SEAL @746 (61.4%) on 27-jun-2013 [ 1 ] using freelance_writer
MBL @1040 (99.9%) on 14-feb-2017 [ Promotion of jobposition:freelance_writer jobpositionusesacademicfield academicfield:issues ]
CMC @892 (100.0%) on 18-dec-2014 [ LASTSUFFIX=er 4.37558 SUFFIX=er 2.14808 SUFFIX=ce 1.86121 SUFFIX=ance 1.49772 SUFFIX=nce 1.43433 CHARS 1.13263 SUFFIX=iter 1.07433 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa -0.90994 POS=NN -1.18313 WORDS -6.30929 ] using freelance_writer
LE @1045 (57.1%) on 28-mar-2017
CPL @1115 (92.5%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "du Toit is _" "Hirshberg is _" "Cheung is _" "JR. is _" "Salzman is _" "Rudin is _" "Perlstein is _" "Gardner served as _" "Marc is also _" "Schulte is _" "Hannon is _" "I am working as _" "Stowell is _" "professional reputation as _" "David Strom is _" "J. Davis is _" "Morrell is _" "Web I am _" "Jeremy Miller is _" "Mehra is _" "Tice is _" "She has also been _" "David Morris is _" "Whitt is _" "A. Smith is _" "Sussman is _" "Teel is _" "Rabin is _" "Andelman is _" "Diedrich is _" "I have also worked as _" "CSCS , is _" "McKibben is _" "Sean is currently _" "Mullin is _" "Bennis is _" "Dignan is _" "He was also _" "he worked as _" "Karen has been _" "Alan Cohen is _" "you have been working as _" "Dobbins is _" "Cohen is currently _" "Lee Dobbins is _" "Ghani is _" "Tim worked as _" "years I worked as _" "Todd worked as _" "L. Smith is _" "Toomey is _" "Kelly worked as _" "John worked as _" "He has worked as _" "she is now working as _" "M.P.H. is _" "Michael Ryan is _" "Tom Flynn is _" "MSW is _" "McLoughlin is _" "Sandberg is _" "David worked as _" "I work as _" "Kelly is currently _" "Fancher is _" "Burt is _" "Author Brian is _" "Sorensen is _" "Finkel is _" "Arbuthnot is _" "A. Johnson is _" "Nadel is _" "McGarvey is _" "Bill Taylor is _" "background includes working as _" "positions , including as _" "Arthur Levine is _" "Hitt is _" "Abramson is _" "She is currently working as _" "Schroeder is _" "Gessner is _" "D'Amato is _" "CFP , is _" "He is presently _" "R. Ralph is _" "Thackston is _" "M.P.H. , is _" "Agrawal is _" "MPH , is _" "Joel Walsh is _" "Glatzer is _" "Julie worked as _" "Kevin Urban is _" "Tom is also _" "Henke is _" "Mark works as _" "Chris has worked as _" "I’ve worked as _" "Ramer is _" "Pratt has been _" "Melchior is _" "W. Moore is _" "Kevin Lynch is _" "Krishnan is _" "Dave has been _" "long-time contributing _" "recent years he has been _" "Skowronski is _" "Lum is _" "A. Wright is _" "Anthony Wright is _" "A. Jackson is _" "David Lee is _" "Bhargava is _" "Kathryn lang is _" "J. Miller is _" "Mr. Austin is _" "Chasteen is _" "I work part-time as _" "Wexler is _" "Michael has worked as _" "Schulz is _" "She was previously _" "P.E. is _" "Mike is also _" "she now works as _" "diverse career as _" "Moyo is _" "Lemberg is _" "He has also worked as _" "He was previously _" "Josephs is _" "Bachrach is _" "Lauth is _" "Scannell is _" "few years working as _" "anyone considering becoming _" "PhD , is _" "Rathbun is _" "Daigle is _" "Mulrooney is _" "MEd , is _" "Lowenstein is _" "Engelhardt is _" "Jonsson is _" "he currently is _" "Yakel is _" "Blum is _" "Ptak is _" "M.A. is _" "Fumento is _" "He also worked as _" "Shulman is _" "Saliba is _" "Ledbetter is _" "He is currently _" "Crum is _" "Edelstein is _" "Harms is _" "Isenberg is _" "A. Williams is _" "experience includes being _" "full time career as _" "Jim Motavalli is _" "Janes is _" "Mendelson is _" "He previously worked as _" "Ray Subs is _" "Prendergast is _" "Robert Scheer is _" "Brune is _" "Mark Smith is _" "A. Miller is _" "CPA , is _" "she became _" "Monahan is _" "She is presently _" "Comeau is _" "Michael Klein is _" "She was also _" "he has continued as _" "she was _" "she worked as _" "he was hired as _" "lawyer , became _" "you are hired as _" "I work full-time as _" "I first started working as _" "L. Nelson is _" "Van Auken is _" "Geiss is _" "she also works as _" "Dube is _" "Mr. Rosen is _" "Eisen is _" "J. Thomas is _" "He also has worked as _" "M.S. , is _" "Sampat is _" "Kipp is _" "Patricia Fry is _" "Rosenfeld is _" "Ridenour is _" "Gibb is _" "Teo is _" "I served as _" "Metcalf is _" "McGroarty is _" "He is also _" "Seidler is _" "Allen is currently _" "author , award-winning _" "Weinberger was _" "Jeff Lakie is _" "He 's worked as _" "He has been working as _" "M.Div. , is _" "Nathanson is _" "Blosser is _" "M.B.A. , is _" "MPA , is _" "Crowell is _" "he has served as _" "Matt Fitzgerald is _" "Nathan Brown is _" "He also serves as _" "Westfall is _" "Rafter is _" "She currently is _" "Gaydos is _" "Lisa Brown is _" "Kathleen was _" "lang is _" "prolific career as _" "Hecht is _" "E. White is _" "Scott Miller is _" "Cavanaugh is _" "She still works as _" "Keeler is _" "Laub is _" "Rothstein is _" "Bob is also _" "M.S. is _" "Kazmi is _" "He previously was _" "She is currently _" "Rachel Jackson is _" "columnist , is _" "journalism , becoming _" "I have been working as _" "She presently works as _" "Aronson is _" "Fryer is _" "Ian Robinson is _" "I have served as _" "Caterina Christakos is _" "Samad is _" "Lee has worked as _" "RDH , is _" "Keefe is _" "LeBrun is _" "Washko is _" "Mandell is _" "She has been working as _" "Lipson is _" "SPHR , is _" "she still works as _" "career working as _" "year working as _" "She then worked as _" "CAE , is _" "John has worked as _" "Mark worked as _" "Brian is also _" "Enlow is _" "Martin has been _" "Matthew MacDonald is _" "Richman is _" "FitzGerald is _" "Kelly is also _" "Pash is _" "I became _" "Maurer is _" "Scott Carpenter is _" "Zaretsky is _" "Appelbaum is _" "John Ewing is _" "He worked as _" "I 'm also working as _" "Cawley is _" "present he is _" "Adam Peters is _" "Dailey is _" "Roby is _" "D. Brown is _" "Kothari is _" "experience as _" "Hoagland is _" "Copp is _" "Graham is currently _" "E. Smith is _" "Ph. D. , is _" "Krehbiel is _" "Julie Smith is _" "Sarah Clark is _" "she currently serves as _" "Author Andrew Caxton is _" "Kahle is _" "She has also worked as _" "Karen Lawson is _" "Swartz is _" "Messinger is _" "Dyment is _" "John Mehrmann is _" "background is as _" "MBA , is _" "Weisberg is _" "RN is _" "Chris became _" "Karen is also _" "Fried is _" "he served as _" "he is also active as _" "He 's currently working as _" "Colwell is _" "I work now as _" "Alex worked as _" "Michael Smith is _" "Ed is also _" "Shuman is _" "extensive experience as _" "Grubb is _" "She has worked as _" "Butterfield is _" "David has worked as _" "Mark Peters is _" "Castleman is _" "I am now working as _" "Allyn is _" "Todd is also _" "Duggan is _" "J.D. is _" "Kenney is _" "Sandra Smith is _" "Kaushik is _" "Hagedorn is _" "Scanlon is _" "Coggins is _" "correspondent , is _" "he has worked as _" "he has been employed as _" "he is currently _" "I currently am _" "LeAnn R. Ralph is _" "Ed.D. is _" "P. Smith is _" "He currently works as _" "author , professional _" "I worked as _" "Fogle is _" "Feuer is _" "JOHNSON is _" "Christopher is also _" "C. Scott is _" "Cohn is _" "Bolden is _" "Rouse is _" "Arora is _" "MSW , is _" "Chitwood is _" "Monthly , is _" "Cohan is _" "She served as _" "new job as _" "Lilley is _" "Stephan is _" "David Roberts is _" "Jeremy Maddock is _" "Rosenblum is _" "Mark Anderson is _" "Lisa is currently _" "Chatterjee is _" "M.Sc. , is _" "Mazza is _" "Burghardt is _" "Cruickshank is _" "DeAngelis is _" "Fiske is _" "Reinke is _" "Gail is also _" "Andrew Caxton is _" "Gluck is _" "I then worked as _" "She currently works as _" "Lynn Miller is _" "M. Smith is _" "Auken is _" "Jason worked as _" "AIA , is _" "Rehman is _" "Michael Fumento is _" "Brandes is _" "COHEN is _" "Lamm is _" "James Clark is _" "K. Smith is _" "Martin Smith is _" "Today he works as _" "I 'm working as _" "C. Davis is _" "Lerch is _" "R.D. , is _" "JD , is _" "Weller is _" "Lentz is _" "Ken Black is _" "Cronin is _" "Villarreal is _" "She then became _" "BSN , is _" "Mokhiber is _" "Bruce Watson is _" "Sarah worked as _" "John is currently _" "He continues as _" "Ullman is _" "Jim Gilbert is _" "Suzanne is also _" "he was formerly _" "She later worked as _" "Kovach is _" "Nowak is _" "Steffen is _" "Cheatham is _" "Rachel worked as _" "busy career as _" "She is employed as _" "Holtzman is _" "Matt Welch is _" "Christakos is _" "Cooper is also _" "Porco is _" "Orfield is _" "second stint as _" "She has also served as _" "She has been _" "Gwen is also _" "She worked as _" "M. Davis is _" "Mark Miller is _" "He has also worked extensively as _" "she is employed as _" "Blodgett is _" "Sterne is _" "fruitful career as _" "she is currently working as _" "Ellen is also _" "Wisniewski is _" "Tharp is _" "Erdmann is _" "spencer is _" "Fyfe is _" "J.D. , is _" "Jeff is also _" "Crampton is _" "Ehrenreich is _" "Kozlowski is _" "Shreve is _" "she currently works as _" "prior experience as _" "M.D. , is _" "Berman is _" "Flinn is _" "Beaudoin is _" "She has served as _" "Greg is currently _" "Maughan is _" "He is also working as _" "She also has worked as _" "Hendrickson is _" "Schutte is _" "Rivard is _" "Halliday is _" "addition he is _" "Luedtke is _" "Horvath is _" "M.A. , is _" "training as _" "she has worked as _" "L. Davis is _" "James Miller is _" "She is also _" "Alastair Hamilton is _" "Bergan is _" "Seay is _" "Law School , is _" "Srivastava is _" "Andresen is _" "F. Brown is _" "Alan is currently _" "CISSP , is _" "he was appointed _" "Millington is _" "She also serves as _" "Rick is currently _" "Julie has worked as _" "Strasser is _" "Weintraub is _" "practice as _" "lucrative career as _" "she has also worked as _" "career as _" "Rajesh is _" "Meagher is _" "D. Cohen is _" "Oram is _" "Japan working as _" "Duong is _" "Adam Pash is _" "Fellow , is _" "Loeffler is _" "Weinman is _" "Ph.D. is _" "Tardif is _" "Licata is _" "Cheong is _" "She also works part-time as _" "Swope is _" "Rauch is _" "LEED AP , is _" "Motavalli is _" "Edrich is _" "Lisa has been _" "I eventually became _" "She works part-time as _" "She previously served as _" "Chris worked as _" "Mullan is _" "Tom worked as _" "Malek is _" "Philpott is _" "I was hired as _" "She subsequently worked as _" "He is working as _" "Jim has been _" "Emily worked as _" "Engle is _" "duties as _" "retirement he became _" "Curran is _" "Martinelli is _" "Hirschfield is _" "Ms. Phillips is _" "Murthy is _" "Barbara " ] using freelance_writer
CMC @896 (100.0%) on 22-jan-2015 [ LASTSUFFIX=er 4.49585 SUFFIX=er 2.76597 SUFFIX=ance 1.83410 SUFFIX=ce 1.78791 SUFFIX=iter 1.43618 SUFFIX=nce 1.39457 LASTSUFFIX=iter 1.36945 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.88737 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.27886 WORDS -12.21136 ] using freelance_writer
LE @1045 (57.8%) on 28-mar-2017
CPL @1112 (86.9%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "du Toit is _" "Hirshberg is _" "Salzman is _" "Gardner served as _" "I am working as _" "Greenberg is _" "Web I am _" "She has also been _" "A. Smith is _" "Diedrich is _" "I have also worked as _" "CSCS , is _" "Forman is _" "McKibben is _" "Bennis is _" "He was also _" "he worked as _" "Tim worked as _" "L. Smith is _" "Kelly worked as _" "John worked as _" "He has worked as _" "M.P.H. is _" "Sandberg is _" "David worked as _" "I work as _" "Burt is _" "Author Brian is _" "A. Johnson is _" "background includes working as _" "positions , including as _" "She is currently working as _" "Schroeder is _" "CFP , is _" "He is presently _" "R. Ralph is _" "M.P.H. , is _" "Agrawal is _" "MPH , is _" "Joel Walsh is _" "Kevin Urban is _" "Tom is also _" "Pratt has been _" "Kevin Lynch is _" "Krishnan is _" "long-time contributing _" "recent years he has been _" "Skowronski is _" "McNamara is _" "David Lee is _" "Bhargava is _" "Kathryn lang is _" "J. Miller is _" "Chasteen is _" "I work part-time as _" "Wexler is _" "Schulz is _" "She was previously _" "P.E. is _" "Mike is also _" "she now works as _" "diverse career as _" "Lemberg is _" "He has also worked as _" "He was previously _" "Bachrach is _" "few years working as _" "PhD , is _" "Daigle is _" "Jonsson is _" "he currently is _" "Blum is _" "M.A. is _" "Fumento is _" "He also worked as _" "Saliba is _" "Dwyer is _" "He is currently _" "Crum is _" "Jim Motavalli is _" "Prendergast is _" "Brune is _" "A. Miller is _" "CPA , is _" "she became _" "Monahan is _" "She is presently _" "She was also _" "she was _" "she worked as _" "he was hired as _" "you are hired as _" "I work full-time as _" "L. Nelson is _" "second year as _" "she also works as _" "He also has worked as _" "M.S. , is _" "Patricia Fry is _" "Ridenour is _" "Gibb is _" "I served as _" "Metcalf is _" "McGroarty is _" "Allen is currently _" "professionals , including _" "Weinberger was _" "Jeff Lakie is _" "M.Div. , is _" "He also is _" "Nathanson is _" "M.B.A. , is _" "Crowell is _" "he has served as _" "Nathan Brown is _" "He also serves as _" "Westfall is _" "She currently is _" "Lisa Brown is _" "prolific career as _" "Cavanaugh is _" "self-employed , working as _" "Rothstein is _" "Bob is also _" "M.S. is _" "He previously was _" "She is currently _" "columnist , is _" "journalism , becoming _" "I have been working as _" "I have served as _" "Caterina Christakos is _" "She has been working as _" "SPHR , is _" "she still works as _" "career working as _" "year working as _" "She then worked as _" "CAE , is _" "John has worked as _" "Mark worked as _" "FitzGerald is _" "Pash is _" "I became _" "Zaretsky is _" "He worked as _" "Adam Peters is _" "Dailey is _" "Howard Zinn is _" "Ph. D. , is _" "she currently serves as _" "She has also worked as _" "Swartz is _" "Messinger is _" "background is as _" "MBA , is _" "Karen is also _" "he served as _" "he is also active as _" "I work now as _" "Michael Smith is _" "Ed is also _" "She has worked as _" "I am now working as _" "correspondent , is _" "he has worked as _" "he has been employed as _" "he is currently _" "I currently am _" "LeAnn R. Ralph is _" "Ed.D. is _" "He currently works as _" "author , professional _" "I worked as _" "C. Scott is _" "Cohn is _" "MSW , is _" "She served as _" "new job as _" "Lilley is _" "Rosenblum is _" "Lisa is currently _" "DeAngelis is _" "Witt is _" "Reinke is _" "Andrew Caxton is _" "I then worked as _" "She currently works as _" "M. Smith is _" "careers as _" "She also worked as _" "AIA , is _" "salaries of _" "Michael Fumento is _" "Shank is _" "Lamm is _" "K. Smith is _" "Martin Smith is _" "Today he works as _" "I 'm working as _" "Lerch is _" "JD , is _" "Ken Black is _" "Cronin is _" "Villarreal is _" "She then became _" "she serves as _" "BSN , is _" "Sarah worked as _" "John is currently _" "Suzanne is also _" "She later worked as _" "Mark is also _" "Steffen is _" "She is employed as _" "Holtzman is _" "Matt Welch is _" "Christakos is _" "Cooper is also _" "second stint as _" "She has also served as _" "She has been _" "Gwen is also _" "She worked as _" "M. Davis is _" "she is employed as _" "I have worked as _" "Iyer is _" "fruitful career as _" "Kline is _" "spencer is _" "Fyfe is _" "J.D. , is _" "Jeff is also _" "Crampton is _" "Ehrenreich is _" "she currently works as _" "prior experience as _" "M.D. , is _" "Berman is _" "She has served as _" "Greg is currently _" "He is also working as _" "She also has worked as _" "addition he is _" "M.A. , is _" "she has worked as _" "She is also _" "Seay is _" "Srivastava is _" "Andresen is _" "Alan is currently _" "he was appointed _" "Millington is _" "She also serves as _" "Rick is currently _" "Weintraub is _" "reliance on part-time _" "she has also worked as _" "Rajesh is _" "Dustin is _" "Fellow , is _" "Ph.D. is _" "RN , is _" "LEED AP , is _" "Motavalli is _" "Edrich is _" "I eventually became _" "She previously served as _" "Chris worked as _" "Tom worked as _" "Malek is _" "Philpott is _" "I was hired as _" "He is working as _" "Jim has been _" "retirement he became _" "Curran is _" "Martinelli is _" "Today I work as _" "RD , is _" "Holzer is _" "She has previously worked as _" "Henderson has been _" "He currently is _" "Michael Kennedy is _" "she has served as _" "I also serve as _" "Caxton is _" "Nagle is _" "I am now _" "Bissell is _" "James is currently _" "M.Ed. , is _" "Susan has been _" "D. , is _" "He is currently employed as _" "he currently works as _" "he also worked as _" "current career as _" "Author David is _" "Lakie is _" "Rose Smith is _" "you succeed as _" "Hebert is _" "Glickman is _" "Scott Davis is _" "She also served as _" ] using freelance_writer
SEAL @542 (50.0%) on 30-mar-2012 [ 1 ] using freelance_writer
CPL @1105 (99.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 who specializes in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in adoption arg2" "arg1 specialized in health arg2" "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in security arg2" "arg1 specialising in education arg2" "arg1 specialising in immigration arg2" "arg1 on environment and sustainability arg2" "arg1 who specializes in adoption arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, issues)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in entertainment arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, topics)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in entertainment arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, topics)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in entertainment arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, topics)
CPL @1105 (99.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 who specializes in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in adoption arg2" "arg1 specialized in health arg2" "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in security arg2" "arg1 specialising in education arg2" "arg1 specialising in immigration arg2" "arg1 on environment and sustainability arg2" "arg1 who specializes in adoption arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, issues)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in entertainment arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, topics)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in entertainment arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, topics)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in entertainment arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, topics)
CPL @1105 (99.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 who specializes in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in adoption arg2" "arg1 specialized in health arg2" "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in security arg2" "arg1 specialising in education arg2" "arg1 specialising in immigration arg2" "arg1 on environment and sustainability arg2" "arg1 who specializes in adoption arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, issues)
CPL @1105 (99.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 who specializes in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in adoption arg2" "arg1 specialized in health arg2" "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in security arg2" "arg1 specialising in education arg2" "arg1 specialising in immigration arg2" "arg1 on environment and sustainability arg2" "arg1 who specializes in adoption arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, issues)
CPL @1105 (99.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 who specializes in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in adoption arg2" "arg1 specialized in health arg2" "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in security arg2" "arg1 specialising in education arg2" "arg1 specialising in immigration arg2" "arg1 on environment and sustainability arg2" "arg1 who specializes in adoption arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, issues)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in entertainment arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, topics)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in entertainment arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, topics)
CPL @1105 (99.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 who specializes in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in adoption arg2" "arg1 specialized in health arg2" "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in security arg2" "arg1 specialising in education arg2" "arg1 specialising in immigration arg2" "arg1 on environment and sustainability arg2" "arg1 who specializes in adoption arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, issues)
CPL @1105 (99.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 who specializes in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in adoption arg2" "arg1 specialized in health arg2" "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in security arg2" "arg1 specialising in education arg2" "arg1 specialising in immigration arg2" "arg1 on environment and sustainability arg2" "arg1 who specializes in adoption arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, issues)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in entertainment arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, topics)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in entertainment arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, topics)
CPL @1105 (99.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 who specializes in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in adoption arg2" "arg1 specialized in health arg2" "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in security arg2" "arg1 specialising in education arg2" "arg1 specialising in immigration arg2" "arg1 on environment and sustainability arg2" "arg1 who specializes in adoption arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, issues)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in entertainment arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, topics)
CPL @1107 (75.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in entertainment arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, topics)
CPL @1105 (99.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 who specializes in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in labor arg2" "arg1 specializing in adoption arg2" "arg1 specialized in health arg2" "arg1 specializing in health and fitness arg2" "arg1 who specializes in security arg2" "arg1 specialising in education arg2" "arg1 specialising in immigration arg2" "arg1 on environment and sustainability arg2" "arg1 who specializes in adoption arg2" ] using (freelance_writer, issues)