CPL @1108 (61.6%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "_ is an insect" "next time you step on _" "single colony of _" "_ has been a serious pest" "I am as busy as _" "_ 's nest" "_ is a tiny creature" "_ eats wood" "_ 's wings" "_ 's thorax" "I did step on _" "antennae like _" "_ is an intelligent creature" "_ 's compound eyes" "insects like _" "_ are social insects" "antennae while _" "_ was accidentally introduced into" "squash you like _" "_ is a serious pest" "terrestrials such as _" "_ finds a food source" "insect called _" "_ is a small insect" "species of solitary _" "he was stung by _" "she was bitten by _" "_ leaves the hive" "_ was crawling along" "_ 's hind wings" "_ is a quarantine pest" "insect such as _" "insect , such as _" "_ has a stinger" "_ 's sting" "pincers of _" "I got bit by _" "_ 's fart" "insects such as _" "_ looking bugs" "leaf cutting _" "_ crawl up onto" "_ is a tropical species" "you ever stepped on _" "I got bitten by _" "I 've been bitten by _" "_ is a major pest" "_ were crawling around in" "you ever been bitten by _" "larger creatures such as _" "legs does _" "_ 's mouthparts" "_ is the only insect" "_ 's build .xml" "proportionate strength of _" "_ is a social insect" "_ is a common pest" "pollinators such as _" "spider eating _" "body parts does _" "you are bitten by _" "_ 's mandibles" "crawl like _" "fried flying _" "forewings of _" "_ eat leaves" "_ 's carapace" "_ has an exoskeleton" "gaster of _" "eggs of red _" "_ is a tiny insect" "pests , although _" "_ is crawling across" "you ever been stung by _" "small creature as _" "_ 's nests" "I was bitten by _" "insects , such as _" "_ has become a major pest" "insects include _" "many legs does _" "_ have venom" "infestation of _" "reproductive forms of _" "tiny insect called _" "_ 's exoskeleton" "_ protect aphids" "honey does _" "she got bit by _" "_ 's wing" "small insect called _" "_ is an invasive species" "mouth parts of _" "I come back as _" "_ 's midgut" "_ 's pincers" "_ 's antennae" "_ feeds extensively on" "I was bit by _" "many eyes does _" "stings from _" "_ is a minor pest" "knee high to _" "_ have more legs" "sting by _" ] using ant
SEAL @211 (100.0%) on 17-feb-2011 [ 123 ] using ant
OE @830 (90.9%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using ant
CPL @1107 (63.1%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ is an insect" "_ is a hardworking guy" "_ 's stomach wall" "next time you step on _" "single colony of _" "I am as busy as _" "_ 's nest" "_ is a tiny creature" "_ 's wings" "_ 's thorax" "antennae like _" "_ 's compound eyes" "insects like _" "_ are social insects" "antennae while _" "mandibles of _" "antennae of _" "_ was accidentally introduced into" "squash you like _" "_ is a serious pest" "terrestrials such as _" "_ finds a food source" "_ 's honey" "insect called _" "_ is a small insect" "ants , dead _" "species of solitary _" "he was stung by _" "_ leaves the hive" "_ 's hind wings" "_ is a quarantine pest" "insect such as _" "insect , such as _" "_ has a stinger" "_ 's sting" "insects such as _" "_ looking bugs" "leaf cutting _" "grasshopper thinks _" "_ is a tropical species" "_ named Flik" "Spider eating _" "_ is a major pest" "larger creatures such as _" "_ 's mouthparts" "_ is the only insect" "_ 's build .xml" "_ got the corn" "_ is a social insect" "_ is a common pest" "pollinators such as _" "_ 's feelers" "spider eating _" "body parts does _" "infestation by _" "_ 's mandibles" "fried flying _" "forewings of _" "_ eat leaves" "tiny creatures like _" "gaster of _" "front wings of _" "you 're as small as _" "_ 's body fluid" "pests , although _" "_ 's hive" "you ever been stung by _" "_ carrying a twig" "_ 's nests" "insects , such as _" "_ has become a major pest" "antelope , to _" "insects include _" "infestation of _" "_ has a one-year life cycle" "reproductive forms of _" "_ 's cocoon" "_ is fined for" "tiny insect called _" "_ 's body plan" "_ 's exoskeleton" "_ protect aphids" "_ 's knees" "honey does _" "_ crawling beneath" "_ 's wing" "_ have a mutualistic relationship" "small insect called _" "pest species of _" "spider eat _" "mouth parts of _" "_ 's midgut" "_ 's antennae" "_ feeds extensively on" "many eyes does _" "stings from _" "tracheae of _" "_ 's nest full" "_ 's larvae" "_ is a minor pest" "knee high to _" "_ have more legs" ] using ant
CPL @1109 (58.6%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "deadly species of _" "_ 's egg" "Twenty-eight species of _" "_ 's jaw muscles" "_ 's nest" "_ 's diet" "social animals , such as _" "eggs are produced by _" "creatures such as _" "antennae while _" "_ was accidentally introduced into" "_ is a serious pest" "child bitten by _" "terrestrials such as _" "_ finds a food source" "insect called _" "predator such as _" "species of solitary _" "such animals as _" "insect such as _" "insect , such as _" "_ s nest" "_ 's feces" "_ 's fart" "insects such as _" "_ crawl up onto" "tiny feet of _" "_ is a wonderful creature" "you ever been bitten by _" "_ 's jaws open" "_ 's mouthparts" "_ 's milk" "_ 's mandible" "you ever been stung by _" "insects , such as _" "many legs does _" "predation by _" "tiny insect called _" "species of giant _" "food source for _" "animals like _" "Other animals such as _" "_ 's midgut" "_ 's pincers" "many species of _" "animals such as _" "animals , such as _" "small animal such as _" ] using ant