CPL @1096 (93.7%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "spine surgery fellowship at _" "surgical residency at _" "spine surgery at _" "smoke inhalation at _" "cardiac surgeon from _" "chief surgical resident at _" "medicine residency program at _" "surgery resident at _" "oncologist at _" "individual was transported to _" "medical residency at _" "radiation oncologist at _" "staff nurse at _" "rehabilitation medicine at _" "He was transported to _" "Gastroenterology at _" "liver specialist at _" "assistant administrator at _" "surgery fellowship at _" "senior pathologist at _" "intensive care unit at _" "hospital residency at _" "Residency program at _" "Hospice Unit at _" "surgical internship at _" "dietetic internship at _" "neck surgery at _" "ER nurse at _" "residency training at _" "medical record system at _" "Surgery Residency at _" "nephrology fellowship at _" "medical helicopter to _" "pediatric ward at _" "physician-in-chief of _" "hospital chaplain at _" "gastroenterology at _" "residency training was at _" "assistant resident at _" "intensive care nurse at _" "interventional cardiology at _" "gynecology department at _" "critical condition at _" "residency program at _" "surgical resident at _" "Pediatric Unit at _" "Medicine training at _" "administrative resident at _" "surgical training at _" "registered nurse at _" "cardiovascular fellowship at _" "clinical dietitian at _" "Residency at _" "disorders program at _" "medicine were at _" "psychiatric unit of _" "emergency unit of _" "bariatric surgery at _" "Medicine residency at _" "Dietetic Internship at _" "pulmonary medicine at _" "male , was transported to _" "victim was taken to _" "vascular surgery at _" "preventive cardiology at _" "care nurse at _" "Nephrology fellowship at _" "psychiatric residency at _" "clinical nurse at _" "General Surgery Residency at _" "surgical residents at _" "medicine internship at _" "catheterization laboratory at _" "radiology residency at _" "Diabetes Unit at _" "coronary care unit at _" "surgery was completed at _" "Internal Medicine internship at _" "ambulance to _" "Internal Medicine training at _" "emergency medicine at _" "chief nurse at _" "internship was completed at _" "internal medicine internship at _" "internal medicine at _" "allergy clinic at _" "medical internship at _" "surgery residency at _" "weeks recovering at _" "General Practice Residency at _" "internal medicine residency program at _" "hospital appointments at _" "gynecology at _" "surgeon-in-chief at _" "diagnostic radiology at _" "general surgery at _" "officers were taken to _" "laparoscopic surgery at _" "gynecology residency at _" "Endocrine Unit at _" "medicine residency at _" "delivery nurse at _" "cardiac surgeon at _" "pediatric unit of _" "internal medicine residency at _" "Practice Residency at _" "emergency department at _" "man was taken to _" "hospital privileges at _" "cardiology fellowship at _" "residency was completed at _" "victim was transported to _" "obstetric anesthesia at _" "interventional cardiology fellowship at _" "Dental Residency at _" "_ 's maternity ward" "surgical critical care at _" "surgical intensive care unit of _" "Internal Medicine residency at _" "internal medicine training at _" "cardiac catheterization laboratory at _" "ophthalmology residency at _" "medicine department at _" "medical resident at _" "care unit of _" "suspect was transported to _" "surgical residency training at _" "man was transported to _" "intensive care unit of _" "family medicine department at _" "Medicine internship at _" "care unit at _" "internist at _" "victim was treated at _" ] using beth_israel_hospital
SEAL @677 (59.3%) on 31-dec-2012 [ 1 ] using beth_israel_hospital
CMC @1072 (100.0%) on 14-aug-2017 [ PREFIX=hospi 3.14860 PREFIX=hosp 3.14860 PREFIX=hos 2.93794 SUFFIX=al 2.90743 SUFFIX=pital 2.73961 SUFFIX=ital 2.63516 POS=IN 2.29521 SUFFIX=el -0.63889 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.37765 WORDS -7.78819 ] using beth_israel_hospital
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey