CPL @1094 (98.1%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "_ denied the motion" "_ denied the injunction" "_ granted summary judgment" "appeal heard by _" "_ did not err" "_ did not have subject matter jurisdiction" "_ excludes testimony" "_ did not err by" "_ has broad discretion" "_ rejected this contention" "case is pending in _" "jury trial in _" "Appeal upheld _" "redress through _" "_ lacks jurisdiction" "_ has no jurisdiction" "_ denied respondents" "_ dismissed the case" "_ acted within" "_ denies petition" "_ acquires jurisdiction" "timely appealed _" "_ therefore erred in" "clerk of _" "_ dismissed the claim" "_ 's injunction" "_ 's summary judgment" "deputy clerk of _" "_ also did not err" "_ did not commit plain error" "_ conducted a bench trial" "_ 's dismissal" "_ lacked jurisdiction" "_ did not abuse" "_ did not commit reversible error" "_ granted a summary judgment" "_ erred by" "_ did not clearly err in" "_ had subject matter jurisdiction" "_ is a trial court" "_ granted a preliminary injunction" "April term of _" "_ enjoined enforcement" "decision was appealed to _" "_ entered summary judgment" "_ has jurisdiction" "traffic cases in _" "_ granted the motion" "Court affirmed _" "Appeals Court affirmed _" "_ did not abuse discretion" "jurisdiction upon _" "_ has exclusive jurisdiction" "_ had exclusive jurisdiction" "life imprisonment by _" "_ has original jurisdiction" "_ also erred in" "filing with _" "_ properly denied defendant" "case goes back to _" "court other than _" "case filed in _" "case is appealed to _" "_ denied defendant" "judicial review at _" "_ denied class certification" "_ did not commit error" "_ did not clearly err" "_ dismissed the complaint" "injunctive relief from _" "_ upheld the constitutionality" "_ 's evidentiary rulings" "special term of _" "_ applied the wrong legal standard" "case was sent to _" "_ made no finding" "_ properly admitted evidence" "_ enters judgment" "_ granted defendant" "_ directed a verdict" "recent decision of _" "_ sentenced defendant" "_ ordered the defendant" "_ remanded the case" "_ granted final approval" "_ issued an order" "_ denies the motion" "_ awarded damages" "_ has concurrent jurisdiction" "_ properly exercised jurisdiction" "senior lawyer of _" "case came before _" "_ 's findings" "_ did not base" "court agreed with _" "_ rejected that argument" "_ does not have jurisdiction" "_ denies the petition" "_ 's ruling" "_ 's sentencing decision" "jurisdiction of _" "_ committed plain error" "_ possessed jurisdiction" "_ 's denial" "_ 's holding" "_ 's jurisdiction" "_ 's finding" "October term of _" "_ ruled in" "_ did not have authority" "_ dismissed all claims" "_ had discretion" "_ committed reversible error" "case was remanded back to _" "_ 's factual finding" "_ dismissed the action" "ruling by _" "_ granted a stay" "orders issued by _" "case was remanded to _" "cases are handled in _" "March term of _" "_ 's grant" "_ 's affirmance" "earlier decision of _" "_ granted summary judgement" "_ did not commit clear error" "_ admits testimony" "_ had jurisdiction" "former judge of _" "_ ruled against" "_ 's jury instruction" "_ dismissed the suit" "_ held the statute" "_ hears argument" "_ lacked subject matter jurisdiction" "order issued by _" "_ erred in" ] using district_court
SEAL @862 (50.5%) on 08-aug-2014 [ 1 ] using district_court
CMC @838 (100.0%) on 15-may-2014 [ PREFIX=cou 6.26014 SUFFIX=ourt 4.61151 PREFIX=cour 4.58919 SUFFIX=urt 4.51606 LASTPREFIX=cou 4.37954 LASTPREFIX=co 2.80262 LASTSUFFIX=ourt 2.56451 CHARS -2.37833 FULL_POS=NN_NN -4.39211 WORDS -5.80405 ] using district_court
CPL @1097 (96.4%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "_ lacked jurisdiction" "judicial power of _" "_ erred in" "jurisdiction of such _" "suit in federal _" "filings with _" "current case in _" "_ also affirmed the district court" "_ granted the defendant’s motion" "province of _" "other appropriate relief in _" "_ entered judgment" "sound discretion of _" "_ 's resolutions" "further order of _" "_ having jurisdiction" "case is remanded to _" "three-judge panel of _" "_ did not err" "exclusive jurisdiction of _" "_ erred by" "_ granted summary judgment" "amendment of _" "_ remanded the case" "government of _" "recount in _" "chief justice of _" "false statements to _" "important case in _" "_ imposed sanctions" "_ instructed the jury" "chief judge of _" "_ denied the motion" "_ granted the motion" ] using district_court
CMC @1084 (100.0%) on 06-dec-2017 [ PREFIX=cou 4.62304 SUFFIX=urt 3.35939 SUFFIX=ourt 3.21543 LASTPREFIX=cou 3.06796 LAST_WORD=court 2.43787 LASTSUFFIX=urt 2.34314 LASTSUFFIX=ourt 2.20648 POS=NN -1.52356 WORDS -1.83326 LASTSUFFIX=rt -2.10927 ] using district_court