CPL @1104 (98.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "_ marinated with" "fork until _" "_ is just cooked through" "_ containing sugar" "neck of _" "smell of freshly baked _" "flour until _" "vegetables , sweet _" "thin strip of _" "_ filling recipe" "_ are made fresh" "planks of _" "_ based dishes" "_ are fried in" "egg mixture over _" "glaze over _" "piece of hard _" "recipe for stuffed _" "_ softened butter" "skillet with _" "_ baked fresh" "honey glazed _" "baking dish with _" "_ served daily" "chocolate dipped _" "coffee , fresh _" "recipe called for _" "recipe for sweet _" "kitchen making _" "_ is al dente" "baking pan with _" "tablespoons of _" "thin pieces of _" "scallops wrapped in _" "heat , until _" "heat until _" "flat piece of _" "carbohydrates , such as _" "cream filled _" "commercial quantities of _" "medium heat until _" "_ topped with" "array of fresh _" "thin film of _" "round piece of _" "olive oil to _" "pan with _" "fruit , fresh _" "thin strips of _" "shrimp wrapped in _" "_ is browned" "stir until _" "low heat until _" "soft serve _" "baking sheet with _" "variety of fresh _" "ingredients , except _" "we were eating _" "_ garnished with" "tomatoes , olive _" "I cooked _" "icing on _" "We stopped for _" "square piece of _" "sugars , such as _" "fruit flavored _" "crispy fried _" "cook until _" "cheese , fresh _" "_ is golden brown" "_ was served at" "wide variety of delicious _" "mixture over _" "selection of delicious _" "butter until _" "cream after _" "carbohydrates like _" "blend of sweet _" "pan of warm _" "other ingredients except _" "solid piece of _" "selection of fresh _" "deep fried _" "drizzle over _" "bag of frozen _" "assortment of fresh _" "mixture resembles _" "I love fried _" "bake until _" "spoonfuls of _" "cheese , baked _" "mix until _" "_ not made with" "salads , fresh _" "I was eating _" "home baked _" "Eat lots of _" "delivery of fresh _" "consumption of fatty _" "cake made with _" "terrace with _" "chocolate covered _" "_ are browned" "drizzle of _" "such foods as _" "pudding with _" "thin piece of _" "oil based _" "walks in _" "_ wrapped scallops" "stew with _" "_ are golden brown" "apple pie with _" "slotted spoon , remove _" "pulse until _" "ingredients except _" "_ is cooked through" "light whipped _" "rectangular piece of _" "_ is served at" "recipe roasted _" "wide variety of fresh _" "pasta , white _" "they were made of _" "_ eaten during" "taste of fresh _" "foods , such as _" "ice cream after _" "thick piece of _" "spoon , remove _" ] using pastry
MBL @1116 (96.9%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of food:pastry thinghascolor color:brown ] using concept:food:pastry
CPL @1115 (79.0%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "manufacturer of frozen _" "spicy stuffed _" "cream of _" "cheese sauce over _" "fork until _" "_ is half-cooked" "package of frozen _" "_ served with" "Avoid foods such as _" "pieces of sweet _" "cheese , crisp _" "you are using frozen _" "Pour syrup over _" "_ resembles coarse meal" "smell of freshly baked _" "vegetables , sweet _" "_ filling recipe" "_ is too sticky" "pastry blender until _" "_ are baked daily" "recipe for stuffed _" "lot of fried _" "chicken , sesame _" "Layer half of _" "foods such as _" "foods like _" "table , eating _" "ricotta filled _" "_ served daily" "aromas of fresh _" "_ is al dente" "_ cool completely before" "scallops wrapped in _" "packet of frozen _" "_ filling recipes" "bread crumbs over _" "_ topped with" "_ resembles coarse crumbs" "sausages wrapped in _" "side of fried _" "rice wrapped in _" "bakery products such as _" "shrimp wrapped in _" "bowl of lukewarm _" "dates wrapped in _" "Shrimp wrapped in _" "coffee , eat _" "_ is served daily at" "variety of fresh baked _" "hot syrup over _" "we were eating _" "_ is served daily from" "tomatoes , olive _" "bread , fresh _" "icing on _" "custard filled _" "can of _" "_ are delicious" "smell of fresh baked _" "egg mixture to _" "you use frozen _" "_ is golden brown" "fruit , fresh baked _" "teaspoon of _" "recipe calls for fresh _" "dessert made of _" "pan of warm _" "brands of frozen _" "_ stuffed with" "afternoon tea with homemade _" "soup with _" "bag of frozen _" "mixture resembles _" "tea with homemade _" "cheese , baked _" "_ leaves stuffed with" "cakes , fresh _" "I buy frozen _" "corn bread , sweet _" "cherry on _" "homemade fried _" "I use frozen _" "plate of hot _" "egg , fried _" "Dip half of _" "_ wrapped scallops" "shortening until _" "_ is also served in" "_ are golden brown" "I used frozen _" "white pasta , white _" "pulse until _" "_ is cooked through" "light whipped _" "dish of fried _" "_ is served at" "_ infused with" "recipes using _" "bread , sweet _" "pasta , white _" "pack of frozen _" "I used sweet _" "simple carbohydrates , such as _" ] using pastry
CPL @1105 (96.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is golden arg2" "arg1 is light golden arg2" "arg1 a light golden arg2" "arg1 turns golden arg2" "arg1 is a light golden arg2" ] using (pastry, brown)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1105 (96.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is golden arg2" "arg1 is light golden arg2" "arg1 a light golden arg2" "arg1 turns golden arg2" "arg1 is a light golden arg2" ] using (pastry, brown)