CPL @1097 (99.2%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "pan with _" "potatoes , roasted _" "vegetables including _" "_ are tender" "veggies such as _" "_ topped with" "sauce , roasted _" "_ sauteed with" "_ were tasty" "risotto with _" "oil , then add _" "crops such as _" "boil , add _" "onions with _" "green vegetables like _" "vegetables , such as _" "oven roasted _" "crops like _" "vegetables like _" "vegetables such as _" "_ tossed with" "outer leaves of _" "greens such as _" "hot add _" "beans , roasted _" "_ sautéed in" ] using brussel_sprouts
SEAL @779 (50.7%) on 15-oct-2013 [ 1 ] using brussel_sprouts
CPL @1097 (96.2%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "bed of creamed _" "_ are high" "potatoes , roasted _" "green beans , roasted _" "veggies such as _" "_ topped with" "season crops such as _" "sauce , roasted _" "_ are delicious" "_ are a vegetable" "foods like _" "_ tossed with" "beans , roasted _" "_ sautéed in" "I love roasted _" ] using brussel_sprouts
CMC @1114 (100.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=uts 1.93071 LASTPREFIX=sp 1.57798 SUFFIX=routs 1.33961 LASTSUFFIX=routs 1.31592 SUFFIX=el 1.23336 LASTPREFIX=spr 1.08898 PREFIX=spr 1.04404 PREFIX=bru -0.74147 WORDS -1.32760 CHARS -4.16428 ] using brussel_sprouts
SEAL @874 (52.3%) on 20-sep-2014 [ 1 ] using brussel_sprouts
CPL @1100 (85.4%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "_ are just tender" "plain boiled _" "fruits such as _" "potatoes , sautéed _" "dish , mix _" "Cruciferous vegetables include _" "salad with _" "favorite vegetable is _" "foods such as _" "carrots , roasted _" "_ were delicious" "veggies except _" "Vegetables such as _" "asparagus , roasted _" "caramelized onions , roasted _" "cruciferous vegetables such as _" "fresh vegetables such as _" "_ are tender" "_ were al dente" "cabbage , raw _" "certain vegetables , such as _" "sugar , fresh _" "_ are perfectly tender" "par boil _" "_ seasoned with" "cruciferous vegetables , such as _" "recipe for shredded _" "potato , roasted _" "bowl of steamed _" "_ tossed with" "evening eating _" "cruciferous vegetables like _" "_ dressed with" "mashed potatoes , steamed _" "garlic , roasted _" "vegetables , such as _" "sprouts , fried _" "order of fried _" "_ are crisp-tender" "_ simmered in" "leafy greens such as _" "We were eating _" "vegetable recipes grilling _" "_ have starch" "green vegetables , such as _" "steak with roasted _" "_ contain phytonutrients" "hot , add _" "_ really make the dish" "_ smothered in" "veggies such as _" "vegetables , like _" "potatoes with fresh _" "veg such as _" "foods like _" "dish with shredded _" "salt , roasted _" "other cruciferous vegetables , such as _" "side of steamed _" "chiffonade of _" "potatoes , sauteed _" "leeks , roasted _" "brown sugar , fresh _" "foods , including _" "dark green vegetables such as _" "other vegetables such as _" "onions , roasted _" "vegetable except _" "cup of cooked _" "winter vegetables like _" "potatoes , caramelized _" "hard vegetables like _" "sweet potatoes , roasted _" "grilled vegetable recipes grilling _" "green leafy vegetables such as _" "_ sautéed in" "stems off _" "leafy vegetables such as _" "potatoes , steamed _" "pan , add _" "I love roasted _" "salad with raw _" "greens such as _" "green vegetables such as _" "main course served with _" "lemon roasted _" "salad of raw _" "vegetables such as _" "I were eating _" "cruciferous vegetables , including _" "_ are crisp tender" ] using brussel_sprouts
LE @1067 (96.1%) on 17-jul-2017
MBL @1103 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of mammal:chicken animaleatfood agriculturalproduct:brussel_sprouts ]
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1107 (65.6%) on 24-may-2018 [ "beets , purple _" "bed of creamed _" "pan with _" "potatoes , roasted _" "green beans , roasted _" "veggies such as _" "season crops such as _" "veggies , including _" "_ growing information" "cruciferous vegetables such as _" "_ are a cool season crop" "vegetables included _" "_ were sauteed with" "green vegetables like _" "cruciferous vegetables , such as _" "vegetables like _" "vegetables such as _" "leafy green vegetables like _" "foods like _" "hot add _" "beans , roasted _" "phytonutrient found in _" "I love roasted _" "cool season crops such as _" ] using brussel_sprouts
SEAL @679 (58.7%) on 04-jan-2013 [ 1 ] using brussel_sprouts
SEAL @739 (58.8%) on 06-jun-2013 [ 1 ] using brussel_sprouts
CPL @1107 (57.6%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ are just tender" "salad , roasted _" "plain boiled _" "Cruciferous vegetables include _" "large bowl , toss _" "outer leaves from _" "favorite vegetable is _" "green stalks of _" "garlic sauteed _" "veggies , including _" "I saute _" "Vegetables such as _" "outer leaves of _" "I added fresh _" "asparagus , roasted _" "julienne of _" "cruciferous vegetables such as _" "chicken , baked _" "sauce , roasted _" "greens like _" "fresh vegetables such as _" "_ are fork tender" "_ are tender" "cabbage , raw _" "certain vegetables , such as _" "few stalks of _" "late sowing of _" "chicken , roasted _" "butter , shredded _" "cruciferous vegetables , such as _" "fresh greens like _" "bowl of steamed _" "small bag of frozen _" "they still taste like _" "bag of frozen _" "cruciferous vegetables like _" "sauce , steamed _" "brassicas such as _" "dark green vegetables , such as _" "mashed potatoes , steamed _" "garlic , roasted _" "vegetables , such as _" "_ are crisp-tender" "leafy greens such as _" "crops such as _" "veggies like _" "great recipes using _" "veg like _" "beans , pickled _" "I made roasted _" "I stir-fried _" "green vegetables , such as _" "steak with roasted _" "Cornish hen with _" "vegetables include _" "vegetables like _" "veggie like _" "veggies such as _" "vegetables , like _" "potatoes with fresh _" "veg such as _" "potatoes , roasted _" "dish with shredded _" "salt , roasted _" "other cruciferous vegetables , such as _" "I sauted _" "side of steamed _" "_ have become tender" "chiffonade of _" "potatoes , sauteed _" "vegetables , roasted _" "red potatoes with _" "cream , roasted _" "bags of frozen _" "cheese , grilled _" "dark green vegetables such as _" "other vegetables such as _" "vegetables , including _" "few leaves of _" "onions , roasted _" "fresh stalks of _" "cup of cooked _" "greens including _" "winter vegetables like _" "whole stalks of _" "potatoes , caramelized _" "vegetable like _" "gravy , roasted _" "dish made of _" "hard vegetables like _" "sweet potatoes , roasted _" "green leafy vegetables such as _" "crops include _" "bag frozen _" "potatoes , shredded _" "dark leafy greens such as _" "crops like _" "vegetables except _" "leafy vegetables such as _" "potatoes , steamed _" "_ recipe view africa" "I love roasted _" "greens , such as _" "greens such as _" "tall stalks of _" "saut ed _" "foods like raw _" "green vegetables such as _" "mashed potatoes , roasted _" "salad of raw _" "rice , roasted _" "relish , roasted _" "recipe creamed _" "vegetables such as _" "package of frozen _" "cruciferous vegetables , including _" "_ are crisp tender" ] using brussel_sprouts
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 breast with a side of arg2" "arg1 breast with roasted arg2" "arg1 breast and arg2" "arg1 confit and arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" "arg1 marsala with arg2" ] using (chicken, brussel_sprouts)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 breast with a side of arg2" "arg1 breast and arg2" "arg1 breast with arg2" "arg1 marsala with arg2" ] using (chicken, brussel_sprouts)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey