OE @830 (96.0%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using millipedes
SEAL @167 (100.0%) on 17-nov-2010 [ 12 ] using millipedes
CPL @1108 (53.4%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "other invertebrates , such as _" "_ breeding if" "many legs do _" "pests like _" "_ occasionally feed on" "_ have mandibles" "shrews eat _" "butterflies , giant _" "_ are n't insects" "home was infested with _" "insects such as _" "_ eat roots" "_ are worm-like" "_ have an exoskeleton" "Pests such as _" "hindgut of _" "exoskeletons of _" "crawlies like _" "_ ' mandibles" "_ eat dung" "such pests as _" "arthropods , such as _" "hatch into tiny _" "small insects including _" "antennae while _" "other arthropods , such as _" "_ are not insects" "_ are detritivores" "other invertebrates like _" "insects , including _" "_ are detrivores" "_ attack the crop" "_ have segmented bodies" "invertebrates such as _" "swarms of _" "insects called _" "infestation of _" "lobsters than _" "_ secrete a toxin" "antennae , while _" "_ have many legs" "insects like _" "lizards , giant _" "invertebrates , such as _" "_ eat decaying leaves" "_ have so many legs" "defensive secretions of _" "arthropods include _" "_ hide during" "other pests such as _" "hindguts of _" "invertebrate animals such as _" "invertebrates , including _" "invertebrates like _" "_ do not carry diseases" "insects include _" "world from giant _" "arthropods including _" "invertebrates including _" "creepy crawlies like _" "bugs , such as _" "_ were crawling on" "_ ' exoskeletons" "arthropods , including _" "_ have chewing mouthparts" "_ have more legs" "fear of giant _" "pests , such as _" "arthropods were _" "other insects like _" "it is infested with _" "_ actually burrow into" "Pests , such as _" "_ often invade homes" "arthropods like _" "creatures such as giant _" "genus of small _" "homes are infested with _" "_ have short antennae" "worms , giant _" "Bugs such as _" "eggs hatch into tiny _" "other arthropods , including _" "arthropods such as _" "_ do not bite humans" "scorpions , giant _" "insects , like _" "pests other than _" "_ lay clusters" "_ have jointed legs" "_ are getting in through" "Insects such as _" "other bugs , such as _" "insects including _" "_ do not transmit diseases" "pests such as _" "great numbers like _" "several species of giant _" "breeding of giant _" ] using millipedes
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of animal:millipedes arthropodthatfeedoninsect animal:insects ]
CPL @1108 (59.9%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "other invertebrates , such as _" "_ breeding if" "small creatures such as _" "many legs do _" "pests like _" "_ eat dead" "_ have mandibles" "frogs , giant _" "shrews eat _" "_ are n't insects" "creepy crawlies such as _" "invertebrate animals , such as _" "home was infested with _" "crawlies such as _" "insects such as _" "_ are land dwellers" "_ eat roots" "_ are worm-like" "_ have an exoskeleton" "_ resemble small adults" "Pests such as _" "hindgut of _" "_ lack eyes" "exoskeletons of _" "crawlies like _" "insects , giant _" "_ resemble the adults" "_ ' mandibles" "such pests as _" "arthropods , such as _" "hatch into tiny _" "small insects including _" "antennae while _" "other arthropods , such as _" "prey such as _" "_ are not insects" "_ are detritivores" "spiders , small _" "other invertebrates like _" "small invertebrates , such as _" "insects , including _" "sensory physiology of _" "_ are detrivores" "_ attack the crop" "future infestations of _" "_ have segmented bodies" "invertebrates such as _" "swarms of _" "insects called _" "infestation of _" "lobsters than _" "antennae , while _" "insects like _" "invertebrates , such as _" "_ eat decaying leaves" "_ have so many legs" "defensive secretions of _" "arthropods include _" "_ hide during" "other pests such as _" "hindguts of _" "invertebrate animals such as _" "invertebrates , including _" "invertebrates like _" "_ do not carry diseases" "insects include _" "_ resemble adults" "world from giant _" "arthropods including _" "invertebrates including _" "creepy crawlies like _" "bugs , such as _" "soil invertebrates such as _" "_ ' exoskeletons" "arthropods , including _" "_ have chewing mouthparts" "_ have more legs" "_ have a cylindrical body" "pests , such as _" "other insects like _" "Pests , such as _" "decomposers such as _" "_ often invade homes" "arthropods like _" "creatures such as giant _" "arthropods are _" "homes are infested with _" "_ have short antennae" "worms , giant _" "worms are called _" "eggs hatch into tiny _" "other arthropods , including _" "arthropods such as _" "_ do not bite humans" "scorpions , giant _" "ants , giant _" "many legs as _" "insects , like _" "pests other than _" "_ lay clusters" "_ have jointed legs" "_ eat decaying plant matter" "Insects such as _" "other bugs , such as _" "_ are arthropods" "insects including _" "_ do not transmit diseases" "pests such as _" "they were infested with _" "great numbers like _" "larger organisms such as _" "_ then feed on" "breeding of giant _" "cockroaches , giant _" ] using millipedes
SEAL @737 (70.0%) on 02-jun-2013 [ 1 ] using millipedes
CPL @1109 (65.6%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "nutritional needs of _" "other invertebrates , such as _" "many legs do _" "frogs , giant _" "_ are decomposers" "butterflies , giant _" "critters like _" "home was infested with _" "insects such as _" "_ resemble small adults" "Pests such as _" "other creatures like _" "animals , like _" "intestinal parasites of _" "beetles , small _" "_ ' mandibles" "such pests as _" "arthropods , such as _" "hatch into tiny _" "small insects including _" "smaller creatures such as _" "antennae while _" "other arthropods , such as _" "prey , such as _" "prey such as _" "spiders , small _" "food source for _" "small invertebrates , such as _" "creatures such as _" "_ are mostly herbivores" "invertebrates such as _" "Animal life includes _" "_ secrete a toxin" "lizards , giant _" "animals such as _" "invertebrates , such as _" "favourite animals were _" "other pests such as _" "hindguts of _" "newly-discovered species of _" "invertebrate animals such as _" "invertebrates , including _" "invertebrates like _" "_ resemble adults" "arthropods including _" "animals , such as _" "animals like _" "small animals like _" "invertebrates including _" "soil invertebrates such as _" "_ receive a balanced diet" "earthworms , small _" "_ ' exoskeletons" "predators such as _" "other insects like _" "species of giant _" "predators , such as _" "Pests , such as _" "many species of _" "_ often invade homes" "terrestrial animals , such as _" "arthropods like _" "creatures such as giant _" "animals , including _" "_ are amazing animals" "_ have short antennae" "worms , giant _" "Other pests such as _" "_ are primarily nocturnal" "eggs hatch into tiny _" "arthropods such as _" "_ do not bite humans" "scorpions , giant _" "_ are also herbivores" "_ have jointed legs" "_ eat decaying plant matter" "_ do not transmit diseases" "several species of giant _" "breeding of giant _" ] using millipedes