broccoli_florets (food)
literal strings: broccoli florets , BROCCOLI FLORETS , Broccoli florets , Broccoli Florets
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visualizableobject (100.0%)OE @994 (100.0%) on 12-may-2016 [ ] using broccoli_florets CPL @1096 (95.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "bag of frozen _" "bowl , toss together _" "cheese , steamed _" "carrots , fresh _" "baking sheet , toss _" "large saucepan , add _" "hot , garnished with _" "bowl , mix _" "breast , fresh _" "_ snap peas" "I saute _" "you are using frozen _" "large bowl , toss together _" "oil , add _" "sautd with fresh _" "you use frozen _" "salad with chopped _" "_ are delicious" "soup with _" "pasta , such as _" "pound of fresh _" "large bowl , toss _" "orecchiette with _" "cup of cooked _" "_ marinated in" "chicken breast , fresh _" "veggies such as _" "veggies , like _" "package of frozen _" "sautd with _" "chicken , steamed _" "salad with _" "I use frozen _" "cups of fresh _" "sausage , cooked _" "sauce made with fresh _" "garlic , fresh _" "sheet , toss _" "medium heat , cook _" "_ topped with" "bags of frozen _" "pan , add _" "carrots , raw _" "cheese , raw _" "_ sauteed in" "I used frozen _" "fresh foods such as _" "_ tossed with" "water , cook _" "_ stir fried with" "layer of sliced _" "sauce with steamed _" "foods such as _" "pasta , fresh _" "vegetables , frozen _" "large bowl , mix _" "_ are crisp-tender" "peas , fresh _" "_ stuffed with" "rimmed baking sheet , toss _" "_ served with" ] using broccoli_florets
visualizablething (100.0%)CMC @835 (100.0%) on 01-may-2014 [ SUFFIX=li 1.82133 POS=NNS 1.26421 PREFIX=fl 1.12965 PREFIX=flo 0.96823 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 0.93931 SUFFIX=oli 0.86088 LASTPREFIX=flo 0.75382 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.64660 PREFIX=bro -1.80654 CHARS -2.59739 ] using broccoli_florets OE @878 (100.0%) on 11-oct-2014 [ ] using broccoli_florets CPL @1095 (99.7%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "bag of frozen _" "sauce , served with _" "saut ? _" "bowl , combine _" "large saucepan , add _" "bowl , mix _" "_ snap peas" "oil , add _" "_ garnished with" "saucepan , combine _" "D-D cups of _" "vegetables like _" "stir-fry with _" "tender , add _" "soft , add _" "high heat , add _" "vegetables , such as _" "cup of cooked _" "_ marinated in" "heat , cook _" "saucepan , add _" "saut ed _" "veggies such as _" "_ sauteed with" "penne with _" "sautd with _" "garlic , fresh _" "other vegetables such as _" "medium heat , cook _" "_ topped with" "bags of frozen _" "pan , add _" "low , add _" "_ sauteed in" "fresh chopped _" "_ tossed with" "ingredients except _" "vegetables such as _" "water , cook _" "layer of sliced _" "recipe calls for _" "ready , add _" "lots of fresh _" "boil , add _" "pasta , fresh _" "large bowl , combine _" "wok , add _" "heat , add _" "_ are crisp-tender" "_ are tender" "cup chopped _" "wok with _" "vegetables except _" ] using broccoli_florets
food (99.7%)CPL @1094 (92.2%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "_ have more vitamin C" "bowl , combine _" "cheese , steamed _" "hot , garnished with _" "_ smothered in" "breast , fresh _" "_ snap peas" "grilled chicken breast , fresh _" "_ dressed with" "bed of steamed _" "carrots , chopped _" "oil , add _" "sautd with fresh _" "tomato , fresh _" "pasta , such as _" "vegetables , such as _" "cup of cooked _" "_ marinated in" "_ seasoned with" "Serve hot , garnished with _" "pasta , steamed _" "cup fresh _" "chicken breast , fresh _" "veggies such as _" "veggies , like _" "sprouts , chopped _" "chicken , steamed _" "salad with _" "cups of fresh _" "_ provide crunch" "sausage , cooked _" "sauce made with fresh _" "garlic , fresh _" "other vegetables such as _" "Other vegetables such as _" "_ topped with" "shrimp sauteed with fresh _" "pan , add _" "I added cooked _" "cups frozen _" "fresh foods such as _" "_ tossed with" "ingredients except _" "vegetables such as _" "sauce with steamed _" "foods such as _" "pasta , fresh _" "meantime , cook _" "heat , add _" "garlic , sauteed _" "_ are crisp-tender" "peas , fresh _" "_ are tender" "vegetables , like _" "Heat oil , add _" "recipe , made with _" ] using broccoli_florets LE @1100 (96.2%) on 31-jan-2018
agriculturalproduct (97.8%)CPL @1107 (61.2%) on 24-may-2018 [ "various vegetables like _" "cheese , steamed _" "carrots , fresh _" "breast , fresh _" "_ snap peas" "I also used frozen _" "portion of steamed _" "olives , boiled _" "large bowl , toss together _" "oil , add _" "simmers , cook _" "we use fresh _" "salad with chopped _" "tomato , fresh _" "broth , fresh _" "Toss cooked _" "vegetables like _" "vegetable , like _" "orecchiette with _" "chilies , fresh _" "cup of cooked _" "soup with fresh _" "bean sprouts , chopped _" "Serve hot , garnished with _" "pasta , steamed _" "Other vegetables , such as _" "chicken breast , fresh _" "veggies such as _" "veggies , like _" "sprouts , chopped _" "sautd with _" "pound of frozen _" "dish of steamed _" "_ provide crunch" "sauce over cooked _" "sauce made with fresh _" "garlic , fresh _" "other vegetables such as _" "Other vegetables such as _" "shrimp sauteed with fresh _" "pan , add _" "cheese , raw _" "green vegetable such as _" "perfection with fresh _" "vegetables such as _" "layer of sliced _" "soup garnished with _" "minced garlic , fresh _" "foods such as _" "pasta , fresh _" "meantime , cook _" "_ are crisp-tender" "peas , fresh _" "Heat oil , add _" "chicken with fresh _" ] using broccoli_florets CMC @1115 (94.4%) on 26-aug-2018 [ POS=NNS 3.04554 PREFIX=fl 2.49826 LASTPREFIX=fl 2.39552 PREFIX=broc 1.99784 PREFIX=brocc 1.95864 SUFFIX=li 1.92077 SUFFIX=coli 1.78926 WORDSHAPE=Aaaaaaaa -0.53389 WORDS -8.67834 CHARS -9.81503 ] using broccoli_florets
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey vegetable CPL @1108 (54.4%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "bag of frozen _" "vegetables , including _" "butter sauce , served with _" "cheese , steamed _" "carrots , fresh _" "baking sheet , toss _" "large saucepan , add _" "Chicken Chicken with _" "breast , fresh _" "I saute _" "portion of steamed _" "large bowl , toss together _" "bed of steamed _" "carrots , chopped _" "sautd with fresh _" "salad with chopped _" "vegetable such as _" "soup is loaded with _" "vegetables like _" "paste with fresh _" "vegetable , like _" "large bowl , toss _" "chilies , fresh _" "side salad of _" "bags of pre-cut _" "vegetables , such as _" "cup of cooked _" "bags frozen _" "saut ed _" "bean sprouts , chopped _" "salad consisting of _" "pasta , steamed _" "chicken broth , fresh _" "chicken breast , fresh _" "veggies such as _" "veggies , like _" "quinoa , steamed _" "package of frozen _" "sautd with _" "chicken , steamed _" "pound of frozen _" "dish of steamed _" "_ provide crunch" "handfuls of fresh _" "garlic , fresh _" "other vegetables such as _" "Cook frozen _" "peas , chopped _" "sheet , toss _" "bags of frozen _" "cup frozen _" "sprigs of green _" "cups frozen _" "cheese , raw _" "green vegetable such as _" "bag frozen _" "Toss chopped _" "_ cut very small" "fresh chopped _" "vegetables such as _" "carrots , frozen _" "side dish of steamed _" "layer of sliced _" "soup garnished with _" "sauce with steamed _" "minced garlic , fresh _" "leaves , steamed _" "vegetables include _" "sauce , steamed _" "_ are crisp-tender" "peas , fresh _" "_ are tender" "vegetables , like _" "veggies like _" "handfuls of frozen _" "vegetables except _" ] using broccoli_florets SEAL @227 (50.0%) on 01-apr-2011 [ 1 ] using broccoli_florets
inverseofanimaleatfood chicken (93.8%)CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 breasts and arg2" "arg1 breast and arg2" "arg1 breast and fresh arg2" "arg1 tenders with arg2" ] using (chicken, broccoli_florets)
inverseofanimaleatvegetable chicken (93.8%)CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 breasts and arg2" "arg1 breast and arg2" "arg1 breast and fresh arg2" "arg1 tenders with arg2" ] using (chicken, broccoli_florets)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct pepper_strips CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and bell arg1" "arg2 and red bell arg1" ] using (pepper_strips, broccoli_florets)
oil CPL @1099 (75.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 in olive arg1" "arg2 in a little olive arg1" ] using (oil, broccoli_florets)
peppers CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and red bell arg1" "arg2 and yellow bell arg1" "arg2 and bell arg1" ] using (peppers, broccoli_florets)