CPL @1107 (96.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ 's International Airport" "cities of _" "troops killed in _" "he immigrated to _" "_ 's international airport" "southern port city of _" "waters off _" "house in central _" "governor of _" "southern provinces of _" "Islamic regime in _" "capital city of _" "US attack on _" "_ 's oil production" "province of _" "Hospital of _" "troop withdrawals from _" "provincial capital of _" "permanent positions throughout _" "_ 's governor" "southern cities such as _" "capital of _" "_ 's rivers" "district of central _" "such cities as _" "Governments of _" "streets of ancient _" "_ 's eastern suburbs" "_ 's oil industry" "Provinces of _" "coast of _" "town of _" "_ 's oil wealth" "city of _" "immediate withdrawal from _" "government of _" "provinces such as _" "coastal city of _" "time was stationed in _" "old city of _" "former governor of _" "neighborhood of northwest _" "shores of _" "_ 's Sunni" "oil pipeline from _" "permanent citizen of _" "port city of _" "entire province of _" "military spokesman in _" "centres across _" "_ 's electricity system" "occupation forces in _" "chief justice of _" "big cities like _" "Coalition forces in _" "_ 's political parties" "archbishop of _" "economic ties between _" "cities like _" "consulate general in _" "coalition forces in _" "_ 's oil output" "Shiite militias in _" "home province of _" "military prison in _" "Government of _" "_ 's city centre" "citizens of _" "_ 's Central Bank" "provincial government of _" "deadly attacks in _" "district in central _" "_ 's slums" "NGO based in _" "television channel based in _" ] using basra
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey