SEAL @211 (99.2%) on 17-feb-2011 [ 1234567 ] using shapes
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of agriculturalproduct:vegetables agriculturalproductcutintogeometricshape geometricshape:shapes ]
CPL @1107 (55.4%) on 24-may-2018 [ "It is then cut into _" "They come in various _" "flowers , geometric _" "_ are missiles" "athletes come in _" "_ using cookie cutter" "emphasis on geometric _" "Elliptical galaxies have _" "gemstones cut in _" "_ using folds" "_ are the basic shapes" "_ were the ultimate reality" "surface area of various _" "tessellation of _" "shapes from simple _" "_ butylated from" "various specifications of _" "edge length of _" "dough into different _" "_ are the bowl" "groups , matching _" "beads , flat _" "biscuit cutter , cut into _" "sugar , cut into _" "various specifications such as _" "styles , round _" "designs are geometric _" "tiles are available in various _" "_ looms beyond" "area of various _" "cake cut into _" "typeface is based on _" "_ slowly drift in" "thousands of pre-programmed _" "various shapes , like _" "_ lend distinction" "_ have already been drawn in" "People come in _" "canopy of _" "cheese cut into _" "_ using a round cookie cutter" "tilings by _" "pearls come in many _" "symbols , geometric _" "_ are equidecomposable" "_ circumscribed around" "balloons of different _" "_ using the Shape Tool" "relationship between similar _" "glasses in different _" "graphics primitives such as _" "web sites come in _" "_ include squares" "_ representing infinity" "collection features bold _" "_ add a texture" "we were back to _" "rectangles are _" "_ are tangent" "_ appear jagged" "bounding rectangle of _" "baklava into _" "cross within _" "warm , cut into _" "game field with _" "firms come in _" "internal angles of _" "image , compare _" "cut dough into _" "warm , cut _" "fill pattern of _" "layers , placing _" "lines , diagonal _" "juxtaposition of classic _" "he saw dark _" "fabric cut in _" "shapes beyond _" "basic shapes are _" "cool , cut into _" "colorful falling _" "construction paper cut into _" "pound cake into _" "people come in different _" "_ change every night" "_ give the logo" "_ are O" "steam locos of _" "gradient filled _" "simple filled _" "sugar cookies in _" "_ determine the picture" "_ covering the plane" "corner points of _" "_ make a spectacular sight" "various shapes including _" "_ indicate genes" "_ represent the boundaries" "sky is filled with _" "onslaught of insane _" "rods with different _" "_ including spheres" "_ represent chromosomes" "_ have no edges" "_ suggest leaves" "_ using the rectangle tool" "rock in various _" "balls creating _" "_ probably descend from" "parallelogram into _" "congeals into _" "_ called paths" "Tables come in _" "series of concentric _" "_ include rounds" "_ including oval" "_ including squares" "sky , filled with _" "tales of huge _" "shapes , such as _" "primitives such as _" "shapes , overlapping _" "_ using a pizza cutter" "_ using a cookie cutter" "_ including triangles" "Bullies come in _" "interior angles of _" "set rhinestones in _" "constant motion , as _" "Ordinary people are _" "spirals , concentric _" "_ including circles" "lines , circular _" "lines , geometric _" "geometric division of _" "systems come in many _" "flashes became _" "_ introduce movement" "_ are ellipsoids" "side lengths of _" "sheets cut into _" "specific tubing _" "child hide _" "unknown course of _" "Other investors of _" "I quilted around _" "_ are regular polygons" "_ are then drawn on" "_ Select the shape" "pieces come in different _" "primitives , such as _" "_ have the same perimeter" "spectra of several _" "area of two-dimensional _" "shapes inside of _" "tool draws _" "_ share a corner" "graphics are made of _" "molds come in _" "objects with complex _" "lines with solid _" "Beauty comes in _" "spatula , carefully transfer _" "pattern of interlocking _" "picks in different _" "_ are called congruent" "_ called flags" "shapes among _" "squares inside _" "lights forming _" "_ move the same distance" "_ are pellets" "_ are parallelograms" "lines , soft _" "_ indicate periods" "_ represent the boundary" "shapes — _" "layer create _" "lines , geometrical _" "normal vectors of _" "_ include oval" "lines , draw _" "_ repeating steps" "_ including square" "numbers enclosed in _" "rune like _" "rays of various _" "craft foam into _" "patterns of geometric _" "pan , cut into _" "_ / sizes" "fill colour of _" "groups of standard _" "form of geometric _" "toast cut into _" "matrix of colored _" "pieces cut into _" "sequence of colored _" "slices cut into _" "Cakes of _" "series of geometric _" "pattern of tiny _" "potatoes cut into _" "_ including rectangles" "_ are all vectors" "colors , geometric _" "spots , irregular _" "_ allow the cutter" "_ are right triangles" "_ are usually a product" "cold , cut into _" "chords , melodic _" "different shapes , like _" "arrangement of geometric _" "_ using the Rectangle Tool" "table tops are available in _" "It is formed into _" "shapes are not _" "surface , cut into _" "_ including rounds" "_ including hearts" "tool draw _" "Europe come in _" "_ using drinking straws" "bread cut into _" "_ using cookie cutters" "patterns of tiny _" "lines , dark _" "kites of _" "_ appear closer" "pattern of irregular _" "Fans come in _" "_ being geometric" "quadrilaterals are _" "example , three-dimensional _" "possible orientation of _" "_ represent means" "_ has a right angle" "_ fromed by" "_ are similar triangles" "Balloons come in _" "lines , intersecting _" "I follow along _" "_ including cones" "stellations of _" "_ extruded along" "paper , cut into _" "Reasoning using _" "rice formed into _" "cookie cutter , cut into _" "craft knife , cut _" "crystals in various _" "_ including a butterfly" "_ ensure a uniform distribution" "_ had been tentative" "faces are congruent _" "fabric cut into _" "shapes including _" "use of concentric _" "_ using the cookie cutters" "_ using many different colors" "_ slowly merged into" "pans making _" "paste , cut _" "pretty pattern of _" "lines , similar _" "libraries of pre-drawn _" "Sunday ’s final _" "_ moving eastwards" "_ indicate relationships" "dough into D-inch _" "old Chinese game of _" "_ are geometric forms" "_ are Jessica Alba" "_ have equal areas" "wood into various _" "we start drawing _" "look with clean _" "_ represent different sounds" "_ match the form" "libraries of ready-made _" "balloons come in _" "patterns of irregular _" "_ are equilateral" "arrangement of simple _" "pastry cut into _" "pure geometry of _" "stories come in _" "_ are congruent" "shape , such as _" "_ corrugated beads" "_ called constellations" "child point out _" "colors , abstract _" "hand cut into _" "boxes come in various _" "designs are simple _" "number of concentric _" "small filled _" "stones cut to _" "_ are quadrilaterals" "birds , geometric _" "blend of geometric _" "tool , draw _" "colours , simple _" "cookies cut into _" "_ are 'flat" "_ add simple style" "fill color of _" "_ indicate proteins" "_ represent the locations" "significant games of _" "shower of tiny _" "recipes cut into _" "paper into various _" "Families come in _" "They have irregular _" "dies , including _" "brownies into _" "colors , swirling _" "D-dimensional analog of _" "RVs of _" "cookies cut in _" "crystals have different _" "_ repeating around" "dark sky with _" "design perfect _" "_ including circular" "pattern of concentric _" "canvas tents in _" "_ are not rectangles" "_ became patterns" "_ distorting the shape" "less distortion of _" "_ flatten into" "_ drawn between" "field of colored _" "sinuous , flowing _" "_ using Rectangle Tool" "base , draw _" "board , cut into _" "Babies come in _" "bodies come in _" "sort of oblong _" "shapes , complex _" "stone cut in _" "pentagons as _" "area of irregular _" "angle measures of _" "D-D raised _" "_ dividing the picture" "_ decorate the ceilings" "_ are prong-set in" "_ fusing from" "_ Going though" "patterns of coloured _" "pattern of regular _" "_ indicate the direction" "bodies into different _" "_ including rectangle" "_ have a right angle" "_ include rectangular" "they also come in many _" "features geometric _" "dough out into _" "_ disposed without" "_ containing circles" "cards with coloured _" "cakes come in _" "Constellations of _" "townhomes in various _" "sheets are cut into _" "_ varying the sizes" "arrays of colored _" "angles of regular _" "_ displaying shades" "stones of various _" "they now come in different _" "Comes in assorted _" "Polygons are _" "pin , cut _" "sequence of coloured _" "points , red _" "lines , solid _" "areas appear as _" "blinking eyes of _" "paper with certain _" "sides of similar _" "_ depict the location" "_ are self-dual" "glass with dichroic _" "Gifts come in _" "Cut bread into _" "heads carved in _" "_ appear randomly at" "geometric shapes , including _" "_ tessellate the plane" "textures , interesting _" "Dreams come in _" "_ drawn around" "_ are vector objects" "individual letters into _" "navigate by _" "_ including cubes" "volumes of common _" "tessellations of _" "turns arranging _" "shapes , including _" "three-dimensional shapes such as _" "shadow stamp _" "shapes besides _" "shapes other than _" "directions , forming _" "children stamp _" "classes chose _" "images , geometric _" "bread cut in _" "_ using any color" "arrangement of colored _" "other galaxies of _" "foam felt _" "_ subfield by" "plane with regular _" "_ are drawn around" "problems involving similar _" "pieces are cut into _" "squares become _" "perimeter of several _" "paper cut into _" "_ get split in" "_ have curved sides" "_ including rectangular" "_ representing stocks" "sandwiches cut in _" "_ falling down the screen" "_ using a pastry cutter" "color , simple _" "cold , cut in _" "cutter , cut into _" "white filled _" "tattoo designs of _" "sponges cut into _" "diamonds are cut into _" "distant galaxies of _" "churches come in _" "_ indicate the positions" "features bold _" "pattern of geometric _" "pattern of coloured _" "wi" ] using shapes
CMC @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=shap 1.18241 PREFIX=shap 1.18237 LASTSUFFIX=hapes 1.03150 SUFFIX=hapes 1.03150 LASTPREFIX=shape 1.03121 PREFIX=shape 1.03120 PREFIX=sha 0.99739 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.61282 CHARS -1.29073 WORDS -2.73196 ] using shapes
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 that can be created without arg1" "arg2 out of rolled arg1" "arg2 from the rolled out arg1" "arg2 out of the rolled arg1" "arg2 out of pie arg1" "arg2 out of cookie arg1" ] using (dough, shapes)
CPL @1108 (98.4%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 or rectangle arg2" "arg1 or rectangle arg2" "arg1 rather than rectangular arg2" "arg1 or octagonal arg2" "arg1 or oblong arg2" "arg1 or oval arg2" "arg1 or rectangular arg2" ] using (square, shapes)
CPL @1108 (93.8%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 or tear drop arg2" "arg1 or rectangle arg2" "arg1 or teardrop arg2" "arg1 or rectangular arg2" ] using (oval, shapes)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey