CPL @1113 (81.6%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "_ have jurisdiction" "_ is accepting public comments" "_ proposes new rules" "government agencies like _" "it petitioned _" "grant funds from _" "several federal agencies , including _" "program funded by _" "government agencies such as _" "grant is funded by _" "study , funded by _" "finding by _" "governmental agencies such as _" "groups have sued _" "other Federal agencies , such as _" "effort funded by _" "_ issued a decision" "_ supported this work" "_ is asking Congress" "_ issued a Record" "Government agencies such as _" "Funding provided by _" "initiative is funded by _" "Program was established by _" "Program grant from _" "grant from _" "Additional funding provided by _" "studies supported by _" "jurisdiction of _" "_ is considering a plan" "_ issued an emergency order" "Federal agencies , such as _" "land administered by _" "D.C. office of _" "_ has funded research" "program was funded by _" "project has been funded by _" "Rule adopted by _" "federal agencies , such as _" "_ issued a warning" "studies sponsored by _" "environmental groups sued _" "_ issued a mandate" "law enforcement agencies such as _" "_ approved agent" "project is supported by _" "Program is sponsored by _" "_ announced a program" "research is supported by _" "various federal agencies including _" "study is funded by _" "state agencies such as _" "supplemental funding from _" "_ is taking public comment" "federal agencies from _" "public lands administered by _" "project is provided by _" "federal funding from _" "orders issued by _" "study was funded by _" "group sued _" "Funding is provided by _" "I am funded by _" "grant provided by _" "_ funded the work" "approval from _" "_ announced a new rule" "government agency like _" "agencies , in particular _" "grant money from _" "industry asked _" "_ 's National Survey" "Federal agencies including _" "_ has proposed a new rule" "Federal agencies such as _" "land managed by _" "we filed with _" "public land administered by _" "regulatory agencies such as _" "Project , funded by _" "program is funded by _" "federal agency , such as _" "_ invited public comment" "federal agencies , including _" "grants provided by _" "funding was provided by _" "substantial grant from _" "special agent with _" "initial grant from _" "funding bill for _" "grants from _" "research has been funded by _" "research funding from _" "organizations petitioned _" "case was conducted by _" "major funding from _" "grants awarded by _" "Funding was provided by _" "work was partially funded by _" "Additional funding was provided by _" "We are required by _" "_ is the federal agency responsible" "_ is the federal agency" "project funded by _" "_ gave final approval" "regional spokesman for _" "D-year grant from _" "_ is seeking public comments" "federal agencies such as _" "public land managed by _" "recent decision of _" "other federal agencies including _" "report faulted _" "other federal agencies , including _" "federal career with _" "funds awarded by _" "appropriations bill for _" "public comments submitted to _" "public lands managed by _" "other government agencies , such as _" "federal agencies like _" "_ ruled in" "other federal agencies such as _" "_ issued a moratorium" "_ provided funding for" "system , approved by _" "_ approved the use" "other federal agencies , such as _" "_ has not issued a decision" "Program , funded by _" "_ 's denial" "spending bill for _" "appeal asks _" "generous grant from _" "grant program from _" "_ urging the agency" "enforcement agencies such as _" "Other agencies such as _" "project is funded by _" "research funded by _" "Program funded by _" "Congress told _" "federal agency under _" "studies , funded by _" "Atlanta office of _" "_ is reviewing an application" "cooperative agreement with _" "_ 's public comment period" "_ is taking public comments" "_ reversed a decision" "research was funded by _" "product approved by _" "Several agencies , including _" "study funded by _" "_ developed regulations" "Federal funds from _" "Other federal agencies , including _" "_ proposed a rule" "generous funding from _" "grant funding from _" "state agencies including _" "grant funded by _" "court overturned _" "lands managed by _" "research is funded by _" "Club sued _" "research , funded by _" "fisheries biologist with _" "effort coordinated by _" "_ issued rules" "successful proposal to _" "_ funded project" ] using u_s__forest_service
SEAL @196 (57.6%) on 02-feb-2011 [ 1 ] using u_s__forest_service
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and Michigan arg2" "arg1 and Utah arg2" "arg1 and Pennsylvania arg2" ] using (state_university, u_s__forest_service)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and Michigan arg2" "arg1 and Utah arg2" "arg1 and Pennsylvania arg2" ] using (u_s__forest_service, state_university)