SEAL @629 (70.5%) on 29-aug-2012 [ 123 ] using cancun
CPL @1113 (93.4%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "resort town of _" "_ 's International Airport" "metropolitan areas of _" "city of _" "climate change conference in _" "Female Escorts in _" "_ Join the Luxury Travelers Group" "Association conference in _" "Travel Guide Cheap Flights from _" "Organization meeting in _" "_ 's east coast" "ministers meeting in _" "climate talks in _" "UN climate change conference in _" "Guide Cheap Flights from _" "corporation registered in _" "Caribbean coast of _" "capital of _" "computer reservations systems in _" "summer road-trip to _" "_ 's high society" "class airfares from _" "international cities such as _" "southern states of _" "magnificent accommodations is _" "change conference in _" "island of _" "Offering magnificent accommodations is _" "magical island of _" "climate summit in _" "bigger cities like _" "shores of _" "reservations systems in _" "_ is a vibrant city" "photographers serving _" "beaches of _" "beach in _" "Trips/Alerts Travel Guide Cheap Flights from _" "Car Rental offers in _" "east coast of _" "international moving to _" "cities of _" "computer reservation system in _" "coast of _" "old city of _" "change talks in _" "FareCompare Labs My Trips/Alerts Travel Guide Cheap Flights from _" "eastern city of _" "_ 's city centre" "resort island of _" "Canadian living in _" "WTO meeting in _" "larger cities such as _" "_ 's sister island" "_ 's international airport" "Labs My Trips/Alerts Travel Guide Cheap Flights from _" "islands of _" "immigrants coming to _" "Book online hotels in _" "toll free in _" "business class airfares from _" "Caribbean side of _" "Business Class fares to _" "_ Travel Packages" "hotel options in _" "lisitngs for free in _" "beaches in _" "vibrant city of _" "resort of _" "available car rental companies in _" "meilleur choix d 'hels _" "town of _" "waters off _" "permanent residents of _" "targeted visitors in _" "vendor in _" "_ Travel Forums" "government of _" "_ 's North Shore" "citizens of _" "_ 's tourism industry" "exotic island of _" "Hotel computer resevation system in _" "developed cities like _" "road-trip to _" "resort city of _" "ministerial meeting in _" "reservation system in _" "computer resevation system in _" "climate change talks in _" "le meilleur choix d 'hels _" "coastal city of _" "eastern coast of _" "cities like _" "beautiful island of _" "Assembly meeting in _" "climate conference in _" "_ is a cosmopolitan city" "cheap business class airfares from _" "resevation system in _" "_ yet … Sign" "Clubs of _" "three-day cruise to _" "ferry to _" "Class fares to _" "Arts in _" "My Trips/Alerts Travel Guide Cheap Flights from _" ] using cancun
CPL @1113 (94.4%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "resort town of _" "lively town of _" ".com is headquartered in _" "_ 's International Airport" "ideal accommodation spot in _" "discount hotel in _" "_ 's old town" "nearby cities of _" "last year’s conference in _" "_ Get discounted hotel rooms" "_ departing Birmingham" "Hotel deals in _" "Wildlife abounds in _" "Hotel reservation in _" "new flights between _" "major cities such as _" "fine hotels in _" "time we landed in _" "HOTEL Hotel located in _" "Flights From _" "Luxury hotels in _" "business class flight to _" "designer based out of _" "corporate office is based in _" "non-stop service between _" "downtown region of _" "Hotels Group hotels in _" "city break in _" "Cheapest flights from _" "nonprofit organization based in _" "natural attractions in _" "other cities such as _" "special pricing Exclusive amenities Hotels in _" "Conference next week in _" "major airport is in _" "City Low Cost Flights From _" "bullet train from _" "Regency hotel in _" "favorite Luxury hotel in _" "huge cities like _" "city south of _" "_ departing Glasgow" "lively city of _" "business district of _" "deals on?car hire _" "computer reservations systems in _" "favorite Attractions in _" "summer road-trip to _" "travel destinations such as _" "_ is the extra legroom available" "travel agencies from _" "popular cites like _" "sexy escorts in _" "guest house guide for _" "cheap hostels in _" "dining options in _" "anyone staying in _" "average travel time from _" "gateway cities such as _" "other Accommodations in _" "great beaches in _" "small city south of _" "several hotels in _" "many activities available in _" "lively restaurants in _" "round-trip flight from _" "AirEuropa flights Search low-cost flights from _" "Airport transfer Best arrival airport is _" "International flights to _" "_ 's hotel zone" "direct flight from _" "class airfares from _" "discount hotel room in _" "overnight flight to _" "Airlines Business Class fares to _" "cost car hire for _" "early morning flight to _" "international cities such as _" "popular cities like _" "Dollar business car rental in _" "InterContinental Hotels Group hotels in _" "transfer Best arrival airport is _" "major cities like _" "last-minute getaways to _" "magnificent accommodations is _" "Transportation Getting around _" "Group hotels in _" "day trips outside of _" "many restaurants in _" "vibrant resort of _" "car?hire in _" "hotel located in central _" "attractions in _" "Day Trips from _" "International hotels in _" "Mexican restaurants in _" "heart of old _" "Cheap flights from _" "Offering magnificent accommodations is _" "Jersey Flights to _" "beautiful resort of _" "moderate hotel in _" "morning flight from _" "magical island of _" "heart of beautiful _" "_ 's entertainment district" "Avis business car rental in _" "home-type environment in _" "car rental supplier in _" "beautiful resort in _" "rent deal in _" "reservations systems in _" "CHEAP FLIGHTS to _" "Mexican city of _" "full-day trip from _" "wonderful restaurants in _" "_ is a vibrant city" "you are flying into _" "popular day trip from _" "KLM Cheap flights to _" "spa hotels in _" "value flights to _" "beautiful town of _" "Charter Flights to _" "Hire Car in _" "beach in _" "artist services in _" "cheap accommodation in _" "current weather in _" "_ 's Hairdressers Directory" "week fly between _" "tourist town of _" "small town south of _" "Hotels Deals in _" "many excellent restaurants in _" "operator located in _" "rental companies throughout _" "computer reservation system in _" "business car rental in _" "hotel bargain in _" "real estate services covering _" "City Center area of _" "We flew from _" "_ 's beautiful skyline" "metropolitan areas such as _" "connecting flight from _" "»Cheap Flights To _" "wild city of _" "attractions available in _" "big city like _" "_ 's hairdressers" "FLIGHTS to _" "accommodation spot in _" "amenities Hotels in _" "conference today in _" "eastern city of _" "_ Following airlines" "villa in _" "central hotel in _" "current cheap airfares to _" "Budget business car rental in _" "_ 's downtown attractions" "wonderful city of _" "Best arrival airport is _" "Compare cheap rental cars in _" "stock photography photographers in _" "other cities like _" "main highway between _" "resort island of _" "vacation rentals in _" "class flight to _" "I recently flew from _" "Popular activities in _" "make-up artist services in _" "expensive hotels in _" "downtown district of _" "trip to vibrant _" "Towers computer reservation system in _" "Cheap holidays to _" "unforgettable holiday in _" "headquarters office is located in _" "Cheap Flights »Cheap Flights To _" "_ 's city government" "Cheap Vacation Packages to _" "resorts in _" "Book Flights to _" "large cities like _" "event then browse _" "hotel in _" "international airfares flying to _" "international airports of _" "other attractions in _" "many other hotels in _" "car rental deals in _" "tour operator located in _" "_ is a popular gay destination" "better restaurants in _" "major cities , such as _" "local map of _" "auto hire in _" "_ departing Edinburgh" "Cheap Car Rentals in _" "charter flight from _" "business class airfares from _" "major tourist cities like _" "preferred car rental supplier in _" "many shops in _" "low cost airline tickets to _" "other event then browse _" "spas in _" "cheap scheduled flights to _" "bustling resort of _" "coast resort of _" "E-Mail Address City Low Cost Flights From _" "_ 's Make-up Artist Directory" "resort towns of _" "low cost car hire for _" "Exclusive amenities Hotels in _" "other bars in _" "market town of _" "popular attractions in _" "_ is a city full" "hotels in _" "flights Search low-cost flights from _" "favorite Moderate hotel in _" "resort area of _" "coastal cities like _" "coastal cities such as _" "special on-line flights deals to _" "_ is a planned city" "flight prices to _" "flights deals to _" "great budget hotel in _" "Business Class fares to _" "_ including Cheap Vacation Packages" "perfect stay in _" "professional make-up artist services in _" "coastal resort of _" "village north of _" "peaceful residential area of _" "pricing Exclusive amenities Hotels in _" "rental supplier in _" "car rent deal in _" "rent caruote _" "rent in _" "cities worldwide including _" "hotel options in _" "lisitngs for free in _" "breakfasts in _" "Agency based in _" "Many hotels in _" "resort of _" "baratos en _" "meilleur choix d 'hels _" "holiday apartment in _" "hotels in central _" "_ is an extraordinary lodging option" "popular hotels in _" "Air tickets to _" "International airport of _" "cheap car rentals in _" "cheap hotel deals in _" "day trips out of _" "community located in _" "buildings in downtown _" "SJU) from _" "seafood restaurants in _" "trip air from _" "targeted visitors in _" "vendor in _" "resort in _" "CLT) from _" "Vegetarian restaurants in _" "Jobs lisitngs for free in _" "refugee camp near _" "sister city of _" "_ is a safe city" "several restaurants in _" "Top Hotels Deals in _" "Condor Cheap flights from _" "former mayor of _" "great deals on?car hire _" "fishing port of _" "headquarters are based in _" "cities such as _" "nonstop service between _" "_ 's major attractions" "_ 's main shopping district" "vacation in _" "popular flights to _" "freelance photographers from _" "Manchester Flights to _" "Resort computer reservation system in _" "Barcelona Flights from _" "hotel property is located at in _" "hostels hostels in _" "tourist area of _" "other hotel in _" "Hotel computer resevation system in _" "large city like _" "other restaurants in _" "estate services covering _" "restaurants in _" "lodging options in _" "_ 's Travel Agents" "Info Flights to _" "_ is an amazing city" "Hotel computer reservation system in _" "wedding planning services in _" "detailed online map of _" "famous attractions in _" "exclusive hotel deals in _" "road-trip to _" "resort city of _" "other hotels in _" "_ Have a favorite restaurant" "Flights Cheap flights from _" "dive shops in _" "Moderate hotel in _" "next time we 're in _" "on-line flights deals to _" "reservation system in _" "rental deals in _" "countries are served from _" "car rental companies throughout _" "great day trip from _" "beautiful skyline of _" "drive southwest of _" "Luxury hotel in _" "old town of _" "lodging choice in _" "satisfactory lodging choice in _" "computer resevation system in _" "backpacker reservations in _" "cheap airfares to _" "property is located at in _" "le meilleur choix d 'hels _" "main highway from _" "individual listing in _" "beach town of _" "all-inclusive rental cars in _" "better hotels in _" "_ is a beautiful city" "company headquartered in _" "Search low-cost flights from _" "different restaurants in _" "cities like _" "airport code for _" "airfares flying to _" "beautiful island of _" "business class flights to _" "Book cheap flights to _" "_ is a young city" "headquarters are located in _" "great moderate hotel in _" "flight tickets from _" "business car rentals in _" "vacation travel packages to _" "_ 's top attractions" "other beaches in _" "ancient city of _" "book cheap flights to _" "major car rental companies throughout _" "photography photographers in _" "_ is a party city" "available rental cars in _" "direct flight to _" "major properties in _" "cheap flights flights to _" "evening flight to _" "_ is a cosmopolitan city" "lively resort of _" "Round trip airfare from _" "business-friendly hotel located in central _" "cheap business class airfares from _" "smaller hotels in _" "resevation system in _" "resort situated in _" "roundtrip flight from _" "available airfare deals to _" "Spa computer reservation system in _" "cost airline tickets to _" "Airlines presence at _" "_ 's famous shopping" "_ are a simple mouse-click" "hotels near many of _" "hours drive north of _" "excellent " ] using cancun
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of geopoliticallocation:cancun buildinglocatedincity city:puerto_morelos ] using concept:geopoliticallocation:cancun
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Airport to your hotel in arg2" "arg1 International Airport at arg2" "arg1 International Airport in arg2" "arg1 airport in arg2" "arg1 International airport in arg2" ] using (cancun, puerto_morelos)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and not the United arg1" "arg2 and into the United arg1" "arg2 than in the United arg1" "arg2 and finally to the United arg1" ] using (states, cancun)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and The Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Czech arg1" ] using (republic, cancun)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and The Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Czech arg1" ] using (cancun, republic)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and The Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Czech arg1" ] using (republic, cancun)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and The Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Czech arg1" ] using (cancun, republic)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and The Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Czech arg1" ] using (republic, cancun)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and The Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Czech arg1" ] using (cancun, republic)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 flies between arg2" "arg1 flight from arg2" "arg1 flight from Seattle to arg2" ] using (continental_airlines, cancun)
CPL @1115 (93.8%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 computer reservation system in arg2" "arg1 computer resevation system in arg2" "arg1 is located at in arg2" "arg1 Hotel in the city of arg2" ] using (avalon_grand_cancun, cancun)
CPL @1115 (96.9%) on 27-aug-2018 [ "arg1 is located at in arg2" "arg1 computer resevation system in arg2" "arg1 computer reservation system in arg2" "arg1 Hotel is located in arg2" "arg1 Hotel in the city of arg2" ] using (gran_melia_cancun, cancun)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 when Hurricane arg1" "arg2 before Hurricane arg1" "arg2 because of Hurricane arg1" "arg2 during Hurricane arg1" ] using (dean, cancun)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and The Dominican arg1" "arg2 as well as the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Czech arg1" "arg2 or Dominican arg1" ] using (republic, cancun)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and The Dominican arg1" "arg2 as well as the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Czech arg1" "arg2 or Dominican arg1" ] using (cancun, republic)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 courses built in arg2" "arg1 resorts here in arg2" "arg1 resorts throughout arg2" "arg1 resorts in arg2" ] using (golf, cancun)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to Las arg2" "arg1 resort in Las arg2" "arg1 or Las arg2" "arg1 hotel in las arg2" "arg1 Resort in Las arg2" ] using (cancun, vegas)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and The Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Czech arg1" ] using (republic, cancun)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and The Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Dominican arg1" "arg2 and the Czech arg1" ] using (cancun, republic)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to Las arg2" "arg1 resort in Las arg2" "arg1 or Las arg2" "arg1 hotel in las arg2" "arg1 Resort in Las arg2" ] using (cancun, vegas)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to Las arg2" "arg1 resort in Las arg2" "arg1 or Las arg2" "arg1 hotel in las arg2" "arg1 Resort in Las arg2" ] using (cancun, vegas)