SEAL @802 (54.3%) on 08-jan-2014 [ 12 ] using senior_director
CPL @1105 (97.6%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "position reports to _" "she was previously _" "JD , is _" "writer is former _" "career as _" "she became _" "PhD , is _" "She was formerly _" "She served as _" "He was previously _" "next served as _" "career culminated as _" "extensive experience as _" "Schneider served as _" "He is former _" "she currently works as _" "J. Miller is _" "Michelle served as _" "MBA , is _" "He is currently _" "Wayne served as _" "practice as _" "previous position was _" "Ph. D. , is currently _" "Abramowitz is _" "Steve served as _" "D. , is _" "she currently serves as _" "CISSP , is _" "Andresen is _" "I served as _" "He is also _" "He previously worked as _" "He had served as _" "she worked as _" "He is working as _" "DeAngelis is _" "Lee is currently _" "He was formerly _" "He was appointed as _" "Jay served as _" "I worked as _" "I am now _" "MAI , is _" "five-year tenure as _" "PMP , is _" "she served as _" "He has also served as _" "Mullin is _" "He was also _" "Young serves as _" "He was formally _" "D. , is currently _" "he currently serves as _" "she was _" "She also serves as _" "current role is as _" "Mark has been _" "CPA , is _" "Glantz is _" "She was previously _" "Rauch is _" "LEED AP , is _" "Julie served as _" "He currently serves as _" "manager reports to _" "he has worked as _" "experience includes working as _" "Brubaker is _" "earlier served as _" "position as assistant _" "new capacity as _" "position reporting to _" "She has previously served as _" "Martin Walker is _" "Esq. , is _" "Position reports to _" "Ph.D. is _" "House staff as _" "Orsini is _" "secondment as _" "He recently served as _" "He has served as _" "John served as _" "he served as _" "she has served as _" "He also has served as _" "She is currently _" "He previously was _" "Kevin serves as _" "He also served as _" "he worked as _" "Edwards served as _" "Ph. D. , is _" "Graham is currently _" "He previously served as _" "Naidoo is _" "Smith served as _" "Mark serves as _" "experience as _" "He also serves as _" "She currently serves as _" "White House staff as _" "She has been _" "She worked as _" "Brad served as _" "Mr. Brown was _" "Baker served as _" "Cronin is _" "He has previously been _" ] using senior_director
CMC @547 (100.0%) on 04-apr-2012 [ SUFFIX=or 6.71247 LASTSUFFIX=or 4.17767 PREFIX=se 2.87432 LASTSUFFIX=tor 2.77801 SUFFIX=tor 2.27047 PREFIX=direc 2.26659 PREFIX=dire 2.26627 POS=JJ -1.30347 CHARS -2.80121 WORDS -4.01206 ] using senior_director
CPL @1098 (97.3%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "position reports to _" "she was previously _" "JD , is _" "writer is former _" "position of regional _" "she became _" "PhD , is _" "She was formerly _" "She served as _" "He was previously _" "next served as _" "He is former _" "she currently works as _" "J. Miller is _" "Michelle served as _" "MBA , is _" "He is currently _" "Wayne served as _" "previous position was _" "Ph. D. , is currently _" "Steve served as _" "D. , is _" "she currently serves as _" "Andresen is _" "Ed served as _" "I served as _" "he was previously _" "He had served as _" "she worked as _" "He is working as _" "DeAngelis is _" "Lee is currently _" "He was formerly _" "He was appointed as _" "Jay served as _" "I worked as _" "I am now _" "MAI , is _" "five-year tenure as _" "PMP , is _" "she served as _" "He has also served as _" "He was also _" "D. , is currently _" "he currently serves as _" "she was _" "She also serves as _" "current role is as _" "Mark has been _" "CPA , is _" "She was previously _" "LEED AP , is _" "Julie served as _" "He currently serves as _" "he has worked as _" "experience includes working as _" "Brubaker is _" "position as assistant _" "position reporting to _" "She has previously served as _" "Brown served as _" "Esq. , is _" "Position reports to _" "Ph.D. is _" "Orsini is _" "He recently served as _" "He has served as _" "John served as _" "he served as _" "He served as _" "she has served as _" "He also has served as _" "Mark is also _" "He also is _" "She is currently _" "He previously was _" "Kevin serves as _" "He also served as _" "he worked as _" "Ph. D. , is _" "He previously served as _" "Naidoo is _" "Smith served as _" "He also serves as _" "She currently serves as _" "She has been _" "She worked as _" "Brad served as _" "Mr. Brown was _" "Baker served as _" "Cronin is _" "He has previously been _" ] using senior_director
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1107 (83.5%) on 24-may-2018 [ "She served as _" "Michelle served as _" "I served as _" "MAI , is _" "she served as _" "earlier served as _" "areas report to _" "House staff as _" "He has served as _" "director , is now _" "He also served as _" "White House staff as _" "Brad served as _" ] using senior_director