "flavor of sweet _" "cherry tomatoes , green _" "cherry , red _" "cucumbers , green _" "tomato , roasted _" "tomato , chopped _" "shrimp cooked with _" "eggs , green _" "glass bowl , combine _" "shrimp sautéed with _" "vinegar , chopped _" "green beans , sliced _" "peas , diced _" "apples , sweet _" "beef , sauteed _" "artichoke hearts , roasted _" "sauce , red _" "sauce , diced _" "kidney beans , red _" "melon , red _" "chestnuts , red _" "snow peas , green _" "tomato sauce , green _" "berries , green _" "onion , dehydrated _" "ingredients include green _" "pork , chopped _" "red wine , green _" "ingredients such as green _" "pasta , green _" "sweet corn , red _" "bean sprouts , red _" "carrots , green _" "sausage , red _" "sausage , grilled _" "green beans , red _" "spinach , yellow _" "lamb cooked with _" "large bowl , toss _" "juice of red _" "_ are cooked through" "_ marinated in" "zucchini , green _" "vinegar , red _" "side of sliced _" "portabella mushrooms , red _" "yellow squash , green _" "cucumber , sweet _" "cheese , organic _" "romaine lettuce , red _" "pickles , red _" "cheese , orange _" "cheese , chopped green _" "cucumbers , yellow _" "garlic , fresh _" "vegetables such as red _" "steak , green _" "tomatoes , yellow _" "olive oil , green _" "peaches , red _" "thin slices of red _" "cucumber , green _" "cranberries , red _" "pork , green _" "Cream of _" "tomato , green _" "tomatoes , red _" "garlic , dehydrated _" "Recipe using _" "baby spinach , red _" "powder , dried _" "red peppers , red _" "pan , add chopped _" "almonds , red _" "bacon , red _" "arugula , red _" "yellow squash , red _" "_ add crunch" "rice , chopped _" "_ are soft" "brown then add _" "pepperoni , green _" "tomatoes , fresh _" "squash , green _" "sweet corn , green _" "tuna , green _" "bag , combine _" "beans , roasted _" "black beans , red _" "rice , yellow _" "lemon juice , green _" "salami , green _" "slices of raw _" "salad with _" "powder , dehydrated _" "slices of red _" "stir fried with _" "vegetable crops such as _" "noodles , red _" "garlic , roasted _" "tomato paste , diced _" "olive oil , red _" "eggplant , yellow _" "ground beef , chopped _" "shredded cheese , diced _" "chopped roasted _" "zucchini , sweet _" "chilies , green _" "mustard , red _" "bell pepper , green _" "beef , green _" "sprinkle with finely chopped _" "potato , sweet _" "julienne of _" "mango , red _" "Italian sausage , green _" "pinch of _" "thyme , red _" "bacon , sweet _" "leaves , red _" "chopped onion , sliced _" "tofu , red _" "veggies , such as _" "salad , red _" "radishes , green _" "tomato , sweet _" "carrots , fresh _" "carrot , green _" "curry cooked with _" "black olives , red _" "cabbage , red _" "butter , red _" "garlic , green _" "olives , roasted _" "_ topped with" "pizza with red _" "artichoke hearts , roasted red _" "slices , green _" "large bowl , mix _" "medium-high heat add _" "slices of sweet _" "powder , red _" "tomatoes , green _" "soup with _" "zucchini , yellow _" "sour cream , green _" "roast red _" "steak grilled with _" "watermelon , red _" "green pepper , red _" "jalapenos , green _" "greens , sweet _" "oranges , sweet _" "fresh mushrooms , green _" "onion , green _" "plate of fresh _" "value crops such as _" "pan , add _" "red onions , red _" "mushrooms , red _" "beans , yellow _" "seeds , red _" "salad with chopped _" "top with chopped _" "ham , green _" "onions , red _" "pineapple , red _" "commercial planting of _" "cup of diced _" "cheese cooked with _" "cabbage , diced _" "red potatoes , green _" "leeks , green _" "onions , roasted red _" "papaya , red _" "arugula , roasted _" "wedges , red _" "sweet potato , red _" "squash , red _" "asparagus , red _" "avocado , red _" "corn , roasted _" "cup diced _" "sauce , green _" "ravioli with _" "scallions , green _" "recipe sour _" "salt , red _" "lentils , red _" "mayonnaise , red _" "mushrooms , yellow _" "lettuce , grilled _" "onion , roasted _" "medium heat cook _" "sausage , sauteed _" "peppers , red _" "fire roasted red _" "broth , green _" "apples , red _" "beans , green _" "carrot , chopped _" "chicken , green _" "cup of green _" "pan , sauté _" "medium heat , then add _" "high value crops such as _" "ham , red _" "raw vegetables , such as _" "carrot , red _" "carrots , red _" "corn , chopped _" "avocados , red _" "small bowl combine _" "sprouts , red _" "tomatoes , roasted _" "tomato , sliced _" "slices of fresh _" "recipe using _" "sausage , green _" "wine , green _" "_ are crisp-tender" "parsley , red _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "green peas , green _" "shrimp , diced _" "spinach , roasted _" "mozzarella , red _" "kale , red _" "vinegar , green _" "peas , yellow _" "flavor of green _" "heirloom variety of _" "fresh garlic , fresh _" "tomato , black _" "Saut ? until _" "herbs , red _" "nuts , green _" "olives , red _" "place sliced _" "strips , green _" "shrimp , green _" "feta cheese , red _" "dressing , red _" "chickpeas , red _" "hearts , roasted _" "breast , roasted red _" "salmon , red _" "tomatoes , crisp _" "broccoli , yellow _" "cucumber , red _" "powder , green _" "cup of chopped _" "cream cheese , red _" "chicken , roasted red _" "tomatoes with _" "_ contains phytochemicals" "bit of minced _" "paprika , red _" "romaine , red _" "steak with roasted _" "sour cream , red _" "sausage , diced _" "rice , green _" "garlic , yellow _" "white beans , red _" "red onion , sweet _" "onions , green _" "large skillet , brown _" "lettuce , green _" "hot , add _" "green beans , green _" "juice , green _" "lettuce , chopped _" "fennel , red _" "cherry tomatoes , sweet _" "cherry tomatoes , red _" "chicken breast , sweet _" "skewers , alternating with _" "tomatoes , roasted red _" "snow peas , red _" "fruits like _" "peppers , green _" "breast , roasted _" "celery , sweet _" "bowl , mix _" "shoots , green _" "smell of green _" "green onions , red _" "greenhouse grown _" "sweet potatoes , green _" "olives , green _" "oil , add _" "garlic , sweet _" "hearts , roasted red _" "tender , then add _" "vegetables like green _" "zucchini , red _" "green onion , green _" "spinach , roasted red _" "onion green _" "meat , red _" "skillet , brown _" "rice , red _" "small mixing bowl , combine _" "cream of _" "eggplant , green _" "grapes , red _" "radishes , red _" "onions , chopped green _" "meat , green _" "_ stuffed with" "beef , chopped _" "_ tossed with" "tomatoes , minced _" "raw vegetables like _" "apples , green _" "skillet cook _" "shrimp , sliced _" "broccoli , red _" "baby corn , green _" "bacon , green _" "pumpkin , green _" "broth , chopped _" "cheese , chopped _" "mix of diced _" "garlic , red _" "garlic , roasted red _" "olives , roasted red _" "raspberries , red _" "mushroom , red _" "onion , sweet _" "beans , sliced _" "green onions , green _" "beans , sweet _" "tomato , red _" "mixed greens , red _" "onions , yellow _" "lettuce , red _" "cheese , roasted red _" "broccoli , green _" "cheese , red _" "egg , red _" "cup chopped green _" "salad with fresh _" "onions , roasted _" "black pepper , red _" "beans , diced _" "sprinkle with minced _" "kidney beans , green _" "I was cooking _" "jalapenos , red _" "peas , green _" "onion , chopped green _" "pepper , green _" "red onion , red _" "nuts , red _" "potato , roasted _" "cheddar cheese , red _" "cheese , roasted _" "lima beans , green _" "black beans , roasted _" "apricots , red _" "artichokes , red _" "sautee until _" "vegetables , green _" "veggies except _" "corn , green _" "cheese , fried _" "celery , red _" "breast , red _" "spinach , green _" "leeks , red _" "cucumbers , red _" "chili , red _" "strawberries , red _" "cheese , smoked _" "cauliflower , green _" "mushrooms , roasted red _" "cumin , red _" "pan , combine _" "soup , green _" "shrimp stuffed with _" "_ are high" "scallions , red _" "tomatoes , sweet _" "sprouts , sliced _" "Serve sprinkled with _" "bacterial spot of _" "leaf , green _" "pepper , sweet _" "coconut , red _" "green beans , sweet _" "fruits , green _" "grape tomatoes , red _" "seeds of red _" "paste , green _" "sauce , chopped _" "chicken stock , green _" "green beans , yellow _" "chili , green _" "chilies , red _" "milk , fresh _" "onions , sweet _" "lettuce , sweet _" "salt , green _" "carrots , sweet _" "_ served with" "ginger , red _" "salt , dehydrated _" "red onions , green _" "potatoes , roasted _" "red " ] using bell_pepper CMC @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=pep 2.85299 PREFIX=peppe 2.84856 PREFIX=pepp 2.84856 LASTPREFIX=pep 2.06580 LASTPREFIX=peppe 2.03534 LASTPREFIX=pepp 2.03534 SUFFIX=pper 1.72143 WORDS -0.98691 SUFFIX=ell -1.36259 CHARS -3.96634 ] using bell_pepper
agriculturalproduct (100.0%)CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "red pepper , green _" "peas , red _" "paste , red _" "potatoes , green _" "pepper , red _" "squash , sweet _" "carrots , yellow _" "broccoli , roasted _" "parsley , green _" "chopped salad of _" "coriander , red _" "cheese , green _" "eggplant , roasted _" "eggs , diced _" "coconut milk , red _" "peaches , green _" "potato , green _" "_ is tender crisp." "spinach , red _" "milk , green _" "celery , green _" "corn , diced _" "capers , red _" "spices such as _" "chopped onion , chopped _" "Place equal amounts of _" "greens , red _" "pan add _" "Serve immediately garnished with _" "Serve garnished with _" "ground beef , green _" "onion , whole _" "_ is just tender" "oil , sauté _" "tomatoes green _" "minced garlic , red _" "mayonnaise , green _" "mushrooms , green _" "curry powder , red _" "cucumber , chopped _" "beets , red _" "blend of minced _" "basil , green _" "asparagus , green _" "chives , red _" "cabbage , sweet _" "paste , diced _" "cilantro , red _" "veggies such as _" "onion , red _" "red cabbage , red _" "salsa , green _" "artichoke hearts , red _" "chicken breast , roasted red _" "sesame oil , red _" "sandwich with roasted _" "squash , fresh _" "tomato , shredded _" "corn , red _" "chicken breast , red _" "shrimp , red _" "tablespoons of chopped _" "cheddar cheese , green _" "casserole , then add _" "black olives , sliced _" "red bell pepper , green _" "potatoes , yellow _" "summer crops like _" "eggplant , red _" "finely chopped red _" "red wine , red _" "basil , red _" "carrots , orange _" "jicama , red _" "onion , grilled _" "strawberry , red _" "cherry tomatoes , green _" "cherry , red _" "cucumbers , green _" "tomato , chopped _" "_ preserves recipes" "shrimp cooked with _" "sweet potato , green _" "baby carrots , red _" "vinegar , chopped _" "green beans , sliced _" "apples , sweet _" "plates , top with _" "beef , sauteed _" "sauce , red _" "sauce , diced _" "lemon juice , red _" "chickpeas , diced _" "snow peas , green _" "tomato sauce , green _" "onion , dehydrated _" "lettuce , sliced red _" "ingredients include green _" "pork , chopped _" "mini stuffed _" "platter , garnish with _" "red wine , green _" "ingredients such as green _" "mozzarella , roasted red _" "pasta , green _" "red curry with _" "sweet corn , red _" "top with sliced _" "crackers , green _" "chickpeas , roasted _" "bean sprouts , red _" "carrots , shredded _" "carrots , green _" "chopped onion , diced _" "shredded carrots , red _" "sweetness of ripe _" "roma tomatoes , red _" "herbs , such as _" "green onions , roasted _" "oil , dried _" "spinach , yellow _" "juice of red _" "zucchini , green _" "vinegar , red _" "yellow squash , green _" "pepper , yellow _" "romaine lettuce , red _" "pickles , red _" "potato cooked with _" "beans , purple _" "jack cheese , green _" "cheese , chopped green _" "garlic , fresh _" "green onions , diced _" "vegetables such as red _" "peaches , red _" "pieces , diced _" "thin slices of red _" "cucumber , green _" "cranberries , red _" "black beans , green _" "tomato , green _" "tomatoes , red _" "baby spinach , red _" "mint , red _" "red peppers , red _" "pan , add chopped _" "almonds , red _" "bacon , red _" "arugula , red _" "sprinkle with red _" "yellow squash , red _" "_ are soft" "radish , red _" "brown then add _" "pepperoni , green _" "capers , green _" "strips of fresh _" "tomatoes , fresh _" "squash , green _" "sweet corn , green _" "substitute chopped _" "tuna , green _" "beans , roasted _" "black beans , red _" "chicken , yellow _" "coconut milk , fresh _" "cakes with red _" "shallots , red _" "rice , yellow _" "lemon juice , green _" "salami , green _" "mint , sweet _" "pan with _" "sprouts , chopped _" "slices of green _" "red apples , red _" "vegetable , like _" "vegetable crops such as _" "late plantings of _" "slices , chopped _" "tomato paste , diced _" "olive oil , red _" "ingredients like red _" "greens , sliced _" "dehydrated onion , dehydrated _" "shredded cheese , diced _" "baby carrots , green _" "chopped roasted _" "zucchini , sweet _" "chilies , green _" "mustard , red _" "bell pepper , green _" "bay leaves , red _" "sprinkle with finely chopped _" "potato , sweet _" "rosemary , red _" "julienne of _" "mango , red _" "chopped onion , green _" "pinch of _" "thyme , red _" "white wine , green _" "heavy skillet cook _" "brown rice , red _" "chopped onion , sliced _" "tofu , red _" "veggies , such as _" "salad , red _" "potatoes , chopped _" "radishes , green _" "wine , red _" "turkey , green _" "carrots , fresh _" "carrot , green _" "curry cooked with _" "black olives , red _" "broccoli , chopped _" "Saute onion , green _" "cabbage , red _" "guacamole , grilled _" "blender , combine _" "butternut squash , green _" "butter , red _" "garlic , green _" "green cabbage , red _" "bacon , roasted red _" "artichoke hearts , roasted red _" "bell pepper , red _" "slices , green _" "salad with red _" "pieces , chopped _" "sausage , stuffed _" "powder , red _" "tomatoes , green _" "zucchini , yellow _" "yellow squash , sweet _" "yams , red _" "sour cream , green _" "sprinkle of red _" "juice , chopped _" "green pepper , red _" "jalapenos , green _" "greens , sweet _" "oranges , sweet _" "fresh mushrooms , green _" "vegetables included _" "onion , green _" "_ is crisp-tender" "pan , add _" "vegetables such as diced _" "_ turns bright green" "beans , yellow _" "beef flavored with _" "shrimp , sweet _" "salad with chopped _" "top with chopped _" "ham , green _" "I add sliced _" "onions , red _" "pineapple , red _" "chicken , chopped _" "cheese cooked with _" "cabbage , diced _" "sesame seeds , red _" "red potatoes , green _" "leeks , green _" "onions , roasted red _" "arugula , roasted _" "beef with chopped _" "avocado , roasted _" "raw vegetables such as _" "vegetables like red _" "wedges , red _" "shredded cabbage , diced _" "sweet potato , red _" "squash , red _" "asparagus , red _" "basic recipe using _" "avocado , red _" "corn , roasted _" "chicken broth , green _" "sauce , green _" "scallions , green _" "salt , red _" "lentils , red _" "mayonnaise , red _" "mushrooms , yellow _" "Yield response of _" "onion , roasted _" "medium heat cook _" "sausage , sauteed _" "peppers , red _" "saffron , green _" "broth , green _" "beans , green _" "carrot , chopped _" "chicken , green _" "cup of green _" "pan , sauté _" "medium heat , then add _" "cauliflower , red _" "raw vegetables , such as _" "pepperoni , red _" "potatoes fried with _" "carrot , red _" "carrots , red _" "near-isogenic lines of _" "avocados , red _" "chunks , green _" "bay leaf , red _" "bouquet of red _" "tomatoes , diced red _" "sprouts , red _" "tomatoes , roasted _" "tomato , sliced _" "egg , diced _" "Chop half of _" "sausages , sliced _" "sausage , green _" "wine , green _" "zucchini along with _" "_ are crisp-tender" "parsley , red _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "Certain vegetables like _" "grape tomatoes , green _" "green peas , green _" "shrimp , diced _" "kale , red _" "paprika , green _" "orange juice , green _" "vinegar , green _" "flakes , green _" "fennel , green _" "peas , yellow _" "garbanzo beans , red _" "half-cooked , add _" "fresh garlic , fresh _" "puree , red _" "tomato , black _" "herbs , red _" "nuts , green _" "leaf lettuce , red _" "olives , red _" "strips , green _" "shrimp , green _" "garlic , jalapeno _" "feta cheese , red _" "dressing , red _" "chickpeas , red _" "Serve , sprinkled with _" "breast , roasted red _" "tomatoes , crisp _" "broccoli , yellow _" "cucumber , red _" "cantaloupe , red _" "powder , green _" "cream cheese , red _" "chicken , roasted red _" "tomatoes with _" "celery , chopped green _" "ground beef , red _" "black olives , roasted red _" "bok choy , red _" "bit of minced _" "paprika , red _" "romaine , red _" "steak with roasted _" "soup , diced _" "sausage , diced _" "rice , green _" "garlic , yellow _" "white beans , red _" "fresh veggies like _" "onions , green _" "large skillet , brown _" "lettuce , green _" "hot , add _" "green beans , green _" "herbal note of _" "fresh tomatoes , green _" "grape tomatoes , sliced _" "vinaigrette with fresh _" "juice , green _" "mushroom soup , green _" "fennel , red _" "heat oil , add _" "fresh tomatoes , red _" "fresh tomato , green _" "eggplant , roasted red _" "cherry tomatoes , sweet _" "sausage , roasted red _" "cherry tomatoes , red _" "chicken breast , sweet _" "soy sauce , red _" "tomatoes , roasted red _" "snow peas , red _" "dish with sweet _" "peppers , green _" "seasoning , red _" "veggies including _" "celery , sweet _" "shoots , green _" "green onions , red _" "fennel , roasted _" "fish sauce , red _" "sweet potatoes , green _" "sweet roasted _" "tomato paste , green _" "olives , green _" "oil , add _" "zucchini , chopped _" "hearts , roasted red _" "spices , red _" "tomato paste , red _" "vegetables like green _" "zucchini , red _" "flour , green _" "green onion , green _" "spinach , roasted red _" "vegetables like _" "onion green _" "eggplant , green _" "grapes , red _" "garlic powder , red _" "radishes , red _" "flavour of green _" "onions , chopped green _" "beef , chopped _" "tomatoes , minced _" "raw vegetables like _" "skillet cook _" "salad of red _" "broccoli , red _" "baby corn , green _" "choy , red _" "bacon , green _" "Tomatoes , red _" "pumpkin , green _" "leeks , roasted _" "mix of diced _" "garlic , red _" "olives , roasted red _" "raspberries , red _" "green onions , green _" "beans , sweet _" "lots of diced _" "green chopped _" "tomato , red _" "simmer , then add _" "salad with diced _" "mixed greens , red _" "onions , yellow _" "lettuce , red _" "cheese , roasted red _" "broccoli , green _" "cheese , red _" "egg , red _" "cup chopped green _" "salad with fresh _" "pile of grilled _" "Stir in red _" "black pepper , red _" "beans , diced _" "sprinkle with minced _" "_ is almost tender" "onion in " ] using bell_pepper SEAL @731 (56.0%) on 05-may-2013 [ 1 ] using bell_pepper CMC @836 (100.0%) on 07-may-2014 [ PREFIX=pe 3.97041 PREFIX=pepp 3.77139 PREFIX=peppe 3.75753 PREFIX=pep 3.61678 SUFFIX=pper 2.97271 SUFFIX=epper 2.84007 PREFIX=be 2.73564 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.92698 WORDS -9.83899 CHARS -11.37638 ] using bell_pepper
visualizablething (100.0%)CMC @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=pep 1.57928 PREFIX=peppe 1.56907 PREFIX=pepp 1.56907 SUFFIX=pper 1.40156 PREFIX=be 1.30919 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.27500 SUFFIX=epper 1.12093 SUFFIX=ell -0.79731 SUFFIX=ll -1.06964 CHARS -1.31581 ] using bell_pepper CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "red pepper , green _" "oven roasted _" "peas , red _" "potatoes , green _" "pepper , red _" "squash , sweet _" "parsley , green _" "chicken , red _" "chicken sauteed with _" "cheese , green _" "potato , green _" "spinach , red _" "medium saucepan , combine _" "handful of chopped _" "heat until _" "celery , green _" "chicken , sweet _" "capers , red _" "spices such as _" "greens , red _" "eggs , add _" "pan add _" "vegetables including _" "onions , sliced _" "pepper until _" "pasta with red _" "_ is just tender" "mushrooms , green _" "asparagus , green _" "_ are very tender" "_ are heated through" "water , green _" "cabbage , sweet _" "cream , green _" "cilantro , red _" "cabbage , green _" "veggies such as _" "taste of green _" "onion , red _" "beans , red _" "large bowl , stir together _" "large bowl with _" "thin strips of _" "drizzle with _" "corn , red _" "eggplant , red _" "ground beef with _" "basil , red _" "cook until _" "variety of sweet _" "cucumbers , green _" "eggs , green _" "apples , sweet _" "sauce , red _" "sauce , diced _" "soft , add _" "tomato sauce , green _" "onion , minced _" "carrots , green _" "red wine with _" "necessary , add _" "_ are cooked through" "_ marinated in" "zucchini , green _" "saut ? _" "cup chopped _" "garlic , fresh _" "high heat until _" "saute until _" "cucumber , green _" "cheese , diced _" "Cream of _" "tomato , green _" "tomatoes , red _" "minute , then add _" "medium , add _" "Recipe using _" "recipe red _" "red peppers , red _" "bacon , red _" "_ are tender" "sauce , add _" "tomatoes , sliced _" "tomatoes , fresh _" "squash , green _" "beans , roasted _" "heat , then add _" "slices of raw _" "pan with _" "slices of red _" "stir fried with _" "fire roasted _" "bowl combine _" "onions , diced _" "bell pepper , green _" "beef , green _" "sprinkle with _" "stir until _" "saucepan , cook _" "potato , sweet _" "chicken cooked with _" "carrot , green _" "black olives , red _" "cabbage , red _" "blender , combine _" "garlic , green _" "olives , roasted _" "_ topped with" "oil , then add _" "saut ed _" "tomatoes , green _" "zucchini , yellow _" "sour cream , green _" "green pepper , red _" "greens , sweet _" "onion , green _" "plate of fresh _" "_ is just cooked through" "pan , add _" "mushrooms , red _" "beans , yellow _" "seeds , red _" "simmer till _" "ham , green _" "I also chop _" "vegetables , such as _" "onions , red _" "minutes , then add _" "onions , roasted red _" "few minutes , then add _" "water , red _" "skillet , add _" "tomatoes , diced _" "squash , red _" "avocado , red _" "onions with _" "crop such as _" "sauce , green _" "recipe for red _" "recipe sour _" "salt , red _" "potatoes , red _" "peppers , red _" "crops like _" "beans , green _" "chicken , green _" "cup of green _" "ingredients except _" "carrot , red _" "carrots , red _" "_ grilled with" "bowl , combine _" "tomatoes , roasted _" "slices of fresh _" "sausage , green _" "wine , green _" "_ are crisp-tender" "other ingredients except _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "fresh chopped _" "saut ed with _" "spinach , roasted _" "pot , add _" "spaghetti with _" "tender , add _" "tomato , black _" "Saut ? until _" "frying pan with _" "fry until _" "olives , red _" "shrimp , green _" "cucumber , red _" "blend of sweet _" "vegetarian stuffed _" "rice , green _" "heat add _" "onions , green _" "lettuce , green _" "ingredients , except _" "hot , add _" "green beans , green _" "heat , add _" "juice , green _" "lettuce , chopped _" "large bowl , combine _" "bowl add _" "tomatoes , roasted red _" "fruits like _" "peppers , green _" "crops such as _" "bowl , mix _" "smell of green _" "sweet potatoes , green _" "olives , green _" "mixing bowl , combine _" "oil , add _" "wok , add _" "zucchini , red _" "vegetables like _" "brown , add _" "skillet , brown _" "rice , red _" "eggplant , green _" "_ tossed with" "apples , green _" "broccoli , red _" "bowl , stir together _" "boil , add _" "chicken breast topped with _" "bag of green _" "bacon , green _" "cheese , chopped _" "garlic , chopped _" "garlic , red _" "onion , sweet _" "taste of fresh _" "blender , puree _" "beans , sweet _" "I sauteed _" "tomato , red _" "stir fry until _" "lettuce , red _" "cheese , roasted red _" "broccoli , green _" "cheese , red _" "stir fry with _" "salad with fresh _" "onions , roasted _" "beans , diced _" "_ is almost tender" "I was cooking _" "vegetables such as _" "tomatoes , chopped _" "peas , green _" "pepper , green _" "oil , green _" "onions , chopped _" "cheese , roasted _" "vegetables , green _" "corn , green _" "cheese , fried _" "celery , red _" "saucepan , combine _" "spinach , green _" "cucumbers , red _" "cheese , smoked _" "cauliflower , green _" "pan , combine _" "simmer until _" "saucepan , add _" "recipe calls for _" "tomatoes , sweet _" "onion , sliced _" "medium heat until _" "mixture , add _" "bowl , add _" "pepper , sweet _" "green beans , sweet _" "fruits , green _" "green vegetables such as _" "chicken stock , green _" "milk , fresh _" "onions , sweet _" "carrots , sweet _" "hot add _" "red onions , green _" "potatoes , roasted _" "red peppers , green _" "minutes , add _" "processor , add _" "sautd with _" "sauce , fresh _" ] using bell_pepper
food (98.5%)CPL @1094 (98.5%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "red pepper , green _" "peas , red _" "paste , red _" "sausage with grilled _" "potatoes , green _" "pepper , red _" "squash , sweet _" "carrots , yellow _" "chicken , cooked with _" "broccoli , roasted _" "red onion , green _" "parsley , green _" "cooks , chop _" "carrots , sliced _" "coriander , red _" "Chicken cooked with _" "chicken sauteed with _" "cheese , green _" "dressing , green _" "eggplant , roasted _" "eggs , diced _" "tomatoes , orange _" "peaches , green _" "pepper flakes until _" "potato , green _" "spinach , red _" "milk , green _" "handful of chopped _" "celery , green _" "broccoli , orange _" "Italian sausage with _" "chicken , sweet _" "corn , diced _" "carrot , yellow _" "capers , red _" "spices such as _" "chopped onion , chopped _" "greens , red _" "_ dressed with" "medium saucepan , cook _" "onion , roasted red _" "pan add _" "Italian sausage , red _" "ham , sweet _" "ground beef , green _" "onions , sautéed _" "pasta with red _" "onion , whole _" "tomatoes green _" "mushroom , green _" "mayonnaise , green _" "mushrooms , green _" "cucumber , chopped _" "mix , green _" "chicken breast , green _" "chocolate , green _" "beets , red _" "basil , green _" "asparagus , green _" "cauliflower , yellow _" "cabbage , sweet _" "red bell pepper , yellow _" "paste , diced _" "cilantro , red _" "cabbage , green _" "red onion , sliced _" "veggies such as _" "sweet potato , sweet _" "onion , red _" "red cabbage , red _" "sea salt , dehydrated _" "plastic bag , combine _" "salsa , green _" "beans , red _" "artichoke hearts , red _" "squash , fresh _" "tomato , shredded _" "tablespoons of chopped _" "chicken sautéed with _" "cheddar cheese , green _" "black olives , sliced _" "red bell pepper , green _" "potatoes , yellow _" "summer crops like _" "tomato , grilled _" "water chestnuts , red _" "eggs with green _" "herbs , chopped _" "eggplant , red _" "finely chopped red _" "_ seasoned with" "basil , red _" "jicama , red _" "onion , grilled _" "_ is crisp tender" "green onion , red _" "cherry tomatoes , green _" "cherry , red _" "cucumbers , green _" "tomato , roasted _" "_ preserves recipes" "shrimp cooked with _" "sweet potato , green _" "eggs , green _" "shrimp sautéed with _" "sliced onion , sliced _" "vinegar , chopped _" "green beans , sliced _" "pasta , red _" "peas , diced _" "apples , sweet _" "beef , sauteed _" "artichoke hearts , roasted _" "sauce , red _" "sauce , diced _" "kidney beans , red _" "melon , red _" "chestnuts , red _" "snow peas , green _" "tomato sauce , green _" "lettuce , sliced red _" "ingredients include green _" "pork , chopped _" "potato , chopped _" "red wine , green _" "ingredients such as green _" "mozzarella , roasted red _" "pasta , green _" "sweet corn , red _" "chickpeas , roasted _" "grapefruit , red _" "apple , red _" "bean sprouts , red _" "carrots , shredded _" "carrots , green _" "chopped onion , diced _" "shredded carrots , red _" "sweetness of ripe _" "green beans , red _" "spinach , yellow _" "juice of red _" "_ marinated in" "zucchini , green _" "vinegar , red _" "green olives , red _" "yellow squash , green _" "cucumber , sweet _" "romaine lettuce , red _" "pickles , red _" "beans , purple _" "aromas of green _" "jack cheese , green _" "cheese , orange _" "cheese , chopped green _" "cucumbers , yellow _" "garlic , fresh _" "green onions , diced _" "vegetables such as red _" "squash , yellow _" "steak , green _" "tomatoes , yellow _" "olive oil , green _" "peaches , red _" "thin slices of red _" "cucumber , green _" "cranberries , red _" "black beans , green _" "pork , green _" "cheese , diced _" "Cream of _" "edamame , red _" "tomato , green _" "tomatoes , red _" "garlic , dehydrated _" "oranges , red _" "baby spinach , red _" "mint , red _" "red peppers , red _" "pan , add chopped _" "almonds , red _" "arugula , red _" "yellow squash , red _" "_ are tender" "rice , chopped _" "radish , red _" "pepperoni , green _" "sausage , sweet _" "tomatoes , fresh _" "squash , green _" "sweet corn , green _" "substitute chopped _" "cabbage , yellow _" "bag , combine _" "black beans , red _" "coconut milk , fresh _" "shallots , red _" "recipe calls for green _" "rice , yellow _" "lemon juice , green _" "salami , green _" "salad with _" "powder , dehydrated _" "sprouts , chopped _" "salami , red _" "red apples , red _" "vegetable crops such as _" "noodles , red _" "late plantings of _" "garlic , roasted _" "tomato paste , diced _" "olive oil , red _" "eggplant , yellow _" "ground beef , chopped _" "dehydrated onion , dehydrated _" "shredded cheese , diced _" "carrots , chopped _" "baby carrots , green _" "chopped roasted _" "zucchini , sweet _" "chilies , green _" "mustard , red _" "bell pepper , green _" "beef , green _" "bay leaves , red _" "tomatoes , diced green _" "sun-dried tomatoes , red _" "sprinkle with finely chopped _" "potato , sweet _" "rosemary , red _" "mango , red _" "chopped onion , green _" "Italian sausage , green _" "thyme , red _" "finely diced red _" "flakes until _" "amount of green _" "white wine , green _" "bacon , sweet _" "heavy skillet cook _" "brown rice , red _" "chopped onion , sliced _" "veggies , such as _" "cayenne pepper , green _" "potatoes , chopped _" "radishes , green _" "tomato , sweet _" "sugar , dried _" "carrot , green _" "curry cooked with _" "black olives , red _" "broccoli , chopped _" "Saute onion , green _" "cabbage , red _" "guacamole , grilled _" "blender , combine _" "butternut squash , green _" "butter , red _" "garlic , green _" "green cabbage , red _" "olives , roasted _" "_ topped with" "pizza with red _" "artichoke hearts , roasted red _" "bell pepper , red _" "slices , green _" "salad with red _" "powder , red _" "tomatoes , green _" "zucchini , yellow _" "yellow squash , sweet _" "sour cream , green _" "steak grilled with _" "watermelon , red _" "juice , chopped _" "green pepper , red _" "jalapenos , green _" "greens , sweet _" "_ tastes like" "oranges , sweet _" "fresh mushrooms , green _" "onion , green _" "notes of fresh _" "_ is crisp-tender" "paste of green _" "value crops such as _" "pan , add _" "red onions , red _" "mushrooms , red _" "vegetables such as diced _" "beans , yellow _" "seeds , red _" "shrimp , sweet _" "top with chopped _" "ham , green _" "vegetables , such as _" "onions , red _" "tomatoes , sliced red _" "commercial planting of _" "cheese cooked with _" "cabbage , diced _" "sesame seeds , red _" "sauteeing until _" "red potatoes , green _" "root , red _" "onions , roasted red _" "papaya , red _" "_ simmered in" "arugula , roasted _" "beef with chopped _" "white pepper , red _" "raw vegetables such as _" "vegetables like red _" "wedges , red _" "soilborne diseases of _" "sweet potato , red _" "squash , red _" "asparagus , red _" "avocado , red _" "corn , roasted _" "chicken broth , green _" "butter , green _" "sauce , green _" "scallions , green _" "recipe sour _" "salt , red _" "lentils , red _" "mayonnaise , red _" "mushrooms , yellow _" "lettuce with red _" "lettuce , grilled _" "lettuce , roasted red _" "onion , roasted _" "sausage , sauteed _" "peppers , red _" "fire roasted red _" "broth , green _" "apples , red _" "beans , green _" "carrot , chopped _" "chicken , green _" "cup of green _" "pan , sauté _" "ingredients except _" "sweet potatoes , red _" "cauliflower , red _" "high value crops such as _" "ham , red _" "raw vegetables , such as _" "pepperoni , red _" "potatoes fried with _" "carrot , red _" "carrots , red _" "corn , chopped _" "avocados , red _" "chunks , green _" "bowl , combine _" "small bowl combine _" "tomatoes , diced red _" "bacon , cooked _" "sprouts , red _" "tomatoes , roasted _" "potato , yellow _" "egg , diced _" "slices of fresh _" "sausages , sliced _" "ripe aromas of _" "sausage , green _" "wine , green _" "zucchini along with _" "_ are crisp-tender" "Brown ground beef with _" "parsley , red _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "grape tomatoes , green _" "green peas , green _" "spinach , roasted _" "mozzarella , red _" "kale , red _" "orange juice , green _" "vinegar , green _" "flakes , green _" "fennel , green _" "peas , yellow _" "flavor of green _" "garbanzo beans , red _" "fresh garlic , fresh _" "tomato , black _" "herbs , red _" "leaf lettuce , red _" "olives , red _" "onion , diced green _" "pan saut ? _" "pea , green _" "strips , green _" "tomato , yellow _" "garlic , jalapeno _" "feta cheese , red _" "chickpeas , red _" "beef stir-fried with _" "hearts , roasted _" "Phytophthora blight of _" "breast , roasted red _" "tomatoes , crisp _" "broccoli , yellow _" "cucumber , red _" "cantaloupe , red _" "vegetables , like _" "summer squash , red _" "powder , green _" "cup of chopped _" "cream cheese , red _" "chicken , roasted red _" "spring onions , red _" "cucumber , roasted _" "_ contains phytochemicals" "ground beef , red _" "black olives , roasted red _" "bok choy , red _" "bit of minced _" "paprika , red _" "romaine , red _" "steak with roasted _" "sour cream , red _" "sausage , diced _" "rice , green _" "white beans , red _" "red onion , sweet _" "fresh veggies like _" "goat cheese , red _" "onions green _" "onions , green _" "large skillet , brown _" "lettuce , green _" "hot , add _" "green beans , green _" "fresh tomatoes , green _" "heat , add _" "juice , green _" "lettuce , chopped _" "mushroom soup , green _" "oak , red _" "fennel , red _" "fresh tomatoes , red _" "fresh tomato , green _" "eggplant , roasted red _" "cherry tomatoes , sweet _" "cherry tomatoes , red _" "chicken breast , sweet _" "soy sauce , red _" "tomatoes , roasted red _" "snow peas , red _" "fruits like _" "peppers , green _" "seasoning , red _" "celery , sweet _" "blue cheese , red _" "shoots , green _" "green onions , red _" "fennel , roasted _" "fish sauce , red _" "sweet potatoes , green _" "tomato paste , green _" "olives , green _" "oil , add _" "onions , orange _" "hearts , roaste" ] using bell_pepper CMC @1114 (100.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=pe 3.06658 PREFIX=pep 3.01118 LASTPREFIX=pep 2.71849 PREFIX=peppe 2.63433 LASTPREFIX=peppe 2.55690 PREFIX=pepp 2.50508 PREFIX=be 2.46413 LASTSUFFIX=er -1.57929 CHARS -4.89940 WORDS -8.50042 ] using bell_pepper
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey vegetable SEAL @529 (61.5%) on 11-mar-2012 [ 1 ] using bell_pepper CPL @1104 (84.1%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "red pepper , green _" "peas , red _" "potatoes , green _" "pepper , red _" "squash , sweet _" "carrots , yellow _" "red onion , green _" "parsley , green _" "carrots , sliced _" "chicken , red _" "chicken sauteed with _" "cheese , green _" "eggplant , roasted _" "eggs , diced _" "pita pocket with _" "pepper flakes until _" "potato , green _" "_ is tender crisp." "spinach , red _" "milk , green _" "handful of chopped _" "egg , green _" "celery , green _" "chicken , sweet _" "capers , red _" "spices such as _" "chopped onion , chopped _" "cook , stirring occasionally until _" "cob , red _" "rings of red _" "greens , red _" "eggs , chopped _" "veggies like _" "medium saucepan , cook _" "vegetables including _" "ham , sweet _" "ground beef , green _" "tomatoes green _" "mushroom , green _" "mayonnaise , green _" "mushrooms , green _" "celery , diced _" "mix , green _" "beets , red _" "basil , green _" "asparagus , green _" "_ are very tender" "_ are heated through" "cabbage , sweet _" "cream , green _" "_ is tender-crisp" "Shrimp cooked with _" "pork , sweet _" "finely diced _" "cilantro , red _" "cabbage , green _" "red onion , sliced _" "shrimp sauteed with _" "veggies such as _" "sweet potato , sweet _" "onion , red _" "potato , mixed _" "sea salt , dehydrated _" "salsa , green _" "beans , red _" "tomato , shredded _" "corn , red _" "cheddar cheese , green _" "potatoes , yellow _" "tomato , grilled _" "herbs , chopped _" "eggplant , red _" "finely chopped red _" "basil , red _" "onion , diced _" "_ is crisp tender" "green onion , red _" "chili paste with _" "cherry tomatoes , green _" "cucumbers , green _" "tomato , roasted _" "_ preserves recipes" "eggs , green _" "vinegar , chopped _" "peas , diced _" "artichoke hearts , roasted _" "snow peas , green _" "tomato sauce , green _" "berries , green _" "onion , dehydrated _" "lettuce , sliced red _" "pork , chopped _" "potato , chopped _" "pasta , green _" "onion , minced _" "apple , red _" "bean sprouts , red _" "carrots , green _" "shredded carrots , red _" "sausage , red _" "roma tomatoes , red _" "herbs , such as _" "green beans , red _" "lamb cooked with _" "large bowl , toss _" "agricultural products like _" "mint , green _" "zucchini , green _" "vegetables , including _" "cucumber , sweet _" "pepper , yellow _" "romaine lettuce , red _" "pickles , red _" "potato cooked with _" "_ have become tender" "cheese , chopped green _" "garlic , fresh _" "steak , green _" "tomatoes , yellow _" "olive oil , green _" "patties filled with _" "thin slices of red _" "cream green _" "cucumber , green _" "cranberries , red _" "black beans , green _" "pork , green _" "tomato , green _" "tomatoes , red _" "garlic , dehydrated _" "mint , red _" "powder , dried _" "red peppers , red _" "pan , add chopped _" "bacon , red _" "arugula , red _" "yellow squash , red _" "_ are tender" "rice , chopped _" "breast , green _" "sausage , sweet _" "capers , green _" "tomatoes , sliced _" "tomatoes , fresh _" "squash , green _" "sweet corn , green _" "tuna , green _" "beans , roasted _" "black beans , red _" "chicken , stuffed _" "cakes with red _" "shallots , red _" "rice , yellow _" "lemon juice , green _" "slices red _" "powder , dehydrated _" "slices of red _" "mushrooms , chopped _" "slices of green _" "vegetable , like _" "vegetable crops such as _" "late plantings of _" "garlic , roasted _" "green squares of _" "eggplant , yellow _" "ground beef , chopped _" "celery , chopped _" "dehydrated onion , dehydrated _" "carrots , chopped _" "baby carrots , green _" "chopped roasted _" "zucchini , sweet _" "chilies , green _" "pancetta , red _" "mustard , red _" "bell pepper , green _" "avocado , green _" "beef , green _" "sprinkle with finely chopped _" "saucepan , cook _" "potato , sweet _" "julienne of _" "mango , red _" "tomato , purple _" "thyme , red _" "flakes until _" "bacon , sweet _" "brown rice , red _" "veggies , such as _" "cedar , green _" "salad , red _" "potatoes , chopped _" "radishes , green _" "tomato , sweet _" "turkey , green _" "carrots , fresh _" "carrot , green _" "black olives , red _" "Saute onion , green _" "cabbage , red _" "cabbage red _" "ham , chopped _" "garlic , green _" "green cabbage , red _" "olives , roasted _" "bell pepper , red _" "oranges , green _" "vegetables , roasted _" "slices , green _" "saut ed _" "salad with red _" "slices of sweet _" "powder , red _" "tomatoes , green _" "zucchini , yellow _" "sour cream , green _" "sprinkle of red _" "steak grilled with _" "juice , chopped _" "green pepper , red _" "greens , sweet _" "pancakes with sweet _" "vegetables included _" "onion , green _" "chicken with green _" "_ is crisp-tender" "plate of fresh _" "minced onion , minced _" "mushrooms , red _" "vegetables such as diced _" "beans , yellow _" "beef flavored with _" "seeds , red _" "salad with chopped _" "ham , green _" "I also chop _" "vegetables , such as _" "pineapple , green _" "onions , red _" "pineapple , red _" "chicken , chopped _" "cup of diced _" "cheese cooked with _" "red potatoes , green _" "onions , grilled _" "onions , roasted red _" "beef with chopped _" "raw vegetables such as _" "tomatoes , diced _" "squash , red _" "sausage , chopped _" "asparagus , red _" "avocado , red _" "corn , roasted _" "cup diced _" "butter , green _" "sauce , green _" "pecans , green _" "red pepper flakes until _" "scallions , green _" "salt , red _" "lentils , red _" "onion , roasted _" "potatoes , red _" "peppers , red _" "fire roasted red _" "crops like _" "broth , green _" "beans , green _" "carrot , chopped _" "chicken , green _" "cup of green _" "color of sweet _" "sweet potatoes , red _" "cauliflower , red _" "ham , red _" "raw vegetables , such as _" "potatoes fried with _" "carrot , red _" "carrots , red _" "corn , chopped _" "near-isogenic lines of _" "bell pepper until _" "sprouts , red _" "tomatoes , roasted _" "tomato , sliced _" "potato , yellow _" "sirloin served with _" "cream cheese , chopped _" "pepper , dehydrated _" "sausage , green _" "_ are crisp-tender" "Brown ground beef with _" "parsley , red _" "mushrooms , sweet _" "fresh chopped _" "spinach , roasted _" "mozzarella , red _" "kale , red _" "orange juice , green _" "vinegar , green _" "flakes , green _" "fennel , green _" "peas , yellow _" "heirloom variety of _" "fresh garlic , fresh _" "tomato , black _" "translucent , then add _" "nuts , green _" "leaf lettuce , red _" "olives , red _" "shrimp , green _" "garlic , jalapeno _" "dressing , red _" "chickpeas , red _" "hearts , roasted _" "tomatoes , crisp _" "cucumber , red _" "vegetables , like _" "powder , green _" "cream cheese , red _" "crab meat , green _" "chili pepper , red _" "bit of minced _" "yeast , green _" "type of sweet _" "paprika , red _" "vegetarian stuffed _" "romaine , red _" "steak with roasted _" "sour cream , red _" "rice , green _" "garlic , yellow _" "onions , green _" "lettuce , green _" "green beans , green _" "juice , green _" "mushroom soup , green _" "fennel , red _" "heat oil , add _" "fresh tomatoes , red _" "cherry tomatoes , red _" "peppers , green _" "veggies including _" "celery , sweet _" "crops such as _" "shoots , green _" "green onions , red _" "sweet potatoes , green _" "olives , green _" "garlic , sweet _" "chunks of sweet _" "vegetables like green _" "zucchini , red _" "flour , green _" "vegetables like _" "onion green _" "beet , red _" "slice of red _" "rice , red _" "eggplant , green _" "chicken stir fried with _" "_ is finely minced" "meat , green _" "tomatoes , minced _" "raw vegetables like _" "red pepper , sweet _" "apples , green _" "salad of red _" "broccoli , red _" "bacon , green _" "pumpkin , green _" "broth , chopped _" "cheese , chopped _" "garlic , chopped _" "garlic , red _" "mushroom , red _" "onion , sweet _" "beans , sliced _" "green onions , green _" "beans , sweet _" "I sauteed _" "tomato , red _" "mixed greens , red _" "mirepoix of _" "onions , yellow _" "lettuce , red _" "cheese , roasted red _" "broccoli , green _" "cheese , red _" "egg , red _" "cup chopped green _" "onions , roasted _" "black pepper , red _" "sprinkle with minced _" "kidney beans , green _" "vegetables such as _" "tomatoes , chopped _" "peas , green _" "brown sugar , red _" "onion , chopped green _" "pepper , green _" "oil , green _" "onion , yellow _" "bits of sweet _" "cheese , roasted _" "lima beans , green _" "black pepper , green _" "artichokes , red _" "pepper , crushed _" "potato , red _" "vegetables , green _" "corn , green _" "different cultivars of _" "celery , red _" "spinach , green _" "red bell pepper , red _" "leeks , red _" "cucumbers , red _" "hay , green _" "cauliflower , green _" "cilantro , minced _" "cumin , red _" "pickles , green _" "soup , green _" "dates , red _" "spicy notes of _" "slivers of red _" "fresh basil , red _" "scallions , red _" "tomatoes , sweet _" "vegetable such as _" "pepper , sweet _" "coconut , red _" "green beans , sweet _" "ingredients such as chopped _" "fruits , green _" "grape tomatoes , red _" "green vegetables such as _" "paste , green _" "sauce , chopped _" "green beans , yellow _" "chilies , red _" "onions , sweet _" "lettuce , sweet _" "salt , green _" "carrots , sweet _" "beef with green _" "bean , red _" "I added sliced _" "ginger , red _" "_ add zip" "salt , dehydrated _" "red onions , green _" "creamy roasted _" "potatoes , roasted _" "red peppers , green _" "I chop _" "stock , green _" "spices , dehydrated _" "pods , green _" "pecans , red _" "flour , sweet _" "other vegetables like _" "onion , dried _" "sautd with _" ] using bell_pepper
agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct pepper (vegetable) (100.0%)CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and green bell arg2" "arg1 and a dash of cayenne arg2" "arg1 and a little crushed red arg2" "arg1 and dried hot arg2" "arg1 and freshly cracked black arg2" "arg1 and a red bell arg2" "arg1 and crushed red arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and freshly ground black arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and yellow bell arg2" "arg1 and cracked black arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" "arg1 with salt and arg2" "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and red bell arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, pepper) PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:relatedto,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct,concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct" ] using (bell_pepper, pepper)
garlic (vegetable) (93.8%)CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and green and red arg1" "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and diced red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, garlic)
agriculturalproductcutintogeometricshape squares (93.8%)CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 into small arg2" "arg1 and cut them into small arg2" "arg1 and chop into small arg2" "arg1 into D inch arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, squares)
inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct pepper (vegetable) (100.0%)CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and green bell arg1" "arg2 and a dash of cayenne arg1" "arg2 and a little crushed red arg1" "arg2 and season with black arg1" "arg2 and dried hot arg1" "arg2 and salt and arg1" "arg2 and freshly cracked black arg1" "arg2 and a red bell arg1" "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and season with salt and arg1" "arg2 and cayenne arg1" "arg2 and freshly ground black arg1" "arg2 and bell arg1" "arg2 and sprinkle with salt and arg1" "arg2 and yellow bell arg1" "arg2 and cracked black arg1" "arg2 and jalapeno arg1" "arg2 with salt and arg1" "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and red bell arg1" ] using (pepper, bell_pepper)
oil (100.0%)CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 roasted with olive arg1" "arg2 and garlic in the olive arg1" "arg2 in olive arg1" "arg2 in D tablespoon olive arg1" "arg2 fried in olive arg1" "arg2 in D tablespoon of olive arg1" "arg2 drizzled with extra virgin olive arg1" "arg2 sautd in olive arg1" "arg2 sauteed in olive arg1" "arg2 and garlic in olive arg1" "arg2 and mushrooms in olive arg1" "arg2 in a little canola arg1" "arg2 in some olive arg1" "arg2 in a little olive arg1" "arg2 in D tablespoons of olive arg1" "arg2 in a tablespoon of olive arg1" ] using (oil, bell_pepper)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct basil (agriculturalproduct)CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and diced red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, basil)
black_pepper (agriculturalproduct)CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and freshly cracked arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and freshly ground arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, black_pepper)
scallions CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and diced red arg1" "arg2 and green or red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, scallions)
vinegar (agriculturalproduct)CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a splash of balsamic arg2" "arg1 and balsamic arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, vinegar)
salt (food)CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and garlic and season with arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, salt)
chicken (meat)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and sweet red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, chicken)
olives (vegetable)CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 and diced red arg1" "arg2 and sweet red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, olives)
onion (vegetable)CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and vidalia arg2" "arg1 and Vidalia arg2" "arg1 and pieces of red arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, onion)
agriculturalproductcutintogeometricshape bits (geometricshape)CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 into really small arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, bits)
dice (geometricshape)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of raw red arg1" "arg2 red onion and arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, dice)
inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct basil (agriculturalproduct)CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and diced red arg2" ] using (basil, bell_pepper)
black_pepper (agriculturalproduct)CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and freshly cracked arg1" "arg2 and freshly ground arg1" ] using (black_pepper, bell_pepper)
raisins CPL @1112 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 and diced red arg2" ] using (raisins, bell_pepper)
scallions CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and diced red arg2" "arg1 and green or red arg2" ] using (scallions, bell_pepper)
sweet_potato CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and roasted red arg2" ] using (sweet_potato, bell_pepper)
tomato_slices CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and diced red arg2" ] using (tomato_slices, bell_pepper)
cream CPL @1114 (50.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and diced red arg2" ] using (cream, bell_pepper)
chicken_breast CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and roasted red arg2" ] using (chicken_breast, bell_pepper)
beans CPL @1112 (50.0%) on 20-jul-2018 [ "arg1 and diced red arg2" ] using (beans, bell_pepper)
garlic (vegetable)CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and crushed red arg2" "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and diced red arg2" ] using (garlic, bell_pepper)
olives (vegetable)CPL @1099 (75.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and diced red arg2" "arg1 and sweet red arg2" ] using (olives, bell_pepper)
agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct chicken (amphibian)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and sweet red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, chicken)
chicken (animal)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and sweet red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, chicken)
basil (beverage)CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and diced red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, basil)
black_pepper (beverage)CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and freshly cracked arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and freshly ground arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, black_pepper)
salt (beverage)CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and garlic and season with arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, salt)
basil (book)CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and diced red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, basil)
olives (braintissue)CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 and diced red arg1" "arg2 and sweet red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, olives)
garlic (cheese)CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and green and red arg1" "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and diced red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, garlic)
salt (chemical)CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and garlic and season with arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, salt)
black_pepper (condiment)CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and freshly cracked arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and freshly ground arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, black_pepper)
chicken (condiment)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and sweet red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, chicken)
garlic (condiment)CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and green and red arg1" "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and diced red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, garlic)
mayonnaise CPL @1108 (50.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 and another pinch of arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, mayonnaise)
onion (condiment)CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and vidalia arg2" "arg1 and Vidalia arg2" "arg1 and pieces of red arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, onion)
salt (condiment)CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and garlic and season with arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, salt)
vinegar (condiment)CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a splash of balsamic arg2" "arg1 and balsamic arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, vinegar)
pepper (female)CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and green bell arg2" "arg1 and a dash of cayenne arg2" "arg1 and a little crushed red arg2" "arg1 and dried hot arg2" "arg1 and freshly cracked black arg2" "arg1 and a red bell arg2" "arg1 and crushed red arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and freshly ground black arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and yellow bell arg2" "arg1 and cracked black arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" "arg1 with salt and arg2" "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and red bell arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, pepper) PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:relatedto,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct,concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct" ] using (bell_pepper, pepper)
chicken (fish)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and sweet red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, chicken)
black_pepper (grain)CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and freshly cracked arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and freshly ground arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, black_pepper)
chicken (grain)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and sweet red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, chicken)
basil (insect)CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and diced red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, basil)
onion (insect)CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and vidalia arg2" "arg1 and Vidalia arg2" "arg1 and pieces of red arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, onion)
olives (invertebrate)CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 and diced red arg1" "arg2 and sweet red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, olives)
onion (invertebrate)CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and vidalia arg2" "arg1 and Vidalia arg2" "arg1 and pieces of red arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, onion)
chicken (island)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and sweet red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, chicken)
pepper (island)CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and green bell arg2" "arg1 and a dash of cayenne arg2" "arg1 and a little crushed red arg2" "arg1 and dried hot arg2" "arg1 and freshly cracked black arg2" "arg1 and a red bell arg2" "arg1 and crushed red arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and freshly ground black arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and yellow bell arg2" "arg1 and cracked black arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" "arg1 with salt and arg2" "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and red bell arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, pepper) PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:relatedto,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct,concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct" ] using (bell_pepper, pepper)
vinegar (kitchenitem)CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a splash of balsamic arg2" "arg1 and balsamic arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, vinegar)
onion (magazine)CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and vidalia arg2" "arg1 and Vidalia arg2" "arg1 and pieces of red arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, onion)
chicken (mammal)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and sweet red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, chicken)
basil (meat)CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and diced red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, basil)
garlic (meat)CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and green and red arg1" "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and diced red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, garlic)
onion (meat)CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and vidalia arg2" "arg1 and Vidalia arg2" "arg1 and pieces of red arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, onion)
pepper (meat)CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and green bell arg2" "arg1 and a dash of cayenne arg2" "arg1 and a little crushed red arg2" "arg1 and dried hot arg2" "arg1 and freshly cracked black arg2" "arg1 and a red bell arg2" "arg1 and crushed red arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and freshly ground black arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and yellow bell arg2" "arg1 and cracked black arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" "arg1 with salt and arg2" "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and red bell arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, pepper) PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:relatedto,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct,concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct" ] using (bell_pepper, pepper)
salt (movie)CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and garlic and season with arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, salt)
pepper (musicartist)CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and green bell arg2" "arg1 and a dash of cayenne arg2" "arg1 and a little crushed red arg2" "arg1 and dried hot arg2" "arg1 and freshly cracked black arg2" "arg1 and a red bell arg2" "arg1 and crushed red arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and freshly ground black arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and yellow bell arg2" "arg1 and cracked black arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" "arg1 with salt and arg2" "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and red bell arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, pepper) PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:relatedto,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct,concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct" ] using (bell_pepper, pepper)
black_pepper (nut)CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and freshly cracked arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and freshly ground arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, black_pepper)
olives (nut)CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 and diced red arg1" "arg2 and sweet red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, olives)
vinegar (nut)CPL @1098 (75.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a splash of balsamic arg2" "arg1 and balsamic arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, vinegar)
salt (person)CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and garlic and season with arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, salt)
salt (physicalaction)CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and garlic and season with arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, salt)
basil (plant)CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and diced red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, basil)
garlic (plant)CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and green and red arg1" "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and diced red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, garlic)
olives (plant)CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg2 and diced red arg1" "arg2 and sweet red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, olives)
onion (plant)CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and vidalia arg2" "arg1 and Vidalia arg2" "arg1 and pieces of red arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, onion)
pepper (plant)CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and green bell arg2" "arg1 and a dash of cayenne arg2" "arg1 and a little crushed red arg2" "arg1 and dried hot arg2" "arg1 and freshly cracked black arg2" "arg1 and a red bell arg2" "arg1 and crushed red arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and freshly ground black arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and yellow bell arg2" "arg1 and cracked black arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" "arg1 with salt and arg2" "arg1 and roasted red arg2" "arg1 and red bell arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, pepper) PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:relatedto,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct,concept:agriculturalproductcookedwithagriculturalproduct,concept:inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct" ] using (bell_pepper, pepper)
onion (politicsblog)CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and vidalia arg2" "arg1 and Vidalia arg2" "arg1 and pieces of red arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, onion)
garlic (product)CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and green and red arg1" "arg2 and crushed red arg1" "arg2 and roasted red arg1" "arg2 and diced red arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, garlic)
salt (retailstore)CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a pinch of arg2" "arg1 and season with arg2" "arg1 and garlic and season with arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, salt)
agriculturalproductcutintogeometricshape dice (boardgame)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of raw red arg1" "arg2 red onion and arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, dice)
bits (buildingfeature)CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 into really small arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, bits)
strips (buildingmaterial)OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (bell_pepper, strips)
wedges (clothing)CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and cut into large arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, wedges)
ones (color)CPL @1113 (50.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg1 into small arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, ones)
dice (convention)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of raw red arg1" "arg2 red onion and arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, dice)
strips (food)OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (bell_pepper, strips)
wedges (food)CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and cut into large arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, wedges)
bite_sized_pieces CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and cucumber into arg2" "arg1 into strips or arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, bite_sized_pieces)
ones (musicalbum)CPL @1113 (50.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg1 into small arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, ones)
strips (musicartist)OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (bell_pepper, strips)
bits (musicsong)CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 into really small arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, bits)
dice (parlourgame)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of raw red arg1" "arg2 red onion and arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, dice)
dice (perceptionevent)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of raw red arg1" "arg2 red onion and arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, dice)
strips (physicalaction)OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (bell_pepper, strips)
bits (publication)CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 into really small arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, bits)
bits (televisionshow)CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 into really small arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, bits)
bits (tool)CPL @1116 (50.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 into really small arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, bits)
wedges (tool)CPL @1115 (50.0%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and cut into large arg2" ] using (bell_pepper, wedges)
dice (visualizableobject)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of raw red arg1" "arg2 red onion and arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, dice)
dice (wallitem)CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of raw red arg1" "arg2 red onion and arg1" ] using (bell_pepper, dice)
inverseofarthropodcalledarthropod mussels CPL @1105 (50.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and clams and arg2" ] using (mussels, bell_pepper)
inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct artichoke_hearts CPL @1113 (50.0%) on 03-aug-2018 [ "arg1 and sweet red arg2" ] using (artichoke_hearts, bell_pepper)