CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 as chestnut arg2" "arg1 and chestnut arg2" "arg1 and chinquapin arg2" "arg1 and willow arg2" ] using (red_oaks, oaks)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and other canopy arg1" "arg2 and white birch arg1" "arg2 and ilex arg1" "arg2 and fir arg1" "arg2 or other hardwood arg1" "arg2 are grown as ornamental arg1" "arg2 and chesnut arg1" "arg2 and willow arg1" "arg2 and cottonwood arg1" "arg2 and sugar maple arg1" "arg2 and arbutus arg1" "arg2 and black gum arg1" "arg2 and other specimen arg1" "arg2 and other shade arg1" "arg2 and tulip arg1" "arg2 and other hard wood arg1" "arg2 and flowering fruit arg1" "arg2 and sweetgum arg1" "arg2 and beech arg1" "arg2 and aspen arg1" "arg2 and bay laurel arg1" "arg2 or other deciduous arg1" "arg2 and elm arg1" "arg2 and ponderosa pine arg1" "arg2 and other deciduous arg1" "arg2 and Sycamore arg1" "arg2 and sweet gum arg1" "arg2 and redwood arg1" "arg2 and tulip poplar arg1" "arg2 and Douglas fir arg1" "arg2 and pine arg1" "arg2 are evergreen arg1" "arg2 and other broad leaf arg1" "arg2 and cedar arg1" "arg2 and birch arg1" "arg2 and madrone arg1" "arg2 and larch arg1" "arg2 and horse chestnut arg1" "arg2 and pinion pine arg1" "arg2 and California bay arg1" "arg2 and basswood arg1" "arg2 and deodar arg1" "arg2 and magnolia arg1" "arg2 and bottlebrush arg1" "arg2 or other woodland arg1" "arg2 and shagbark hickory arg1" "arg2 and black locust arg1" "arg2 and other evergreen arg1" "arg2 and other broadleaf arg1" "arg2 and sweet chestnut arg1" "arg2 are deciduous arg1" "arg2 and buckeye arg1" "arg2 and hemlock arg1" "arg2 and sycamore arg1" "arg2 and ironwood arg1" "arg2 and deciduous arg1" "arg2 and Manzanita arg1" "arg2 and chokecherry arg1" "arg2 and cypress arg1" "arg2 and eucalyptus arg1" "arg2 and ancient cypress arg1" "arg2 and hickory arg1" "arg2 and post oak arg1" "arg2 and other hardwood arg1" "arg2 and tanoak arg1" "arg2 and poplar arg1" "arg2 and other mast arg1" "arg2 and Pecan arg1" "arg2 and Black Walnut arg1" "arg2 and oak arg1" "arg2 and pollarded arg1" "arg2 and white pine arg1" "arg2 and bald cypress arg1" "arg2 and box elder arg1" "arg2 and locust arg1" "arg2 and hornbeam arg1" "arg2 rather than palm arg1" "arg2 and white ash arg1" "arg2 and red bay arg1" ] using (trees, oaks)
OE @806 (95.7%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (trees, oaks)