CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=or 5.68604 SUFFIX=tor 3.92074 LASTSUFFIX=tor 3.91772 SUFFIX=or 3.78864 SUFFIX=ef 3.50121 LAST_WORD=instructor 2.80101 SUFFIX=hef 2.22846 POS=NN -0.74194 CHARS -2.12575 WORDS -8.85320 ] using chef_instructor
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "experience as _" "He is currently _" "she currently is _" "he worked as _" "She also serves as _" "She worked as _" "She has been _" "He currently serves as _" "He is also _" "she was _" "She is currently _" "She was previously senior _" "She was also _" "position of senior _" "I am now _" "He was previously _" "He currently is _" "he has served as _" "He also served as _" "I work as _" "He was also _" "she worked as _" "he served as _" "career as _" "He has taught as _" ] using chef_instructor
SEAL @547 (50.0%) on 04-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using chef_instructor
CMC @884 (100.0%) on 03-nov-2014 [ LASTSUFFIX=or 3.51491 SUFFIX=ef 3.44275 SUFFIX=or 3.12250 LASTSUFFIX=tor 2.97605 SUFFIX=tor 2.89125 SUFFIX=hef 2.31565 LASTPREFIX=ins 1.88560 POS=NN -1.48000 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.57529 WORDS -8.63600 ] using chef_instructor
CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "He is currently _" "she currently is _" "he worked as _" "She also serves as _" "She worked as _" "She has been _" "He currently serves as _" "she was _" "She is currently _" "She was previously senior _" "She was also _" "position of senior _" "I am now _" "He was previously _" "He currently is _" "he has served as _" "classes are taught by _" "He also served as _" "I work as _" "He was also _" "groups , guided by _" "she worked as _" "he served as _" "He has taught as _" ] using chef_instructor