CPL @1107 (72.4%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ rearing facility" "insecticide for _" "_ infested cave" "_ was crawling along" "aquatic larva of _" "they become infested with _" "chafer is _" "insect known as _" "trees killed by _" "_ feeds only on" "_ also lays eggs" "_ 's host plants" "_ have a one-year life cycle" "_ 's carapace" "rootworm is _" "pupation of _" "_ is primarily a pest" "traps attract _" "_ rolled the sun" "_ breeding grounds" "_ breeding sites" "mobile stages of _" "mouthparts of _" "brown flying _" "pest called _" "winters have allowed _" "Insects like _" "virus transmitted by _" "young larvae of _" "_ feeds extensively on" "_ feeds on over" "_ attacked trees" "biological control agents of _" "pathogen carried by _" "beetles , Japanese _" "infestation of Japanese _" "he 's bitten by _" "frass of _" "many legs does _" "bugs are really _" "wood boring _" "_ 's antennae" "infestation of _" "sap sucking _" "_ usually hides in" "leaf mining _" "_ also feeds on" "insects like _" "forewing of _" "good hosts for _" "mealworm to _" "elytra of _" "adult Japanese _" "_ s natural habitat" "_ 's wing" "_ 's compound eye" "artificial spread of _" "natural predators , such as _" "_ 's host plant" "_ quarantined areas" "_ is a native pest" "_ primarily feed on" "_ 's proboscis" "_ is host specific" "foliage feeding _" "larvae stage of _" "insects , like _" "Ash Borer is _" "parasites , including _" "compound eye of _" "_ 's burrowing" "_ has an annual life cycle" "_ 's forewings" "_ is soft-bodied" "_ is a common pest" "_ deposits eggs" "_ is an invasive pest" "high populations of _" "timber killed by _" "iridescent wings of _" "food plant for _" "beetle called _" "_ is an invasive species" "_ larva pupates" "_ is a strong flier" "_ is also a pest" "leaf eating _" "light organ of _" "larva stage of _" "larval stage of _" "fruitworm is _" "insect , like _" "parasitoid of _" "feed on other _" "Trees killed by _" "grub into _" "hindgut of _" "imitations such as _" "emerald ash borer is _" "_ 's mouth parts" "trees infested with _" "_ had bored into" "pupal stage of _" "tree is infested with _" "volkswagen super _" "_ regulated areas" "pests , like _" "_ is an occasional pest" "sign of Japanese _" "_ killed timber" "_ is a major pest" "back wings of _" "_ enters the pupal stage" "_ is univoltine" "_ was accidentally introduced into" "Insects , such as _" "_ is a serious pest" "_ larva hatches" "American burying _" "species of blind _" "host preferences of _" "_ is an important pest" "hind wing of _" "insect pest called _" "species of wood-boring _" "_ 's pincers" "_ 's midgut" "_ 's eggs hatch" "bugs such as _" "_ eats leaves" "_ 's population dynamics" "_ carrying pollen" "_ grubs feed" "_ has compound eyes" "_ breeding habitat" "_ is a voracious feeder" "_ has a wide distribution" "_ has many natural enemies" "_ feeding inside" "_ breeding areas" "_ 's natural predators" "volkswagen new _" "trees attacked by _" "_ is a native insect" "_ digs a burrow" "beetle , black _" "ash borer is _" "pests like _" "_ is a small insect" "_ eats wool" "_ is the adult stage" "_ is a devastating pest" "_ is a quarantine pest" "_ 's nest" "pests , including _" "optic lobe of _" "_ feeding injury" "field releases of _" "pests , such as _" "bugs , such as _" "male Australian _" "forewings of _" "preferred host of _" "_ enters the flower" "_ looking insect" "_ infested timber" "disease , transmitted by _" "egg parasitoid of _" "control of oriental _" "_ 's ovipositor" "flight activity of _" "_ looking bugs" "_ 's mandibles" "_ are grubs" "insects , such as _" "_ eats the leaves" "compound eyes of _" "class close up of _" "leaf beetle is _" "Wood boring _" "disease carried by _" "Emerald Ash Borer is _" "voracious predators of _" "tree infested with _" "other insects , such as _" "_ then lays an egg" "pine trees killed by _" "_ bore under" "_ described worldwide" "_ have chewing mouthparts" "insect similar to _" "disease is transmitted by _" "_ is a minor pest" "pincers of _" "scent attracts _" "_ are predaceous" "beetle , Japanese _" "_ eats the flowers" "Life stages of _" "disease , carried by _" "_ 's larval stage" "pollinator is _" "caterpillar to _" "budworm is _" "_ undergoes complete metamorphosis" "_ then feeds on" "control of Japanese _" "_ crawls onto" "pests such as _" "_ was the vector" "suborders of _" "_ is the adult form" "_ pupates in" "_ infested stands" "natural predator of _" "_ is considered a major pest" "_ killed wood" "curculio is _" "pine killed by _" "haemolymph of _" "host species for _" "_ infested wood" "insect such as _" "_ usually feeds on" "instar larvae of _" "trees infested by _" "woodpecker eats _" "food plant of _" "_ crawling among" "_ feeds exclusively on" "_ 's host range" "larva of _" "insects such as Japanese _" "intermediate host is _" "rabbit , new _" "_ was the first insect" "_ 's mouthparts" "host plant of _" "insects including _" "_ has become a major pest" "_ infested leaves" "_ attacks a wide variety" "_ eat the leaves" "he was happy as _" "legs does _" "_ 's food plant" "_ 's hemolymph" "control agents of _" "_ 's main food source" "_ eats wood" "_ 's thorax" "_ 's wings" "protection against black _" "_ is a voracious predator" "_ feeding galleries" "_ 's grubs" "_ 's nests" "Further records of _" "dried bodies of _" "first class close up of _" "adult populations of _" "biological control using _" "_ has a two-year life cycle" "_ is an insect" "pincers like _" "_ 's exoskeleton" "arthropods including _" "disease transmitted by _" "trees are attacked by _" "_ lays several" "_ is a grub" "_ are white grubs" "Larval stages of _" "Alligator weed _" "_ mating disruption" "corn rootworm is _" "trees infected by _" "critters , like _" "brand new species of _" "hatch into _" "sap feeding _" "drowsy hum of _" "_ is a severe pest" "wing covers of _" "leaf feeding _" "larvae of _" "stem boring _" "destructive species of _" ] using beetle
CPL @1104 (71.3%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "insecticide for _" "_ starts laying eggs" "aquatic larva of _" "chafer is _" "insect known as _" "trees killed by _" "_ feeds only on" "_ also lays eggs" "_ 's host plants" "breeding place for _" "_ have a one-year life cycle" "rootworm is _" "_ is primarily a pest" "traps attract _" "_ rolled the sun" "_ breeding grounds" "_ breeding sites" "mobile stages of _" "mouthparts of _" "pest called _" "Insects like _" "virus transmitted by _" "young larvae of _" "_ feeds extensively on" "_ feeds on over" "_ attacked trees" "biological control agents of _" "pathogen carried by _" "beetles , Japanese _" "infestation of Japanese _" "many legs does _" "bugs are really _" "mating behaviour of _" "_ 's antennae" "infestation of _" "larvae of Japanese _" "sap sucking _" "leaf mining _" "insects like _" "forewing of _" "elytra of _" "adult Japanese _" "_ 's wing" "_ combined picture" "_ 's compound eye" "artificial spread of _" "natural predators , such as _" "High populations of _" "_ 's host plant" "_ quarantined areas" "_ is a native pest" "_ primarily feed on" "_ 's proboscis" "_ breeding cycle" "populations of Japanese _" "larvae stage of _" "insects , like _" "_ killed trees" "_ has a wide host range" "Ash Borer is _" "compound eye of _" "_ has an annual life cycle" "fungus carried by _" "_ 's forewings" "_ is soft-bodied" "_ is a common pest" "_ deposits eggs" "_ is an invasive pest" "timber killed by _" "small larvae of _" "iridescent wings of _" "food plant for _" "beetle called _" "_ is a strong flier" "_ is also a pest" "leaf eating _" "larva stage of _" "many pests , including _" "insect , like _" "parasitoid of _" "feed on other _" "Trees killed by _" "hindgut of _" "emerald ash borer is _" "_ 's mouth parts" "trees infested with _" "pupal stage of _" "volkswagen super _" "_ regulated areas" "pests , like _" "_ is an occasional pest" "sign of Japanese _" "_ killed timber" "_ is a major pest" "back wings of _" "new specie of _" "flower visiting _" "_ enters the pupal stage" "_ is univoltine" "_ was accidentally introduced into" "Insects , such as _" "_ is a serious pest" "_ larva hatches" "American burying _" "species of blind _" "host preferences of _" "_ is an important pest" "hind wing of _" "insect pest called _" "_ 's delicate wings" "species of wood-boring _" "_ 's pincers" "_ 's midgut" "_ 's eggs hatch" "bugs such as _" "_ eats leaves" "_ 's population dynamics" "_ grubs feed" "mouthparts like _" "_ has compound eyes" "_ breeding habitat" "_ is a voracious feeder" "_ has a wide distribution" "_ has many natural enemies" "_ breeding areas" "dry flies like _" "_ 's natural predators" "volkswagen new _" "trees attacked by _" "_ is a native insect" "_ digs a burrow" "beetle , black _" "ash borer is _" "pests like _" "_ is a small insect" "_ 's saliva" "_ eats wool" "_ is the adult stage" "_ is a devastating pest" "_ is a quarantine pest" "pests , including _" "_ feeding injury" "pests , such as _" "scurry like _" "bugs , such as _" "forewings of _" "overwintering populations of _" "preferred host of _" "_ enters the flower" "_ looking insect" "_ infested timber" "_ 's ovipositor" "_ looking bugs" "white eggs of _" "insects , such as _" "insect than _" "_ eats the leaves" "compound eyes of _" "class close up of _" "Wood boring _" "disease carried by _" "Emerald Ash Borer is _" "voracious predators of _" "other insects , such as _" "_ then lays an egg" "pine trees killed by _" "_ described worldwide" "_ have chewing mouthparts" "insect similar to _" "_ is a minor pest" "pincers of _" "scent attracts _" "endemic populations of _" "life stage of _" "_ are predaceous" "beetle , Japanese _" "_ eats the flowers" "disease , carried by _" "flight period of _" "caterpillar to _" "budworm is _" "_ undergoes complete metamorphosis" "_ mating behavior" "control of Japanese _" "flowers are pollinated by _" "pests such as _" "disease carrying _" "_ was the vector" "suborders of _" "_ is the adult form" "_ pupates in" "_ infested stands" "_ is considered a major pest" "_ killed wood" "curculio is _" "pine killed by _" "haemolymph of _" "host species for _" "_ infested wood" "insect such as _" "_ usually feeds on" "instar larvae of _" "trees infested by _" "woodpecker eats _" "_ does not breed in" "_ 's host range" "Borer is _" "larva of _" "insects such as Japanese _" "intermediate host is _" "wood destroying _" "rabbit , new _" "_ was the first insect" "_ 's mouthparts" "host plant of _" "insects including _" "_ has become a major pest" "_ infested leaves" "_ 's food plant" "_ 's hemolymph" "control agents of _" "_ carrying the disease" "_ 's wings" "protection against black _" "_ is a voracious predator" "_ 's grubs" "Further records of _" "dried bodies of _" "first class close up of _" "biological control using _" "genus of small _" "_ has a two-year life cycle" "pincers like _" "arthropods including _" "trees are attacked by _" "_ lays several" "_ is a grub" "diseases transmitted by _" "Larval stages of _" "Alligator weed _" "_ mating disruption" "trees infected by _" "critters , like _" "_ evolving resistance" "sap feeding _" "drowsy hum of _" "_ is a severe pest" "wing covers of _" "leaf feeding _" "larvae of _" "stem boring _" "destructive species of _" ] using beetle
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of agriculturalproduct:flowers agriculturalproducttoattractinsect animal:beetle ]
SEAL @137 (100.0%) on 26-jul-2010 [ 123 ] using beetle
CPL @1095 (73.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "_ rearing facility" "insecticide for _" "_ starts laying eggs" "aquatic larva of _" "chafer is _" "insect known as _" "trees killed by _" "_ transmitted virus" "volkswagon new _" "_ feeds only on" "_ also lays eggs" "_ 's host plants" "breeding place for _" "_ have a one-year life cycle" "pupation of _" "_ is primarily a pest" "traps attract _" "_ rolled the sun" "_ breeding grounds" "_ breeding sites" "preferred hosts of _" "mouthparts of _" "temper , said _" "front wings of _" "brown flying _" "pest called _" "winters have allowed _" "Insects like _" "young larvae of _" "_ buzzing around" "hard exoskeleton of _" "_ feeds extensively on" "infestation by _" "planipennis Fairmaire , is _" "pupa of _" "_ feeds on over" "_ attacked trees" "biological control agents of _" "pathogen carried by _" "beetles , Japanese _" "infestation of Japanese _" "pests such as Japanese _" "bugs are really _" "wood boring _" "_ 's antennae" "_ is an invasive insect" "infestation of _" "larvae of Japanese _" "sap sucking _" "_ called the emerald ash borer" "leaf mining _" "_ also feeds on" "insects like _" "forewing of _" "larval stages of _" "mealworm to _" "elytra of _" "bugs , Japanese _" "adult Japanese _" "_ s wing" "_ 's wing" "_ have a mutualistic relationship" "_ combined picture" "_ 's compound eye" "artificial spread of _" "natural predators , such as _" "_ 's host plant" "_ quarantined areas" "_ is a native pest" "_ primarily feed on" "_ 's proboscis" "foliage feeding _" "populations of Japanese _" "larvae stage of _" "insects , like _" "_ bled blue" "_ killed trees" "_ has a wide host range" "_ symbolizes rebirth" "Ash Borer is _" "compound eye of _" "_ 's burrowing" "_ has an annual life cycle" "fungus carried by _" "insects , from _" "_ 's forewings" "_ is soft-bodied" "_ is a common pest" "_ deposits eggs" "invasion dynamics of _" "_ is an invasive pest" "high populations of _" "timber killed by _" "small larvae of _" "iridescent wings of _" "food plant for _" "beetle called _" "_ larva pupates" "_ is a strong flier" "Central American species of _" "_ lays eggs" "defoliation from _" "_ is also a pest" "leaf eating _" "larva stage of _" "many pests , including _" "larval stage of _" "fruitworm is _" "insect , like _" "parasitoid of _" "food plants of _" "Trees killed by _" "grub into _" "hindgut of _" "emerald ash borer is _" "_ 's mouth parts" "trees infested with _" "pupal stage of _" "tree is infested with _" "volkswagen super _" "_ regulated areas" "pests , like _" "_ is an occasional pest" "sign of Japanese _" "_ killed timber" "_ is a major pest" "back wings of _" "_ killed forests" "tracheae of _" "flower visiting _" "_ enters the pupal stage" "_ is univoltine" "borer is _" "bug , such as _" "_ was accidentally introduced into" "Insects , such as _" "_ larva lives" "_ is a serious pest" "_ 's feelers" "_ larva hatches" "American burying _" "small flying _" "host preferences of _" "_ are pests" "_ is an important pest" "_ rolling dung" "hind wing of _" "insect pest called _" "grubs of _" "_ 's delicate wings" "_ is flightless" "_ rearing program" "species of wood-boring _" "_ 's midgut" "_ 's eggs hatch" "bugs such as _" "_ eats leaves" "_ carrying pollen" "_ grubs feed" "mouthparts like _" "_ has compound eyes" "_ bores into" "_ breeding habitat" "_ is a voracious feeder" "_ has a wide distribution" "_ flits about in" "_ has many natural enemies" "_ breeding areas" "dry flies like _" "volkswagen new _" "trees attacked by _" "_ has been found feeding on" "_ has been observed feeding on" "_ is a native insect" "_ digs a burrow" "beetle , black _" "ash borer is _" "pests like _" "grubs , Japanese _" "_ is a small insect" "_ attacking the trees" "_ eats wool" "_ is the adult stage" "_ is a devastating pest" "_ is a quarantine pest" "_ 's nest" "pests , including _" "optic lobe of _" "_ boring dust" "field releases of _" "pests , such as _" "scurry like _" "bugs , such as _" "forewings of _" "Chemical control of _" "overwintering populations of _" "preferred host of _" "_ enters the flower" "_ looking insect" "_ infested timber" "_ kills ash trees" "disease , transmitted by _" "egg parasitoid of _" "control of oriental _" "_ 's ovipositor" "flight activity of _" "pupae of _" "_ passes the winter" "_ looking bugs" "_ 's mandibles" "insects , such as _" "spider eat _" "_ eats the leaves" "compound eyes of _" "class close up of _" "Wood boring _" "disease carried by _" "Emerald Ash Borer is _" "voracious predators of _" "other insects , such as _" "larval state of _" "_ then lays an egg" "pine trees killed by _" "_ have chewing mouthparts" "fungus helps _" "insect similar to _" "_ is a minor pest" "scent attracts _" "endemic populations of _" "_ are predaceous" "beetle , Japanese _" "Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire , is _" "Life stages of _" "Natural enemies of _" "disease , carried by _" "defoliation by _" "_ is a non-native insect" "_ 's larval stage" "pollinator is _" "flight period of _" "caterpillar to _" "budworm is _" "black species of _" "_ undergoes complete metamorphosis" "antennae of _" "_ then feeds on" "control of Japanese _" "flowers are pollinated by _" "_ 's larvae" "_ 's larva" "pests such as _" "disease carrying _" "Fairmaire , is _" "suborders of _" "_ is the adult form" "_ pupates in" "_ infested stands" "_ is considered a major pest" "_ killed wood" "pine killed by _" "haemolymph of _" "host species for _" "_ infested wood" "insect such as _" "instar larvae of _" "trees infested by _" "woodpecker eats _" "food plant of _" "_ pushing the sun" "_ begins feeding on" "_ feeds exclusively on" "_ 's host range" "Borer is _" "larva of _" "insects such as Japanese _" "wood destroying _" "rabbit , new _" "_ was the first insect" "_ 's mouthparts" "mandibles of _" "host plant of _" "insects including _" "_ has an interesting life cycle" "_ has become a major pest" "_ infested leaves" "_ attacks a wide variety" "tree mortality caused by _" "large , flying _" "_ was reared from" "_ has a one-year life cycle" "_ 's food plant" "_ 's hemolymph" "control agents of _" "_ 's thorax" "_ 's wings" "protection against black _" "_ 's larvae feed" "_ feeding galleries" "_ 's grubs" "_ 's nests" "Further records of _" "dried bodies of _" "first class close up of _" "alternative hosts of _" "beautiful wings of _" "biological control using _" "_ has not become established in" "_ has a two-year life cycle" "_ is an insect" "_ 's exoskeleton" "arthropods including _" "trees are attacked by _" "tiny flying _" "trees have been killed by _" "_ lays several" "_ is a grub" "areas infested by _" "forests impacted by _" "_ are white grubs" "diseases transmitted by _" "Larval stages of _" "_ 's wing structure" "Alligator weed _" "_ mating disruption" "edibles is _" "trees infected by _" "_ evolving resistance" "life stages of _" "sap feeding _" "drowsy hum of _" "beetle , new _" "_ is a severe pest" "wing covers of _" "leaf feeding _" "larvae of _" "stem boring _" "destructive species of _" ] using beetle
CMC @1081 (99.9%) on 02-dec-2017 [ PREFIX=be 1.57589 LASTPREFIX=beetl 1.54209 PREFIX=beetl 1.54203 LASTPREFIX=beet 1.54113 PREFIX=beet 1.54107 LASTPREFIX=bee 1.53106 PREFIX=bee 1.52801 WORDS -2.06681 CHARS -2.19833 FULL_POS=NN -3.24404 ] using beetle
CPL @1112 (53.6%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "_ infested cave" "insect known as _" "_ also lays eggs" "breeding of _" "_ is primarily a pest" "species such as _" "predators , such as _" "_ feeds on over" "beetles , Japanese _" "many legs does _" "sap sucking _" "_ 's compound eye" "natural predators , such as _" "large breed of _" "_ 's host plant" "compound eye of _" "small larvae of _" "iridescent wings of _" "_ is a strong flier" "many species of _" "_ 's mouth parts" "trees infested with _" "_ eat the tree" "tunnels made by _" "_ was accidentally introduced into" "animals such as _" "Insects , such as _" "_ is a serious pest" "lesser spotted _" "other species , such as _" "_ 's pincers" "_ 's midgut" "_ grubs feed" "_ has many natural enemies" "food source for _" "volkswagen new _" "_ feeds primarily on" "_ digs a burrow" "predation by _" "_ 's nest" "_ 's diet" "_ is normally found on" "scurry like _" "_ 's claw" "_ 's ovipositor" "red eyes of _" "insects , such as _" "class close up of _" "other insects , such as _" "_ once ranged from" "species of Asian _" "caterpillar to _" "catches of _" "_ infested wood" "insect such as _" "wood destroying _" "_ 's mouthparts" "_ 's feces" "animals , like _" "first class close up of _" "arthropods including _" "_ is primarily nocturnal" "species of giant _" "_ 's egg" "_ is a threatened species" "_ is a severe pest" ] using beetle
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 like the lady arg1" "arg2 such as flea arg1" "arg2 such as ladybird arg1" "arg2 such as carpet arg1" "arg2 such as bark arg1" "arg2 such as cucumber arg1" ] using (beetle, insects)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 like the lady arg1" "arg2 such as flea arg1" "arg2 such as ladybird arg1" "arg2 such as spruce arg1" "arg2 such as bark arg1" "arg2 such as the mountain pine arg1" "arg2 such as cucumber arg1" "arg2 such as stag arg1" ] using (beetle, insects)
CPL @1097 (100.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 like the lady arg2" "arg1 such as flea arg2" "arg1 such as ladybird arg2" "arg1 as the potato arg2" "arg1 like ladybird arg2" "arg1 such as diving arg2" "arg1 such as blister arg2" "arg1 such as carpet arg2" "arg1 such as spruce arg2" "arg1 such as bark arg2" "arg1 such as the mountain pine arg2" "arg1 like the Japanese arg2" "arg1 such as the lady arg2" "arg1 such as cucumber arg2" "arg1 such as the Colorado potato arg2" "arg1 such as stag arg2" ] using (insects, beetle)
CPL @1104 (99.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 like the lady arg2" "arg1 such as flea arg2" "arg1 such as ladybird arg2" "arg1 such as diving arg2" "arg1 such as spruce arg2" "arg1 such as bark arg2" "arg1 such as the mountain pine arg2" "arg1 such as the lady arg2" "arg1 such as cucumber arg2" "arg1 such as stag arg2" ] using (insects, beetle)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:animalpreyson,concept:relatedto,concept:animalsuchasinsect" "Y~_X0~concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:relatedto,concept:animalsuchasinsect" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcompeteswithagent,concept:relatedto,concept:animalsuchasinsect" "Y~_X0~concept:animalpreyson,concept:relatedto,concept:animalsuchasinvertebrate" "Y~_X0~concept:animalpreyson,concept:relatedto,concept:generalizationof" ] using (insects, beetle)
CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 like the lady arg2" "arg1 such as flea arg2" "arg1 such as ladybird arg2" "arg1 such as spruce arg2" "arg1 such as bark arg2" "arg1 such as the mountain pine arg2" "arg1 such as cucumber arg2" ] using (insects, beetle)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:animalpreyson,concept:relatedto,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:animalpreyson,concept:relatedto,concept:generalizationof" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcompeteswithagent,concept:relatedto,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:relatedto,concept:animaltypehasanimal" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcompeteswithagent,concept:relatedto,concept:generalizationof" ] using (insects, beetle)
CPL @1105 (99.2%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 like the lady arg2" "arg1 such as flea arg2" "arg1 such as ladybird arg2" "arg1 such as spruce arg2" "arg1 such as bark arg2" "arg1 such as the mountain pine arg2" "arg1 such as cucumber arg2" ] using (insects, beetle)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and other insect arg2" "arg1 and other wood destroying arg2" "arg1 are highly destructive arg2" ] using (beetle, pests)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agentinvolvedwithitem,concept:iteminvolvedwithagent,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:organizationhastopmember,concept:ceoof,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" ] using (volkswagen, beetle)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agentinvolvedwithitem,concept:iteminvolvedwithagent,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" "Y~_X0~concept:organizationhastopmember,concept:ceoof,concept:agentinvolvedwithitem" ] using (volkswagen_of_america, beetle)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 like the lady arg1" "arg2 such as flea arg1" "arg2 such as ladybird arg1" "arg2 such as carpet arg1" "arg2 such as bark arg1" "arg2 such as cucumber arg1" ] using (beetle, insects)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 like the lady arg1" "arg2 such as flea arg1" "arg2 such as ladybird arg1" "arg2 such as carpet arg1" "arg2 such as bark arg1" "arg2 such as cucumber arg1" ] using (beetle, insects)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 like the lady arg1" "arg2 such as flea arg1" "arg2 such as ladybird arg1" "arg2 such as spruce arg1" "arg2 such as bark arg1" "arg2 such as the mountain pine arg1" "arg2 such as cucumber arg1" "arg2 such as stag arg1" ] using (beetle, insects)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and other insect arg2" "arg1 and other wood destroying arg2" "arg1 are highly destructive arg2" ] using (beetle, pests)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 like the lady arg1" "arg2 such as flea arg1" "arg2 such as ladybird arg1" "arg2 such as spruce arg1" "arg2 such as bark arg1" "arg2 such as the mountain pine arg1" "arg2 such as cucumber arg1" "arg2 such as stag arg1" ] using (beetle, insects)