SEAL @728 (51.8%) on 26-apr-2013 [ 1 ] using psychotherapist
CMC @718 (99.9%) on 27-mar-2013 [ LASTSUFFIX=ist 3.19833 LASTSUFFIX=st 2.49094 SUFFIX=ist 2.41201 SUFFIX=st 1.98449 SUFFIX=pist 0.79860 LASTSUFFIX=pist 0.71648 SUFFIX=apist 0.64278 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.67416 CHARS -0.86916 WORDS -3.12143 ] using psychotherapist
CPL @1107 (96.1%) on 24-may-2018 [ "JOHNSON is _" "I worked as _" "She is working as _" "half years as _" "nurse , licensed _" "psychiatrist , clinical _" "she became _" "she was active as _" "NYS licensed _" "I work part-time as _" "LCSW , is _" "Directors , is _" "training was as _" "I work as _" ".D. is _" "Dr. Liu is _" "He has also worked as _" "He 's worked as _" "Susan has been _" "M.Ed. , is _" "D. , is _" "Cohn is _" "She also trained as _" "PsychologyToday Looking for _" "private practice as _" "Beth worked as _" "he served as _" "Pinsky is _" "former profession as _" "He presently works as _" "He currently is _" "LCSW is _" "LMFT is _" "He later trained as _" "he also worked as _" "Hoffmann is _" "LPC , is _" "He worked as _" "MSW , is _" "She served as _" "Cohan is _" "she retired as _" "she also works as _" "She has also been _" "Engelman is _" "I am now _" "physician , licensed _" "former model turned _" "career working as _" "I 'm trained as _" "health care professional such as _" "licensed , practicing _" "I have also worked as _" "M.Sc. , is _" "Mazza is _" "I’ve worked as _" "Julie worked as _" "Tom is also _" "he is currently working as _" "I was trained as _" "He currently works as _" "Ed.D. is _" "she has worked as _" "he trained as _" "career as _" "full registration as _" "four-year stint as _" "she worked as _" "Karen has been _" "She retired as _" "PhD. is _" "I became _" "Ph.D. is currently _" "M.S.W. , is _" "_ turned entrepreneur" "M.S. is _" "practitioner , whether _" "practice as _" "He has served as _" "she now works as _" "M.S. , is _" "Meyerson is _" "I am currently employed as _" "I am not trained as _" "practicing , licensed _" "patient tells _" "Rosenblatt is _" "PCC , is _" "registered nurse , licensed _" "Ed.D. , is _" "someone trained as _" "Holtzman is _" "She trained as _" "She is employed as _" "_ 's license" "She is trained as _" "Member I am _" "LICSW , is _" "Dr. Rogers is _" "Stevens , is _" "Ruderman is _" "He is also _" "I was training as _" "Rosenfeld is _" "He is licensed as _" "_ telling a patient" "training as _" "She is licensed as _" "Grabowski is _" "She is currently working as _" "prior experience as _" "professional role of _" "He presently is _" "He also has served as _" "She has served as _" "Berman is _" "She also has worked as _" "David has served as _" "I became involved as _" "position of senior _" "PhD , is _" "I originally trained as _" "you have been working as _" "He is working as _" "Tom worked as _" "Jeff worked as _" "Smith worked as _" "He previously worked as _" "He has been working as _" "He was formerly _" "M.Div. , is _" "Julie has worked as _" "She qualified as _" "CSP , is _" "rich experience as _" "she trained as _" "significant experience as _" "Dr. Martin is _" "Psychologytoday Looking for _" "I retired as _" "Hawken is _" "Weller is _" "She is currently _" "He practiced as _" "He is also currently _" "Hirschhorn is _" "decade-long career as _" "third career as _" "He had trained as _" "Furey is _" "He has practiced as _" ".D. , is _" "Cecere is _" "carreer as _" "She is also _" "She has been _" "She worked as _" "background includes working as _" "_ turned actor" "She has worked as _" "Grubb is _" "I am now working as _" "He retrained as _" "I have been working as _" "She presently works as _" "I have served as _" "mental health professional such as _" "Elizabeth served as _" "Hodson is _" "He was also _" "extensive experience as _" "care professional such as _" "board certified medical _" "Psy .D. , is _" "counselor , spiritual _" "Psy .D. is _" "She also served as _" "LMSW is _" "professional career was as _" "Gluck is _" "She currently works as _" "He has previously worked as _" "I qualified as _" "He is presently _" "I 'm working as _" "Ph.D , is _" "part qualified _" "LMFT , is _" "He still works as _" "I work full-time as _" "He continued working as _" "He trained as _" "Ph.D. has been _" "He is trained as _" "Jim is also _" "health professional such as _" "He has worked as _" "national board certified _" "previous experience includes working as _" "She currently serves as _" "He also has been _" "teacher , educational _" "staff position of _" "he has worked as _" "Lisa has been _" "Klinger is _" "Shulman is _" "M.A. is _" "experience as _" "she was _" "busy career as _" "M.A. , is _" "_ has been disciplined by" "practising as _" "_ 's professional responsibility" "She was also _" "She is presently _" "lucrative career as _" "therapeutic relationship between _" "Ph. D. , has been _" "I am licensed as _" "Ph. D. , is _" "She then trained as _" "E. Smith is _" "Ullman is _" "MSW is _" "referral to _" "Ellen is also _" "I was originally trained as _" "professional identity as _" "profession I am _" "he worked as _" "Dotson is _" "D. , licensed _" "She has been working as _" "counselor , clinical _" "worker , licensed _" "Thomas Moore is _" "Ph.D. is _" "She also works part-time as _" "Dr. Ryan is _" "experience includes working as _" "She has also worked as _" "He is currently _" "Edelstein is _" "board certified _" ] using psychotherapist
MBL @1031 (96.9%) on 15-dec-2016 [ Promotion of jobposition:psychotherapist jobpositionusesacademicfield academicfield:psychology ]
CPL @1109 (89.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "_ currently practicing in" "psychologist , occupational _" "I worked as _" "psychiatrist , clinical _" "she became _" "NYS licensed _" "I work part-time as _" "LCSW , is _" "I work as _" "He has also worked as _" "Susan has been _" "M.Ed. , is _" "D. , is _" "Cohn is _" "PsychologyToday Looking for _" "he served as _" "I trained as _" "former profession as _" "He presently works as _" "He currently is _" "LCSW is _" "LMFT is _" "he also worked as _" "Hoffmann is _" "LPC , is _" "He worked as _" "MSW , is _" "She served as _" "she retired as _" "she also works as _" "She has also been _" "Greenberg is _" "she serves as _" "Engelman is _" "I am now _" "physician , licensed _" "former model turned _" "social workers , clinical _" "career working as _" "I 'm trained as _" "_ practising in" "health care professional such as _" "I have also worked as _" "Tom is also _" "he is currently working as _" "I was trained as _" "He currently works as _" "Ed.D. is _" "she has worked as _" "professionals , such as _" "day job is as _" "he trained as _" "full registration as _" "four-year stint as _" "she worked as _" "She retired as _" "I became _" "Ph.D. is currently _" "M.S.W. , is _" "_ turned entrepreneur" "M.S. is _" "He has served as _" "she now works as _" "M.S. , is _" "Meyerson is _" "I am not trained as _" "practicing , licensed _" "PCC , is _" "registered nurse , licensed _" "Ed.D. , is _" "Holtzman is _" "She is employed as _" "_ 's license" "Member I am _" "LICSW , is _" "He is licensed as _" "_ telling a patient" "She is licensed as _" "Grabowski is _" "She is currently working as _" "prior experience as _" "He presently is _" "He also has served as _" "She also worked as _" "She has served as _" "Berman is _" "She also has worked as _" "David has served as _" "I became involved as _" "position of senior _" "PhD , is _" "I originally trained as _" "He is working as _" "Tom worked as _" "He was formerly _" "M.Div. , is _" "She qualified as _" "rich experience as _" "significant experience as _" "Psychologytoday Looking for _" "I retired as _" "Hawken is _" "She is currently _" "He is also currently _" "Hirschhorn is _" "third career as _" "He has practiced as _" ".D. , is _" "Cecere is _" "She is also _" "She has been _" "She worked as _" "background includes working as _" "_ turned actor" "She has worked as _" "I am now working as _" "I have worked as _" "I have been working as _" "I have served as _" "Elizabeth served as _" "He was also _" "board certified medical _" "Psy .D. , is _" "counselor , spiritual _" "Psy .D. is _" "She also served as _" "She currently works as _" "I qualified as _" "He is presently _" "I 'm working as _" "professions such as _" "broad experience as _" "I work full-time as _" "professionals such as _" "He trained as _" "Ph.D. has been _" "Jim is also _" "He has worked as _" "licensure as _" "national board certified _" "previous experience includes working as _" "Witt is _" "She currently serves as _" "He also has been _" "teacher , educational _" "he has worked as _" "professionals , including _" "M.A. is _" "she was _" "professional development of _" "M.A. , is _" "She was also _" "She is presently _" "I am licensed as _" "Ph. D. , is _" "I was originally trained as _" "careers as _" "profession I am _" "he worked as _" "D. , licensed _" "She has been working as _" "He also is _" "RN , is _" "Ph.D. is _" "experience includes working as _" "She has also worked as _" "He is currently _" ] using psychotherapist