CMC @1108 (100.0%) on 06-jun-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=or 4.35408 LASTSUFFIX=tor 3.45759 SUFFIX=or 2.77116 SUFFIX=tor 2.20393 PREFIX=pr 2.10886 SUFFIX=al 2.06502 PREFIX=pri 1.42427 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.89131 CHARS -2.72521 WORDS -6.77246 ] using principal_investigator
CPL @1107 (96.1%) on 24-may-2018 [ "Vanderbilt University , is _" "She previously served as _" "He has also served as _" "Klein has been _" "He was formerly _" "He has been working as _" "Bill served as _" "Jones served as _" "Craig is currently _" "She has worked as _" "She has acted as _" "Chris has served as _" "Teel is _" "He was senior _" "Dr. Hughes is _" "Dr. Davis is _" "He worked as _" "Appelbaum is _" "Prendergast is _" "Mendelson is _" "she served as _" "PharmD , is _" "She has been _" "She has also served as _" "She worked as _" "extensive experience as _" "clinical psychologist , is _" "He presently is _" "Davidson has served as _" "Johnson is currently _" "He also has served as _" "she was _" "He has worked as _" "Mark has been _" "he currently is _" "Lerch is _" "Ph.D , is _" "I currently serve as _" "he has also served as _" "He currently also serves as _" "Wexler is _" "She was previously _" "P.E. is _" "Dr. Jackson is _" "Directors , is _" "Peter is currently _" "Scanlon is _" "J.D. is _" "Curran is _" "he also worked as _" "immediate family member of _" "Fellow , is _" "He is currently serving as _" "Dr. Gray is _" "Van Auken is _" "she currently is _" "Ph. D. , has been _" "Ph. D. , is _" "Dr. Smith has served as _" "He is working as _" "she currently serves as _" "David is currently _" "Chris served as _" "Tom has been _" "he has worked as _" "M.P.H. is _" "He currently serves as _" "activities include serving as _" "He is presently _" "She has been working as _" "She currently serves as _" "He also has been _" "He also serves as _" "She currently is _" "Krishnan is _" "Dr. Hill is _" "Don is currently _" "She is currently _" "He is also currently _" "He has been appointed _" "Atkin is _" "Isaacson is _" "I am now _" "Michael is currently _" "position reports to _" "he formerly served as _" "He is now serving as _" "He has previously been _" "She also served as _" "Dr. Smith is also _" "Hebert is _" "Ph. D. , is currently _" "he currently serves as _" "Daniel is currently _" "Dr. Wright is _" "He is actively involved as _" "Steffen is _" "Thomas served as _" "Chen has served as _" "Chatterjee is _" "Dr. Chang is _" "Litt is _" "he served as _" "Linda served as _" "David Foster is _" "I became _" "Wang is also _" "Rich is currently _" "Dr. Grant is _" "John currently serves as _" "Martin has been _" "Dr. Martin is _" "Dr. Kelly is _" "L. Davis is _" "She is also _" "present he is _" "she has served as _" "faculty appointment as _" "he is currently _" "he is joint _" "_ 's designee" "Thibeault is _" "lecturer , is _" "Report approved by _" "Crowell is _" "He is senior _" "addition he is _" "Fryer is _" "Centeno is _" "I have served as _" "Thomas has served as _" "Plotkin is _" "She has also been _" "Wong is currently _" "He also served as _" "manager reports to _" "I currently am _" "Smith served as _" "Turner serves as _" "Yeh is _" "Smith has served as _" "He has recently served as _" "medications prescribed by _" "Davis served as _" "General supervision is received from _" "Mike has served as _" "He has also worked as _" "Kim has served as _" "He was previously _" "Dr. Thompson is _" "MPH , is _" "Richard is currently _" "Smith is currently _" "Abramson is _" "training as _" "oncologist is _" "he also served as _" "He currently is _" "_ 's university" "physical examination by _" "prior experience as _" "he previously served as _" "She has served as _" "Berman is _" "M.D. , is _" "I 've also worked as _" "individual serving as _" "she is lead _" "Dr. Lehman is _" "She was recently _" "He is currently _" "Isenberg is _" "She formerly was _" "he worked as _" "Jane is currently _" "McDaniel served as _" "D. , is _" "Susan has been _" "she previously served as _" "Dr. Harris is _" "She currently acts as _" "Henry Jenkins is _" "he was appointed as _" "Zhang is currently _" "He is also joint _" "she has acted as _" "experience includes serving as _" "Kelly served as _" "He recently served as _" "Friedman has been _" "He has served as _" "career as _" "Chitwood is _" "She served as _" "He has also acted as _" "She was formerly _" "Carey served as _" "He continues as _" "institutional affiliation of _" "She has previously served as _" "University , served as _" "She has also worked as _" "Cohen is currently _" "I served as _" "He is also _" "Dr. Rogers is _" "Dr. Smith served as _" "Tony serves as _" "He was also _" "Scott serves as _" "Reed is currently _" "Tardif is _" "Ph.D. is _" "PhD serves as _" "Gynecology , is _" "Goodman served as _" "Mr. Rosen is _" "She is lead _" "Paul is currently _" "He has previously served as _" "Ross served as _" "Dr. Lee is _" "She also has served as _" "Cohen is also _" "work includes serving as _" "she became _" "PhD , is _" "experience as _" "She is also currently _" "supervision is received from _" "She is presently _" "He later served as _" "She was also _" "D. , is currently _" "She has been lead _" "She is currently serving as _" "physician other than _" "he has served as _" "Millett is _" "Katz is also _" "She also serves as _" "Seidman is _" "Lankford is _" "Auken is _" "Nowak is _" "position of senior _" "Dr. Liu is _" "Dr. Goldberg is _" "Craig served as _" "I have been serving as _" ] using principal_investigator
CMC @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=or 3.32227 LASTSUFFIX=tor 3.03453 SUFFIX=or 2.36312 PREFIX=princ 2.12516 PREFIX=pr 1.89973 LASTSUFFIX=ator 1.75168 SUFFIX=tor 1.64225 CHARS -0.99941 POS=NN -1.04899 WORDS -5.29870 ] using principal_investigator
CPL @1104 (95.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "She previously served as _" "He has also served as _" "she serves as _" "He was formerly _" "Bill served as _" "Jones served as _" "She has worked as _" "She has acted as _" "Chris has served as _" "He was senior _" "salaries of _" "He worked as _" "Prendergast is _" "she served as _" "PharmD , is _" "She has been _" "She has also served as _" "She worked as _" "She also worked as _" "He presently is _" "Johnson is currently _" "He also has served as _" "she was _" "He has acted as _" "He has worked as _" "Mark has been _" "he currently is _" "Lerch is _" "I currently serve as _" "he has also served as _" "Wexler is _" "She was previously _" "P.E. is _" "Peter is currently _" "Curran is _" "he also worked as _" "Fellow , is _" "He is currently serving as _" "she currently is _" "Ph. D. , is _" "He is working as _" "she currently serves as _" "Chris served as _" "he has worked as _" "M.P.H. is _" "He currently serves as _" "Howarth is _" "activities include serving as _" "He is presently _" "She has been working as _" "She currently serves as _" "He also has been _" "He also serves as _" "She currently is _" "Krishnan is _" "Don is currently _" "She is currently _" "He is also currently _" "I also serve as _" "He has been appointed _" "I am now _" "Michael is currently _" "position reports to _" "He is now serving as _" "He has previously been _" "She also served as _" "Hebert is _" "Ph. D. , is currently _" "he currently serves as _" "Daniel is currently _" "Steffen is _" "Litt is _" "he served as _" "Linda served as _" "I became _" "Wang is also _" "John currently serves as _" "She is also _" "she has served as _" "faculty appointment as _" "he is currently _" "he is joint _" "_ 's designee" "He also is _" "Crowell is _" "He is senior _" "addition he is _" "I have served as _" "Greenberg is _" "She has also been _" "Wong is currently _" "He also served as _" "I currently am _" "Smith served as _" "Turner serves as _" "Smith has served as _" "He has recently served as _" "medications prescribed by _" "Davis served as _" "General supervision is received from _" "Mike has served as _" "He has also worked as _" "He was previously _" "Dr. Thompson is _" "MPH , is _" "Richard is currently _" "Smith is currently _" "He served as _" "present she is _" "he also served as _" "He currently is _" "_ 's university" "personnel such as _" "prior experience as _" "he previously served as _" "She has served as _" "Berman is _" "M.D. , is _" "professional responsibility of _" "I 've also worked as _" "individual serving as _" "she is lead _" "She was recently _" "He is currently _" "Dr. Taylor is _" "She formerly was _" "Dwyer is _" "he worked as _" "Jane is currently _" "McDaniel served as _" "D. , is _" "Susan has been _" "she previously served as _" "she also serves as _" "Dr. Harris is _" "Kline is _" "he was appointed as _" "He is also joint _" "she has acted as _" "experience includes serving as _" "Kelly served as _" "He recently served as _" "He has served as _" "She served as _" "He has also acted as _" "She was formerly _" "Carey served as _" "institutional affiliation of _" "She has previously served as _" "University , served as _" "She has also worked as _" "I served as _" "Dr. Smith served as _" "Tony serves as _" "He was also _" "Scott serves as _" "Ph.D. is _" "Goodman served as _" "She is lead _" "Paul is currently _" "He has previously served as _" "She also has served as _" "work includes serving as _" "she became _" "PhD , is _" "he also serves as _" "_ 's home institution" "supervision is received from _" "She is presently _" "She was also _" "D. , is currently _" "She is currently serving as _" "he has served as _" "She also serves as _" "position of senior _" "Craig served as _" "I have been serving as _" ] using principal_investigator
CMC @1109 (100.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=or 3.92786 CHARS 3.12673 SUFFIX=or 2.54381 PREFIX=pr 1.99227 LASTSUFFIX=tor 1.56748 LASTSUFFIX=ator 1.28935 SUFFIX=al 1.24355 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.83157 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.06117 WORDS -3.96704 ] using principal_investigator
CPL @1108 (75.5%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "Burns served as _" "Lewis served as _" "Development Committee , is _" "Jan serves as _" "Ranson is _" "Allen has served as _" "Mr. Smith served as _" "executive committee chaired by _" "Nichols serves as _" "Horn served as _" "Rivera serves as _" "Hays served as _" "She served as _" "Moran has served as _" "Gardner served as _" "He has served as _" "Rogers is now _" "Ed is currently _" "Brett served as _" "Hernandez serves as _" "members are appointed by _" "Mr. Morris served as _" "Mark has served as _" "she served as _" "positions report to _" "I served as _" "Kaufman has been _" "He also served as _" "Clayton served as _" "_ 's transmittal letter" "Schwartz serves as _" "appointment as _" "CBE was _" "Miller has served as _" "She has served as _" "I have served as _" ] using principal_investigator
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey