CPL @1103 (77.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "master’s of _" "two-year associate of _" "first bachelor of _" "single subject teaching credential in _" "new bachelor of _" "DD-credit master of _" "University master of _" "five-year bachelor of _" "executive master of _" "bachelor of _" "master of medical _" "two-year associate of applied _" "_ including field trips" "fun hands-on _" "management master of _" "bachelor s of _" "online bachelor of _" "bachelor’s of _" "associate of applied _" "university master of _" "fun , hands-on _" "online master of _" "master s of _" "associate in applied _" "four-year bachelor of _" "two-year master of _" "subject teaching credential in _" ] using science_program
CMC @1113 (99.6%) on 03-aug-2018 [ SUFFIX=ience 3.33214 SUFFIX=nce 1.98273 SUFFIX=ce 1.97911 SUFFIX=ence 1.84709 PREFIX=scien 1.72151 PREFIX=scie 1.72144 FIRST_WORD=science 1.62666 POS=NN -1.54009 CHARS -3.91603 WORDS -5.06709 ] using science_program
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey