nuts___seeds (fruit)
literal strings: nuts & seeds
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- visualizableobject(99.1%)
- CPL @1115 (79.7%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "salads , roasted _" "salad with _" "foods like _" "potatoes , roasted _" ] using nuts___seeds
- food(99.1%)
- CPL @1108 (79.7%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "juices , raw _" "salad with _" "foods like _" "sweet potatoes , roasted _" ] using nuts___seeds
- LE @1082 (55.2%) on 04-dec-2017
- fruit(98.1%)
- CMC @1085 (95.7%) on 08-dec-2017 [ LASTPREFIX=see 1.47894 PREFIX=see 1.46295 PREFIX=nu 0.86460 LAST_WORD=seeds 0.73451 LASTPREFIX=seed 0.66632 LASTSUFFIX=eeds 0.65437 LASTSUFFIX=eds 0.60788 PREFIX=se -0.14292 CHARS -1.31274 WORDS -3.23576 ] using nuts___seeds
- LE @1082 (56.3%) on 04-dec-2017
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
- nut
- LE @1082 (66.8%) on 04-dec-2017