CPL @1103 (71.4%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "_ s wart irrigular heartbeat" "_ s freecycle" "_ s ski wear" "_ s college choir cambridge" "_ s newfoundland evening telegram" "_ s wort hypertension" "_ s nl flight arrivals" "_ s bellefonte" "_ s cardiff" "_ s prep danvers home" "_ s episcopal church helena ar" "_ s newfoundland" "_ s ucc fullerton pa" "_ plessington catholic college" "_ 's Wart" "_ s guatemalan list" "_ s evangelical lutheran shawnee" "_ s mercy hospital physions directory" "_ s herald" "_ s providence careers" "_ s lutheran church" "_ s united church" "_ s hospital creve cour mo" "_ s lutheran school napa" "_ s hospital healtheast" "_ s episcopal church barrington" "_ s university sweatshirts" "_ s bay washable suede jacket" "_ wyalusing philadelphia" "_ s church madrid ny" "_ s cgic" "_ s wort l tyrosine" "_ s episcopal church" "_ s episcopal stamford connecticut" "_ s wort medical uses" "_ s anglican church york mills" "_ s the divine pemberton wigan" "_ s prairie" "_ s hospital maplewood mn" "_ s nl fire january" "_ s ucc evansville indiana" "_ s owasso" "_ s abbey" "_ s evangelical lutheran newark" "_ s lutheran school luxemburg" "_ parish public library" "_ 's wort" "_ s ucc of" "_ s hospital springfield il neurosurgery" "_ s church largs" "_ s wort better same" "_ s prep track" "_ s cathedral" "_ s melkite church nablus" "_ s ukrainian orthodox cathedral bylaws" "_ s catholic church sandbridge" "_ s luthern preschool mattoon il" "_ s episcopal" "_ s lutheran church tamaqua" "_ s episcopal hospital" "_ s mercy public relations" "_ s newpapers" "_ s wort nerves" "_ s jesuit" "_ s wort hypericum images" "_ s wort methadone metabolism" "_ 's Wort" "_ s ambulance edmonton" "_ s lutheran school" "_ s orhtodox church" "_ s lutheran lcms concordia" "_ s episcopal parish tulare" "_ s anglican petaluma" "_ s clonmellon" "_ s united methodist sunbury" "_ s university dormitory" "_ s lutheran church orange" "_ s newfoundland newspaper" "_ s episcopal church corona" "_ s lutheran church pembroke" "_ s evangelical lutheran church" "_ s cathedral ri" "_ s methodist church" "_ s wort warfarin" "_ s wort wellbutrin" "_ s wort dosages" "_ s episcopal child care" "_ s episcopal church ellicot maryland" "_ s lutheran church lindenhurst ny" "_ s preschool reggio emilia" "_ s ucc" "_ s herb garden" "_ s ucc port huron" "_ s antigua" "_ s newfoundland ambulance" "_ s wort" "_ s college annie" "_ s bread ale" "_ s lutheran school buckley" "_ s lutheran church dickinson nd" "_ s wort testimonials" "_ s catholic church" "_ s anglican church" "_ s wort negative side" "_ s wart" "_ s basilica" "_ s ambulence" "_ s nl chamber" "_ s moross address" "_ s firefighters local" "_ s wort lybrel" "_ s docudrama" "_ s ph sensor" "_ s nl canada proofreaders" "_ s wort contradictions" "_ s wort shrub" "_ s newfoundland seafood hungry fisherman" "_ s ambulance ft mcmurray" "_ s anglican" "_ s high brunelle football" "_ s amelith" "_ s catholic church russellville" "_ s episcopal cathedral jacksonville florida" "_ s hospital yonkers ny" "_ s episcopal church montclair" "_ s ravenscourt school" "_ s riverkeeper fl" "_ s episcopal school odessa texas" "_ s wort gout" "_ s gun scare" "_ s ambulance" "_ s hrdc job bank" "_ s school wrightstown wi" "_ s wort potency" "_ s ucc tillamook" "_ s co cathedral malta" "_ s lutheran" "_ s botanical maryland" "_ s regional medical center" "_ s applefest fenton mi" "_ s college bahamas" "_ s prep danvers ma" "_ s cemetary" "_ s catholic church marshfield wi" "_ s episcopal church ogdensburg ny" "_ s wort perennial" "_ s nl" "_ s wort dizziness" "_ s prep" "_ s county fl courthouse" "_ s wort perennial daves" "_ s wort unsafe herbal interactions" "_ s college southsea term dates" "_ s millitary academy" "_ s cogic" "_ s wort dye color" "_ s ucc emmaus" "_ s lutheran school goodhue mn" "_ s nl cancer clinic" "_ s hospital maplewood minnesota" "_ s rv st augustine florida" ] using st_john
CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=jo 16.76136 SUFFIX=hn 10.91778 SUFFIX=ohn 10.35365 LASTSUFFIX=hn 5.39324 LASTSUFFIX=ohn 4.68262 PREFIX=joh 4.15367 LAST_WORD=john 2.78145 CHARS -5.56034 FULL_POS=NN -8.09374 WORDS -9.78995 ] using st_john
CPL @1098 (80.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "_ s wart irrigular heartbeat" "_ s freecycle" "_ s college choir cambridge" "_ s newfoundland evening telegram" "_ s wort hypertension" "_ s nl flight arrivals" "_ s bellefonte" "_ s prep danvers home" "_ s episcopal church helena ar" "_ s newfoundland" "_ s ucc fullerton pa" "_ plessington catholic college" "_ 's Wart" "_ s guatemalan list" "_ s evangelical lutheran shawnee" "_ s mercy hospital physions directory" "_ s herald" "_ s providence careers" "_ s lutheran church" "_ s united church" "_ s hospital creve cour mo" "_ s lutheran school napa" "_ s hospital healtheast" "_ s episcopal church barrington" "_ s university sweatshirts" "_ s bay washable suede jacket" "_ wyalusing philadelphia" "_ s church madrid ny" "_ s cgic" "_ s wort l tyrosine" "_ s episcopal church" "_ s episcopal stamford connecticut" "_ s wort medical uses" "_ s anglican church york mills" "_ s the divine pemberton wigan" "_ s prairie" "_ s hospital maplewood mn" "_ s nl fire january" "_ s ucc evansville indiana" "_ s hospital" "_ s owasso" "_ s abbey" "_ s evangelical lutheran newark" "_ s lutheran school luxemburg" "_ 's wort" "_ s ucc of" "_ s hospital springfield il neurosurgery" "_ s church largs" "_ s wort better same" "_ s prep track" "_ s cathedral" "_ s melkite church nablus" "_ s ukrainian orthodox cathedral bylaws" "_ s catholic church sandbridge" "_ s luthern preschool mattoon il" "_ s episcopal" "_ s episcopal hospital" "_ s mercy public relations" "_ s newpapers" "_ s wort nerves" "_ s mental health" "_ s jesuit" "_ s wort hypericum images" "_ s wort methadone metabolism" "_ 's Wort" "_ s ambulance edmonton" "_ s lutheran school" "_ s cemetery" "_ s orhtodox church" "_ s lutheran lcms concordia" "_ s episcopal parish tulare" "_ s anglican petaluma" "_ s clonmellon" "_ s united methodist sunbury" "_ s university dormitory" "_ s lutheran church orange" "_ s newfoundland newspaper" "_ s episcopal church corona" "_ s lutheran church pembroke" "_ s evangelical lutheran church" "_ s cathedral ri" "_ s methodist church" "_ s wort warfarin" "_ s wort wellbutrin" "_ s wort dosages" "_ s episcopal child care" "_ s episcopal church ellicot maryland" "_ s lutheran church lindenhurst ny" "_ s preschool reggio emilia" "_ s ucc" "_ s herb garden" "_ s ucc port huron" "_ s antigua" "_ s newfoundland ambulance" "_ s wort" "_ s college annie" "_ s bread ale" "_ s lutheran school buckley" "_ s lutheran church dickinson nd" "_ s wort testimonials" "_ s catholic church" "_ s anglican church" "_ s wort negative side" "_ s wart" "_ s basilica" "_ s ambulence" "_ s nl chamber" "_ s moross address" "_ s firefighters local" "_ s wort lybrel" "_ s docudrama" "_ s ph sensor" "_ s nl canada proofreaders" "_ s wort contradictions" "_ s wort shrub" "_ s newfoundland seafood hungry fisherman" "_ s ambulance ft mcmurray" "_ s anglican" "_ s high brunelle football" "_ s amelith" "_ s catholic church russellville" "_ s episcopal cathedral jacksonville florida" "_ s hospital yonkers ny" "_ s episcopal church montclair" "_ s ravenscourt school" "_ s riverkeeper fl" "_ s episcopal school odessa texas" "_ s wort gout" "_ s gun scare" "_ s ambulance" "_ s hrdc job bank" "_ s school wrightstown wi" "_ s wort potency" "_ s ucc tillamook" "_ s co cathedral malta" "_ s lutheran" "_ s botanical maryland" "_ s parish" "_ s regional medical center" "_ s applefest fenton mi" "_ s college bahamas" "_ s cemetary" "_ s catholic church marshfield wi" "_ s episcopal church ogdensburg ny" "_ s wort perennial" "_ s nl" "_ s wort dizziness" "_ s prep" "_ s county fl courthouse" "_ s wort perennial daves" "_ s wort unsafe herbal interactions" "_ s college southsea term dates" "_ s millitary academy" "_ s cogic" "_ s wort dye color" "_ s ucc emmaus" "_ s lutheran school goodhue mn" "_ s nl cancer clinic" "_ s hospital maplewood minnesota" "_ s rv st augustine florida" "_ s church" ] using st_john
CMC @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=jo 12.30299 SUFFIX=hn 10.59179 SUFFIX=ohn 10.37304 FIRST_WORD=st 7.52261 PREFIX=joh 7.45270 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 3.52316 LASTSUFFIX=hn 2.08382 FULL_POS=NN -5.27944 CHARS -8.72251 WORDS -12.34185 ] using st_john
Sempasre @1033 (75.0%) on 26-dec-2016 [ "St John was one of the twelve apostles and tradition tells us that he was a close friend of Jesus ." ] using st_john
CMC @994 (100.0%) on 12-may-2016 [ PREFIX=jo 15.63163 SUFFIX=hn 10.12771 SUFFIX=ohn 9.96742 PREFIX=joh 4.83553 POS=NN 4.46187 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 2.61968 FULL_POS=NN_NN 1.40012 FULL_POS=NN -4.41193 WORDS -8.42241 CHARS -13.84417 ] using st_john
CPL @1097 (98.4%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "_ s lutheran church" "Hotel located in _" "_ 's wort" "_ 's gospel" "_ 's Church" "hotel washington _" "_ 's Wort" "_ s church" ] using st_john
CPL @1114 (97.7%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "_ s lutheran church" "_ s episcopal church" "_ s hospital" "_ 's wort" "_ s cathedral" "hotel washington _" "_ 's Wort" "_ s wort" "_ s catholic church" "_ s basilica" "_ s church" ] using st_john
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Mary and arg2" "arg1 and Child with the Infant arg2" "arg1 on the throne with arg2" "arg1 and Child with arg2" "arg1 with Child and arg2" "arg1 Islands National Park on arg2" ] using (virgin, st_john)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and the Virgin arg1" "arg2 and the Blessed Virgin arg1" "arg2 brought the Virgin arg1" ] using (mary, st_john)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and the Virgin arg1" "arg2 and the Blessed Virgin arg1" "arg2 brought the Virgin arg1" ] using (mary, st_john)