CPL @1109 (97.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "_ topped with" "plenty of fresh _" "more servings of _" "bowl , add _" "notes of black _" "bouquet of fresh _" "aromas of black _" "lots of dark _" ] using berry_fruits
CPL @1097 (86.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "aromas of ripe _" "flavours of ripe _" "delicate aromas of _" "aromas of red _" "_ fill the palate" "oak , sweet _" "chocolates , fresh _" "cheese , dark _" "palate with ripe _" "_ topped with" "nose of ripe _" "nose of black _" "flavors of dark _" "cherries , red _" "bouquet of ripe _" "aromas of sweet _" "fruit flavors such as _" "scents of ripe _" "flavors of red _" "aromas of dark _" "aromas of wild _" "_ dominate the palate" "flavors of ripe _" "array of ripe _" "notes of black _" "apples , red _" "foods such as _" "spices , red _" "aromas of black _" "_ fill the nose" "familiar foods such as _" "notes of ripe _" "jam , fresh _" "hints of ripe _" "cherry , black _" ] using berry_fruits
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1107 (61.8%) on 24-may-2018 [ "aromas of ripe _" "aromas of red _" "oak , sweet _" "tart red _" "scents of red _" "fresh picked _" "variety of red _" "notes of red _" "sun ripened _" "nose of black _" "nose of red _" "cherries , red _" "scents of black _" "plums , wild _" "bouquet of ripe _" "nuances of ripe _" "fruit flavors such as _" "scents of ripe _" "aromas of wild _" "dash of red _" "aroma of red _" "Good served with _" "flavours of red _" "notes of black _" "flavours of black _" "apples to _" "apples , red _" "spices , red _" "aromas of black _" "familiar foods such as _" "notes of ripe _" "hints of ripe _" "cherry , black _" ] using berry_fruits
CPL @1108 (54.1%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "aromas of ripe _" "flavours of ripe _" "aromas of red _" "Serve topped with fresh _" "_ fill the palate" "scents of red _" "spicy black _" "mix of ripe _" "nose of ripe _" "nose of black _" "palate of ripe _" "nose of red _" "cherries , red _" "plums , wild _" "nose of dark _" "scents of ripe _" "flavors of red _" "aromas of wild _" "dash of red _" "strong notes of _" "flavors of ripe _" "notes of black _" "flavours of black _" "foods such as _" "spices , red _" "aromas of black _" "_ fill the nose" "bouquet of red _" "hints of ripe _" "cherry , black _" ] using berry_fruits
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey