MBL @940 (99.8%) on 21-jul-2015 [ Promotion of jobposition:acupuncturist jobpositionusesacademicfield academicfield:medicine ]
SEAL @659 (55.8%) on 09-nov-2012 [ 12 ] using acupuncturist
CPL @1105 (97.7%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "experience as _" "She has also worked as _" "private practice as _" "she became _" "NYS licensed _" "board certified _" "He is licensed as _" "She is licensed as _" "training as _" "I am now _" "LLC is looking for _" "Cates is _" "Doctor Find _" "He trained as _" "I work as _" "He qualified as _" "I am licensed as _" "She has been _" "engineer turned _" "She is also currently _" "I became _" "I worked as _" "NY State licensed _" "practice as _" "She trained as _" "he worked as _" "_ 's license" "National Board certified _" "I qualified as _" "career as _" ] using acupuncturist
CPL @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and practitioner of Chinese arg2" "arg1 and doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 who specializes in holistic arg2" "arg1 and Doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 specializing in sports arg2" "arg1 trained in Chinese arg2" "arg1 practicing western arg2" "arg1 who practices Chinese arg2" "arg1 trained in traditional Chinese arg2" ] using (acupuncturist, medicine)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and practitioner of Chinese arg2" "arg1 and doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 who specializes in holistic arg2" "arg1 and Doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 specializing in sports arg2" "arg1 trained in Chinese arg2" "arg1 practicing western arg2" "arg1 who practices Chinese arg2" "arg1 trained in traditional Chinese arg2" ] using (acupuncturist, medicine)
CPL @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and practitioner of Chinese arg2" "arg1 and doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 who specializes in holistic arg2" "arg1 and Doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 specializing in sports arg2" "arg1 trained in Chinese arg2" "arg1 practicing western arg2" "arg1 who practices Chinese arg2" "arg1 trained in traditional Chinese arg2" ] using (acupuncturist, medicine)
CPL @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and practitioner of Chinese arg2" "arg1 and doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 who specializes in holistic arg2" "arg1 and Doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 specializing in sports arg2" "arg1 trained in Chinese arg2" "arg1 practicing western arg2" "arg1 who practices Chinese arg2" "arg1 trained in traditional Chinese arg2" ] using (acupuncturist, medicine)
CPL @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and practitioner of Chinese arg2" "arg1 and doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 who specializes in holistic arg2" "arg1 and Doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 specializing in sports arg2" "arg1 trained in Chinese arg2" "arg1 practicing western arg2" "arg1 who practices Chinese arg2" "arg1 trained in traditional Chinese arg2" ] using (acupuncturist, medicine)
CPL @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and practitioner of Chinese arg2" "arg1 and doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 who specializes in holistic arg2" "arg1 and Doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 specializing in sports arg2" "arg1 trained in Chinese arg2" "arg1 practicing western arg2" "arg1 who practices Chinese arg2" "arg1 trained in traditional Chinese arg2" ] using (acupuncturist, medicine)
CPL @1104 (99.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and practitioner of Chinese arg2" "arg1 and doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 who specializes in holistic arg2" "arg1 and Doctor of Oriental arg2" "arg1 specializing in sports arg2" "arg1 trained in Chinese arg2" "arg1 practicing western arg2" "arg1 who practices Chinese arg2" "arg1 trained in traditional Chinese arg2" ] using (acupuncturist, medicine)