rice_recipe (food)
literal strings: rice-recipe, rice Recipe, Rice Recipe, rice recipe, Rice recipe, rice_recipe
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- visualizablething(100.0%)
- CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=ri 4.74885 SUFFIX=ice 2.58929 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.49034 PREFIX=ric 2.44410 SUFFIX=pe 2.15118 FIRST_WORD=rice 1.88341 PREFIX=reci 0.53265 WORDSHAPE=aaaa -1.03315 WORDS -2.11143 CHARS -3.15346 ] using rice_recipe
- CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "chicken fried _" "grain brown _" "pineapple fried _" "zucchini with _" "rice , wild _" "shrimp fried _" "chicken soup with _" "plain boiled _" "vegetable fried _" "pork fried _" "style fried _" "spicy fried _" "recipes fried _" "stir fry with _" "recipe thai _" "_ topped with" "egg fried _" "crispy fried _" "stir fried _" ] using rice_recipe
- visualizableobject(94.6%)
- CPL @1103 (94.6%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "short grain brown _" "seafood fried _" "homemade fried _" "sauce chicken fried _" "grain brown _" "chinese fried _" "pineapple fried _" "soup with _" "ground toasted _" "rice , wild _" "cream of _" "plain boiled _" "curry fried _" "vegetable fried _" "pork fried _" "salad with _" "_ served with" "ham fried _" "chicken with wild _" "beef fried _" "_ topped with" "egg fried _" ] using rice_recipe
- food(92.0%)
- CPL @1103 (92.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "short grain brown _" "seafood fried _" "vegetarian fried _" "grain brown _" "pineapple fried _" "ground toasted _" "chicken with yellow _" "roast stuffed with _" "cream of _" "duck fried _" "plain boiled _" "vegetable fried _" "pork fried _" "salad with _" "ham fried _" "chicken with wild _" "beef fried _" "_ topped with" "white boiled _" "veggie fried _" "egg fried _" "lemon chicken with _" "recipe shrimp fried _" ] using rice_recipe
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
- grain
- CPL @1103 (87.4%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "short grain brown _" "seafood fried _" "recipe parboiled _" "Chicken fried _" "chicken fried _" "Chinese fried _" "recipe using brown _" "sauce chicken fried _" "grain brown _" "pineapple fried _" "recipe pork fried _" "ground toasted _" "Thai fried _" "chicken with yellow _" "rice , wild _" "recipe for suchi _" "shrimp fried _" "basil fried _" "chicken soup with _" "paneer fried _" "chili with _" "plain boiled _" "vegetable fried _" "teriaki sauce chicken fried _" "pork fried _" "style fried _" "recipe bedouin _" "chicken wild _" "chicken with wild _" "food pork fried _" "crab fried _" "curry chicken with _" "white boiled _" "recipe teriaki sauce chicken fried _" "egg fried _" "mushroom fried _" "bacon fried _" "recipe shrimp fried _" "yangchow fried _" ] using rice_recipe
- fruit
- CPL @1103 (79.3%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "short grain brown _" "seafood fried _" "grain brown _" "pineapple fried _" "recipe pork fried _" "ground toasted _" "Thai fried _" "chicken with yellow _" "rice , wild _" "shrimp fried _" "basil fried _" "plain boiled _" "vegetable fried _" "teriaki sauce chicken fried _" "pork fried _" "chicken wild _" "food pork fried _" "crab fried _" "recipe teriaki sauce chicken fried _" "egg fried _" "mushroom fried _" "bacon fried _" "recipe shrimp fried _" "yangchow fried _" ] using rice_recipe
- agriculturalproduct
- CPL @1107 (65.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "grain brown _" "pineapple fried _" "ground toasted _" "chicken with yellow _" "rice , wild _" "plain boiled _" "pork fried _" "rice fried _" "white boiled _" "bacon fried _" ] using rice_recipe