cherry_peppers (food)
literal strings: cherry_peppers, cherry peppers, cherry-peppers
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- visualizableobject(100.0%)
- CMC @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=pep 1.71179 PREFIX=peppe 1.70914 PREFIX=pepp 1.70914 PREFIX=ch 1.68102 SUFFIX=rry 1.56180 SUFFIX=erry 1.40667 LASTPREFIX=pep 1.23948 SUFFIX=ers -0.75469 LASTSUFFIX=ers -0.78095 CHARS -3.02884 ] using cherry_peppers
- CPL @1094 (97.8%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "spinach , sliced _" "onion , hot _" "_ stuffed with" "tomatoes , hot _" "cucumbers , sweet _" "olives , stuffed _" "onions , hot _" "_ served with" "seeds , hot _" "bread , pickled _" "pepper , hot _" "tomatoes , sweet _" "garlic , hot _" "bowls of hot _" "slices of sweet _" "beans , hot _" "pepper , sweet _" "_ marinated in" "spicy Italian _" "recipe calls for fresh _" "recipe using _" "recipe using fresh _" "peppers , green _" "recipe for pickled _" "tomatoes , red _" "onions , sweet _" "peppers , hot _" "cucumber , sweet _" "Recipe using _" "recipe for marinated _" "juice , hot _" "_ tossed with" "_ sauteed in" "olives , pickled _" "_ topped with" "salad , stuffed _" ] using cherry_peppers
- food(100.0%)
- CPL @1094 (92.2%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "jars of hot _" "_ seasoned with" "tomatoes , hot _" "_ smothered in" "sweet peppers , hot _" "cucumbers , sweet _" "olives , stuffed _" "bell pepper , hot _" "seeds , hot _" "cucumber , sliced _" "pepper , hot _" "tomatoes , sweet _" "garlic , hot _" "pepper , sweet _" "black olives , sliced _" "_ marinated in" "peppers , green _" "spiciness from _" "tomatoes , red _" "onions , sweet _" "cucumber , sweet _" "green pepper , sweet _" "_ tossed with" "olives , pickled _" "_ topped with" ] using cherry_peppers
- CMC @1112 (100.0%) on 19-jul-2018 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.98830 PREFIX=ch 1.97654 SUFFIX=herry 1.93700 LASTPREFIX=pe 1.93532 LAST_WORD=peppers 1.88856 PREFIX=pep 1.71022 PREFIX=peppe 1.60578 LASTSUFFIX=ers -0.73122 CHARS -3.15104 WORDS -5.74885 ] using cherry_peppers
- visualizablething(100.0%)
- CMC @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.60146 PREFIX=ch 1.34553 PREFIX=pep 1.05676 SUFFIX=erry 1.03590 PREFIX=peppe 0.97150 PREFIX=pepp 0.97150 LASTPREFIX=pe 0.82493 SUFFIX=rry -0.14133 LASTSUFFIX=ers -0.52029 SUFFIX=ers -1.26433 ] using cherry_peppers
- CPL @1096 (95.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "onions , sliced _" "wine sauce with _" "cucumbers , sweet _" "onions , hot _" "garlic , chopped _" "pepper , hot _" "tomatoes , sweet _" "garlic , hot _" "pepper , sweet _" "_ marinated in" "spicy Italian _" "recipe using fresh _" "peppers , green _" "recipe for pickled _" "tomatoes , red _" "onions , sweet _" "peppers , hot _" "amount of hot _" "Recipe using _" "fresh chopped _" "large bowl with _" "recipe for marinated _" "juice , hot _" "_ tossed with" "_ sauteed in" "onions , chopped _" "_ topped with" ] using cherry_peppers
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
- vegetable
- SEAL @235 (50.0%) on 15-apr-2011 [ 1 ] using cherry_peppers
- CMC @1109 (79.9%) on 12-jun-2018 [ PREFIX=pe 1.68859 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.63800 SUFFIX=ry 1.24891 LASTPREFIX=pe 1.19083 PREFIX=pepp 1.15301 LASTPREFIX=pep 1.15196 LASTPREFIX=pepp 1.14542 LASTSUFFIX=rs -0.45322 WORDS -5.70659 CHARS -9.22169 ] using cherry_peppers