SEAL @79 (87.5%) on 01-apr-2010 [ 123 ] using deer_hunting
CPL @1094 (77.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "_ is not a sport" "_ is actually a sport" "_ is another interest" "_ is a challenging sport" "you ever gone _" "_ is a huge sport" "_ is a wonderful sport" "area is popular for _" "_ is a great outdoor activity" "_ is a major sport" "_ is a great sport" "_ is a recreational activity" "_ is not only a sport" ] using deer_hunting
CMC @781 (100.0%) on 20-oct-2013 [ LASTSUFFIX=ing 6.34558 LASTSUFFIX=ng 4.77226 SUFFIX=ing 2.10611 SUFFIX=ng 1.77563 SUFFIX=eer 1.27509 LASTPREFIX=hunt 1.23042 LASTPREFIX=hunti 1.19985 FULL_POS=NNS_VBG -1.00156 CHARS -1.58639 WORDS -7.26353 ] using deer_hunting
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1100 (65.7%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "_ is not a sport" "_ is actually a sport" "_ is a challenging sport" "_ is a huge sport" "_ is a wonderful sport" "_ is a great sport" "_ is not only a sport" ] using deer_hunting
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and mule deer arg1" "arg2 and wild turkey arg1" "arg2 and antelope arg1" "arg2 and elk arg1" ] using (hunting, deer_hunting)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and mule arg2" "arg1 and whitetail arg2" "arg1 or mule arg2" "arg1 and trophy mule arg2" ] using (elk, deer_hunting)