CPL @1104 (90.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "litigation before _" "land managed by _" "Study sponsored by _" "research was provided by _" "grants from _" "Program is sponsored by _" "sampling conducted by _" "research was supported by _" "site is managed by _" "state agencies including _" "_ has exclusive jurisdiction" "larger grant from _" "fisheries biologist with _" "approval from _" "grant received from _" "grant application to _" "lands managed by _" "political appointees at _" "jurisdiction of _" "Grants from _" "project is being funded by _" "research funding from _" "grant from _" "government agencies such as _" "state agencies such as _" "water is regulated by _" "research is funded by _" "case is being investigated by _" "grant provided by _" "Development grant from _" "study was provided by _" "grant funds from _" ] using illinois_department_of_natural_resources
LE @1046 (55.7%) on 31-mar-2017
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey