CPL @1108 (95.2%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "R.N. , is _" "I worked as _" "She is currently serving as _" "training as _" "She has served as _" "professional role of _" "practice as _" "she worked as _" "She continues as _" "Ph. D. , is _" "She subsequently became _" "I work part-time as _" "He has worked as _" "Lambie is _" "I became _" "she considered becoming _" "She currently serves as _" "follow-up appointment with _" "practitioner , clinical _" "Snyder served as _" "She presently works as _" "experience as _" "she became _" "She has also served as _" "She has been _" "She worked as _" "career as _" "referral to _" "She has worked as _" "She is currently _" "job responsibilities of _" "Mike worked as _" "She has also been _" "she has served as _" "She was also _" "D. , is _" "I work as _" "she was _" "MPH , is _" "She is also _" "Previous experience as _" ] using nurse_educator
CMC @1109 (100.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=or 2.70987 LASTSUFFIX=tor 2.45129 SUFFIX=or 1.78793 PREFIX=nu 1.76189 SUFFIX=tor 1.45694 SUFFIX=urse 1.31461 SUFFIX=rse 1.15813 POS=NN -0.74880 CHARS -1.99563 WORDS -3.09105 ] using nurse_educator
CMC @893 (100.0%) on 30-dec-2014 [ LASTSUFFIX=or 2.23013 SUFFIX=or 2.11137 LASTSUFFIX=tor 1.79994 PREFIX=nu 1.73764 SUFFIX=tor 1.26853 PREFIX=nurs 1.08796 LASTPREFIX=ed 1.05614 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.87672 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa -0.93976 WORDS -5.61862 ] using nurse_educator
CPL @1108 (89.6%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "R.N. , is _" "I worked as _" "She is currently serving as _" "She has served as _" "practitioners , clinical _" "present position as _" "nurse practitioner , clinical _" "she worked as _" "board certified as _" "She continues as _" "Ph. D. , is _" "She subsequently became _" "I work part-time as _" "He has worked as _" "I became _" "I have worked as _" "careers as _" "she considered becoming _" "She currently serves as _" "practitioner , clinical _" "she became _" "She has also served as _" "She has been _" "She worked as _" "She has worked as _" "She is currently _" "She has also been _" "she has served as _" "She was also _" "D. , is _" "I work as _" "nurse practitioners , clinical _" "she was _" "MPH , is _" "RN , is _" "She also worked as _" "she serves as _" "She is also _" "Previous experience as _" "professions , like _" ] using nurse_educator