CMC @1112 (100.0%) on 19-jul-2018 [ PREFIX=eme 1.88613 LASTSUFFIX=ation 1.61376 PREFIX=em 1.44842 LAST_WORD=administration 1.33617 LASTPREFIX=admin 1.30351 LASTPREFIX=admi 1.29536 LASTPREFIX=adm 1.29536 CHARS -0.93038 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.12739 WORDS -3.38441 ] using federal_emergency_management_administration
CPL @1111 (83.7%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "federal agencies such as _" "cooperative agreement with _" "false statements to _" "grants issued by _" "grant from _" "grant proposals to _" "significant grant from _" "Program funded by _" "Safety According to _" "We are required by _" "insurance program administered by _" "program funded by _" "other federal agencies , including _" "grants from _" "grant provided by _" "federal agencies , including _" ] using federal_emergency_management_administration
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey