CPL @1107 (98.1%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ feature coffee/tea makers" "hotel review about _" "hotel experience at _" "_ is a first class hotel" "More Hotels does not officially represent _" "such More Hotels does not officially represent _" "rooms has been reserved at _" "future guests of _" "large photos DDDDDDDDDD _" "guestrooms at _" "_ helps future guests" "Hotels does not officially represent _" "_ Please selectPerfectGoodAcceptableBadWorst experience" "stay at _" "welcome arriving at _" "_ is a first-class hotel" "_ is an all-suite hotel" "great location map of _" "pleasure , make _" "photos DDDDDDDDDD _" "personal hotel review about _" "_ offers onsite dining" "available days at _" "_ Please selectPerfectGoodAcceptableBadWorst experience Cleanliness" ] using quality_suites
SEAL @168 (56.9%) on 17-nov-2010 [ 12345678910111213 ] using quality_suites
MBL @863 (98.4%) on 19-aug-2014 [ Promotion of hotel:quality_suites hotelincity city:toronto ]
CPL @1107 (99.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ feature coffee/tea makers" "_ also has interior corridors" "attractions near _" "hotel review about _" "hotel experience at _" "_ is a deluxe hotel" "_ also offers valet laundry service" "availability online for _" "Expert at D-DDD-DD-HOTEL _" "_ also offers exercise equipment" "personal review about _" "_ is a first class hotel" "hotel , please visit _" "_ features an outdoor swimming pool" "_ is ideally located near" "comfortable guest suite at _" "More Hotels does not officially represent _" "entire stay at _" "_ offer complimentary shuttle service" "official hotel video of _" "_ is located just minutes" "such More Hotels does not officially represent _" "rooms has been reserved at _" "future guests of _" "_ 's well-trained staff" "large photos DDDDDDDDDD _" "guestrooms at _" "_ helps future guests" "other hotels like _" "_ boasts an outdoor pool" "Hotels does not officially represent _" "_ Please selectPerfectGoodAcceptableBadWorst experience" "_ also offers complimentary" "We check into _" "_ is the only hotel" "_ see enlarged map location" "hotels like _" "_ offers free parking" "welcome arriving at _" "conference hotel is _" "_ is a first-class hotel" "_ is an all-suite hotel" "Air-conditioned guestrooms at _" "great location map of _" "pleasure , make _" "Day We stay at _" "photos DDDDDDDDDD _" "guest rooms at _" "_ also offers high-speed Internet access" "personal hotel review about _" "special room rates at _" "room rates at _" "_ offers onsite dining" "available days at _" "_ Please selectPerfectGoodAcceptableBadWorst experience Cleanliness" "_ also offers free coffee" "you have stayed at _" ] using quality_suites
MBL @1116 (98.4%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of attraction:quality_suites hotelincity city:toronto ] using concept:attraction:quality_suites
CMC @869 (100.0%) on 03-sep-2014 [ SUFFIX=uites 3.39353 PREFIX=suite 3.21789 SUFFIX=ites 3.03425 PREFIX=suit 2.99510 PREFIX=sui 2.86220 SUFFIX=tes 2.26870 LASTSUFFIX=uites 2.07281 LASTSUFFIX=es -1.74842 FULL_POS=NN_NNS -2.16019 WORDS -2.67539 ] using quality_suites
CPL @1108 (97.8%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ feature coffee/tea makers" "hotel review about _" "hotel experience at _" "_ is a deluxe hotel" "personal review about _" "_ is a first class hotel" "_ offers comfortable guest rooms" "More Hotels does not officially represent _" "such More Hotels does not officially represent _" "rooms has been reserved at _" "future guests of _" "_ helps future guests" "Hotels does not officially represent _" "_ Please selectPerfectGoodAcceptableBadWorst experience" "stay at _" "welcome arriving at _" "_ is a first-class hotel" "great location map of _" "pleasure , make _" "personal hotel review about _" "available days at _" "_ Please selectPerfectGoodAcceptableBadWorst experience Cleanliness" "you have stayed at _" ] using quality_suites