CPL @1115 (97.2%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "UN headquarters in _" "day trip from _" "other cities , including _" "northern city of _" "easy day trip from _" "other cities such as _" "regional office in _" "cities such as _" ] using mazar_e_sharif
CPL @1095 (98.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "cities of _" "province of _" "town of _" "cities like _" "capital of _" "provincial capital of _" "northern province of _" "city of _" "_ 's military" ] using mazar_e_sharif
CPL @1099 (96.5%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "northern town of _" "attractions in _" "northern city of _" "cities like _" "_ is a sprawling city" "northwestern city of _" "other cities such as _" "prison west of _" "cities such as _" ] using mazar_e_sharif
CPL @1108 (97.2%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "northern city of _" "neighborhoods of _" "trip to _" "province west of _" "resident of _" "city southeast of _" "cities such as _" "town southwest of _" "north of _" "hometown of _" "facility in _" "UN compound in _" "school in _" "cities of _" "nearby city of _" "hotel in _" "other cities like _" "UN headquarters in _" "hotels in _" "mayor of _" "offices in _" "psychiatric clinic in _" "meeting in _" "military court in _" "historic city of _" "cities like _" "opposition stronghold of _" "town of _" "city of _" "cities , starting with _" "suburb of _" "headquarters in _" "flights to _" "historical city of _" "residents of _" "_ is the capital city" "western city of _" "province surrounding _" "office in _" "home city of _" "northwestern city of _" ] using mazar_e_sharif
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey