CPL @1107 (88.4%) on 24-may-2018 [ "order of fried _" "box of frozen _" "vegetables , fried _" "I make homemade _" "recipe for chinese _" "noodles , fried _" "sandwiches , assorted _" "sticky rice with _" "home , ate _" "dishes like _" "_ are golden brown" "salad with _" "pork , Chinese _" "package of frozen _" "I made baked _" "_ are delicious" "cooking frozen _" "rice , fried _" "steak , grilled _" "dumplings , fried _" "foods like _" "_ stuffed with" "_ were crispy" "onion rings , fried _" "_ served with" "foods such as _" "alternative to fried _" "things like fried _" "shrimp , fried _" "_ are lightly browned on" "Cheese filled _" "medium heat , cook _" ] using egg_rolls
CMC @1114 (100.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=rol 3.45571 PREFIX=rol 3.12563 PREFIX=eg 3.02642 SUFFIX=gg 1.47453 FIRST_WORD=egg 0.84387 PREFIX=ro 0.83164 LAST_WORD=rolls 0.78638 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.32499 WORDS -0.99570 CHARS -1.87393 ] using egg_rolls