corriander (food)
literal strings: corriander
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- visualizableobject(100.0%)
- food(100.0%)
- visualizablething(99.9%)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
- agriculturalproduct
- CPL @1095 (77.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "fresh mint , fresh _" "few sprigs of _" "few leaves of _" "fresh cracked _" "handful of finely chopped _" "herbs except _" "Serve garnished with fresh _" "Serve hot , garnished with _" "teaspoon of dried _" "salt , green _" "vinegar , chopped _" "sprinkle of fresh _" "sprig of fresh _" "hot garnished with chopped _" "spices except _" "sprig of _" "mint , fresh _" "sprinkle with fresh _" "sprigs of _" "tomatoes , fresh _" "garnished with _" "top with fresh _" "peas , fresh _" "pinch of _" "rice with fresh _" ] using corriander
- vegetable
- CPL @1094 (74.1%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "fresh mint , fresh _" "few sprigs of _" "few leaves of _" "potato , fresh _" "fresh cracked _" "volatile oils in _" "Serve hot garnished with chopped _" "herbs except _" "fresh chopped _" "Serve garnished with fresh _" "sauce , garnished with _" "teaspoon of dried _" "tomatoes , chopped _" "little sprig of _" "salt , green _" "large saucepan , add _" "vinegar , chopped _" "sprinkle of fresh _" "sprig of fresh _" "strips , fresh _" "handful of chopped _" "garlic fresh _" "spices except _" "sprinkling of chopped _" "sprig of _" "sprinkle with fresh _" "sprigs of _" "tomatoes , fresh _" "garnished with _" "peas , fresh _" "rice with fresh _" ] using corriander