CPL @1108 (64.4%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "host plants of _" "insect such as _" "disease transmitted by _" "larvae of _" "pests like _" "_ is a major insect pest" "honeydew excreted by _" "insect called _" "virus is transmitted by _" "insects such as _" "pests include _" "virus transmitted by _" "mouthparts of _" "infestation of _" "natural enemies against _" "_ acquires the virus" "Malpighian tubules of _" "disease , transmitted by _" "vector such as _" "_ does not overwinter in" "pests , such as _" "insects , such as _" "Host plants of _" "_ feeding injury" "_ is the principal vector" "_ is the major pest" "_ breeding areas" "mating behavior of _" "_ transmits the virus" ] using leafhopper
CMC @1111 (100.0%) on 25-jun-2018 [ PREFIX=leaf 2.84014 LASTPREFIX=leaf 2.61414 PREFIX=lea 1.90482 LASTSUFFIX=per 1.81759 LASTSUFFIX=pper 1.62039 LASTPREFIX=lea 1.56901 LASTSUFFIX=opper 1.28538 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.47488 FULL_POS=NN -2.94637 WORDS -3.15918 ] using leafhopper
CPL @1105 (63.1%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "insect such as _" "larvae of _" "pests like _" "_ is a major insect pest" "honeydew excreted by _" "insect called _" "insects such as _" "pests include _" "virus transmitted by _" "mouthparts of _" "_ is a general feeder" "infestation of _" "natural enemies against _" "_ acquires the virus" "Malpighian tubules of _" "vector such as _" "_ does not overwinter in" "pests , such as _" "insects , such as _" "_ feeding injury" "_ is the principal vector" "_ is the major pest" "High populations of _" "_ breeding areas" "_ has fed on" "mating behavior of _" "_ transmits the virus" ] using leafhopper
SEAL @167 (75.0%) on 17-nov-2010 [ 12 ] using leafhopper
CMC @1111 (100.0%) on 25-jun-2018 [ PREFIX=lea 2.33882 SUFFIX=er 2.15233 PREFIX=le 1.84885 LASTPREFIX=leaf 1.77219 PREFIX=leaf 1.74173 LASTSUFFIX=pper 1.59183 LASTSUFFIX=per 1.43287 CHARS -1.14926 WORDS -3.48964 FULL_POS=NN -3.56600 ] using leafhopper
SEAL @160 (75.0%) on 18-oct-2010 [ 12 ] using leafhopper
CPL @1095 (61.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "host plants of _" "insect such as _" "larvae of _" "pests like _" "_ begins feeding on" "honeydew excreted by _" "insect called _" "insects such as _" "pests include _" "mouthparts of _" "_ is a general feeder" "infestation of _" "natural enemies against _" "_ acquires the virus" "Malpighian tubules of _" "disease , transmitted by _" "vector such as _" "_ does not overwinter in" "pests , such as _" "insects , such as _" "_ transmitted virus" "instar nymphs of _" "Host plants of _" "_ is the major pest" "_ breeding areas" "mating behavior of _" "_ transmits the virus" ] using leafhopper