CPL @1115 (79.1%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "_ have folic acid" "juice of fresh _" "Citrus fruits like _" "Organically grown _" "tomatoes , red _" "_ are high" "recipes using _" "_ are a healthy food" "_ topped with" "grapes , red _" "_ are delicious" "fresh fruits like _" "_ grown today" "_ contain folate" "salad , fresh _" "fruits like _" "tomatoes , orange _" "citrus fruits like _" "aromas of fresh _" "_ stuffed with" "foods like _" "citrus fruits , such as _" "imports of fresh _" "teaspoon of _" "Fruits , such as _" "tropical fruits such as _" "fresh fruits such as _" "I were eating _" "foods such as _" "seasonal fruits such as _" "fruits such as _" "Citrus fruits such as _" ] using grapefruits
CPL @1103 (80.2%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "_ are the main food crops" "citrus fruits including _" "_ contain important vitamins" "variety of chopped _" "pears , red _" "_ contain lycopene" "juice of fresh _" "Citrus fruits like _" "tomatoes , red _" "fresh fruit including _" "knife , peel _" "fruit salad , fresh _" "vegetables such as _" "apples , yellow _" "vegetables , like _" "box of organic _" "fruits including _" "crops raised are _" "_ topped with" "Fruit such as _" "GI foods like _" "apples , fresh _" "fresh fruits like _" "sharp knife , peel _" "many fruits , including _" "such foods as _" "citrus fruits such as _" "_ contain folate" "salad , fresh _" "fruits other than _" "taste like sweet _" "fruits like _" "tomatoes , orange _" "citrus fruits like _" "fruit notes of _" "grapefruit , red _" "aromas of fresh _" "plums , red _" "foods like _" "citrus fruits , such as _" "food group , such as _" "foods , like _" "oranges , red _" "foods , such as _" "Fruits , such as _" "tropical fruits such as _" "I were eating _" "oranges , canned _" "acidic fruits like _" "foods such as _" "seasonal fruits such as _" "vegetables , such as _" "fruits such as _" "Citrus fruits such as _" ] using grapefruits
CPL @1103 (99.5%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "beverages such as _" "_ contain lycopene" "tomatoes , red _" "vegetables such as _" "beverages , such as _" "we decorated _" "_ topped with" "fruit such as _" "such foods as _" "risotto with _" "fruits , fresh _" "citrus fruits such as _" "fruits like _" "citrus fruits like _" "assortment of fresh _" "fruits , such as _" "foods , such as _" "vegetables , such as _" "fruits such as _" "zest from _" ] using grapefruits
CMC @1063 (99.3%) on 05-jun-2017 [ PREFIX=gr 1.77114 LASTPREFIX=gra 1.69684 PREFIX=gra 1.64519 PREFIX=grap 1.43392 LASTPREFIX=grap 1.16693 PREFIX=grape 0.74495 LASTPREFIX=grape 0.73691 FULL_POS=NNS -0.74333 WORDS -1.92874 CHARS -2.34128 ] using grapefruits
CPL @1095 (81.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ have more antioxidants" "seasonal produce such as _" "_ are the main food crops" "citrus fruits including _" "tropical fruit , such as _" "_ are grown throughout" "_ are citrus fruits" "essence of ripe _" "watermelon , fresh _" "fruits such as red _" "pears , red _" "juicy fruits , such as _" "juice of fresh _" "Citrus fruits like _" "Organically grown _" "citrus fruits , including _" "tomatoes , red _" "_ are ripe enough" "_ contain beta-carotene" "fresh fruit including _" "fresh produce like _" "knife , peel _" "citrus fruits , like _" "citrus including _" "pith , from _" "paring knife , peel _" "fresh produce such as _" "juice from fresh _" "apples , yellow _" "fresh fruits including _" "white pith , from _" "box of organic _" "_ have large seeds" "watermelon , pink _" "wine made from _" "fruit , such as _" "other citrus fruits like _" "fruit bowl with _" "fruits , including _" "fruits including _" "fruits , like _" "_ have Vitamin C" "citrus such as _" "crops raised are _" "citrus fruit like _" "flavonoid found in _" "citric acid found in _" "grapes , red _" "fruit such as _" "Fruit such as _" "GI foods like _" "apples , fresh _" "fresh fruits like _" "apples to _" "apples with _" "Fresh picked _" "fruits include _" "sharp knife , peel _" "fruits similar to _" "many fruits , including _" "_ grown today" "fresh fruits , including _" "_ are so juicy" "citrus fruits such as _" "_ are only grown in" "_ contain folate" "fruits other than _" "_ contain bioflavonoids" "Fresh fruits such as _" "fruits like _" "_ grown worldwide" "citrus fruits like _" "grapefruit , red _" "fresh picked _" "Other fruits include _" "_ contain pectin" "plums , red _" "fruit including _" "citrus fruits , such as _" "_ are a great food" "fruits , such as _" "oranges , red _" "oranges , white _" "_ are best eaten raw" "Vitamin C found in _" "pith from _" "imports of fresh _" "_ contain vitamin C" "_ make a great snack" "_ are very juicy" "tart flavor of _" "trees , pick _" "many fruits including _" "Storage Nutrition information for _" "fruits resembling _" "trees loaded with _" "vitamin C include _" "Other fruits such as _" "teaspoon of _" "Fruits , such as _" "tropical fruits such as _" "fresh fruits such as _" "oranges , canned _" "fruit like _" "fruit , like _" "acidic fruits like _" "oranges , pink _" "various fruits like _" "seasonal fruits such as _" "fruits such as _" "Citrus fruits such as _" "white pith from _" ] using grapefruits
LE @1052 (90.4%) on 24-apr-2017
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey