amaranth_seeds (fruit)
literal strings: amaranth seeds, Amaranth seeds
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- visualizableobject(100.0%)
- CPL @1109 (85.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "wholesome ingredients like _" "_ are high" "_ are just tender" ] using amaranth_seeds
- CMC @1116 (100.0%) on 05-sep-2018 [ PREFIX=see 2.16424 LASTPREFIX=see 2.14613 PREFIX=seed 1.68825 LASTPREFIX=seed 1.68200 LAST_WORD=seeds 1.16361 PREFIX=amar 0.89597 SUFFIX=ranth 0.85707 SUFFIX=th -0.45811 WORDS -0.97808 CHARS -2.08395 ] using amaranth_seeds
- food(100.0%)
- CPL @1107 (81.2%) on 24-may-2018 [ "ingredients except _" "tablespoon of _" "_ are just tender" ] using amaranth_seeds
- fruit(100.0%)
- CPL @1100 (68.3%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "_ are typically harvested in" "cereal made from _" ] using amaranth_seeds
- CMC @1103 (99.9%) on 08-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=see 2.74263 LASTPREFIX=see 2.72470 LAST_WORD=seeds 1.45693 LASTPREFIX=seed 1.14669 LASTPREFIX=se 1.09960 LASTSUFFIX=eeds 1.07505 LASTSUFFIX=eds 1.07195 PREFIX=am -0.18605 CHARS -2.61461 WORDS -3.34950 ] using amaranth_seeds