cheddar_cheese_soup (food)
literal strings: Cheddar cheese soup , cheddar cheese soup
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visualizablething (100.0%)
visualizableobject (99.1%)CPL @1103 (99.1%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "Pour half of _" "can of _" "recipe using _" "small bowl , mix _" "bowl , mix _" "_ topped with" "cream of _" "recipes using _" "recipes using canned _" ] using cheddar_cheese_soup
food (98.6%)CMC @1099 (70.8%) on 23-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=ch 2.84928 PREFIX=so 1.34969 SUFFIX=heese 1.32941 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.14597 PREFIX=chedd 1.12088 SUFFIX=ese 1.07422 SUFFIX=eddar 1.06883 SUFFIX=oup -1.11495 CHARS -3.61951 WORDS -4.87675 ] using cheddar_cheese_soup LE @1072 (77.1%) on 14-aug-2017 CPL @1108 (78.4%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "Pour half of _" "small bowl , mix _" "_ topped with" "cream of _" ] using cheddar_cheese_soup
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey meat CPL @1109 (58.4%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "recipes for jalapeno _" "recipes using canned _" ] using cheddar_cheese_soup